Mar eolas:
Tá staidéar oíche tosnaithe arís, tá sé á rith do do bhliain 3, 5, 6 ó Luan go Déardaoin idir 4.15 agus 7.30. Costas: €60 le híoc an aip.
Fur your information:
Evening study has commenced again, it runs for years 3, 5 and 6 from Monday to Thursday between 4.15pm and 7.30pm. Fees: €60 to be paid through the app.
Eolas faoi iamh maidir le tacú meabhair sláinte na n-aos óg / Information attached regarding supporting young people`s mental health.
Mar eolas:
Beidh Cruinniú Múinteoirí / Tuismitheoirí do bhliain 6 tráthnóna Déardaoin, 7/11/2024 ó na 16.15 go 18.45. Scoil críochnaithe ag 3.45.
For your information:
Parent / Teacher meeting for year 6, Thursday, 7/11/2024, between 4.15- 6.45p.m. School finishes at 3.45p.m.
Mar eolas:
Beidh cruinniú tuismitheoirí / múinteoirí do dhaltaí bliain 3, Déardaoin, 24/10/2024 idir 4.15r.n agus 6.45r.n. Scoil críochnaithe ag 3.45i.n.
For your information:
3rd year Parent teacher meeting on Thursday, 24/10/2024 between 4.15 -6.45. School finishes at 3.45pm.
Fógra faoi caint sábháilte faoi iamh.
Óstán na Sceilge, Dé Luain, 14/10/2024.
Information notice regarding Safe talk enclosed.
Skellig Hotel. Monday, 14/10/2024.
Mar eolas,
Cruinniú do thusimitheoirí / múinteoirí bhliain 2, amárach, Déardaoin, 10/10/2024 idir 4.15 - 6.45. Beidh an scoil ag críochnú ag 3.45.
For your information:
Parent teacher meeting for year 2, tomorrow, Thursday, 10/10/2024 between 4.15 - 6.45pm. The school will finish at 3.45pm.
Cur i gcuimhne:
Cruinniú eolais ar Measúnaithe Rang Bunanna do thuistí bhl. 2 agus 3 Déardaoin, 3/10/2024 ar 6pm
Meeting for 2nd and 3rd year parents on Classroom Based Assessments on Thursday, 3/10/2024 at 6pm
Cur i gcuimhne:
Beidh cruinniú eolais do thuistí bhl. 1 ar siúl Déardaoin, 3/10/2024 ar 6.30pm
Meeting for 1st year parents Thursday, 3/10/2024 at 6.30pm
D'iarr Feidhmeannacht na Seirbhíse Sláinte ar gach aon scoil eolas mar gheall ar an vacsaín don bhfliú srónach a chur ar súile do thuismitheoirí gach dalta seacht mbliana déag agus faoina bhun. Ta an eolas anseo thíos.
The Health Service Executive has asked all schools to pass on this information about the Nasal Flu Vaccine to parents of all students up to 17 years old. Pleas see information below.
Faoi iamh dátaí cruinnithe Tuismitheoirí / Múinteoirí 2024-2025
Enclosed find dates for Parent / teacher meeting 2024 -2025