Displaying 1311-1320 of 2590 results.
Science Week Tuesday
Created : 10 Nov 2020, 4:46 PM
Archived : 10 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Clue 2 on Tuesday
I was once mistaken for as lead and I translate to 'leadlike' however, I am not lead, Who am I?
LC Parents
Created : 09 Nov 2020, 1:56 PM
Archived : 09 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Hi All LC Parents,
As you may be aware the 6th Yr Parent - Teacher meeting was due to take place tomorrow Tuesday the 10th of November . Unfortunately, this is not possible in COVID times . However,Teachers will make contact with parents where they feel it particularly important to do so during this week. If Parents of 6th Years want to contact a teacher on a particular issue relating to your son/daughter please do so by teacher email during the week.
Denis Ring
Chillax Club
Created : 05 Nov 2020, 10:03 AM
Archived : 05 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Our BCS Chillax Club starts next week & will be available to BCS students over the coming weeks. It will take place in Room 29 at lunchtime (12:55) on Tuesdays & will involve a mix of meditation, mindful colouring, films, etc. Next week we are starting with 1st Year students. Spaces are limited to a max of 12 students so it will be run on a first-come first-served basis.
Created : 04 Nov 2020, 9:45 PM
Archived : 05 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Evan Mansfield (from last year's 6th-year group.) in conjunction with the University of Limerick Movember Team, is running 60km in November to honor the 60 men who lose their lives every hour to suicide across the globe. As part of this challenge, I am also trying to raise money for the Movember charity, which does amazing work supporting positive mental health initiatives and providing suicide prevention services to men worldwide. you can help Evan out at this link:
BCS Halloween Newsletter
Created : 01 Nov 2020, 6:56 PM
Archived : 01 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Blackwater Community School
Halloween Newsletter 2020 (School reopens Monday 2nd November)
Dear Parent/Guardian
A thuismitheoirí dhíl, I would like to wish everybody a peaceful and enjoyable mid-term break. This newsletter affords me the opportunity to update you regarding some of the recent happenings and achievements at our school.
Congratulations to the following on their appointments to BCS: Laureen Richard (French), Mia Cronin
(PE & Irish), Laura Houlihan (Home Economics & Religion), Conor Murray (Business) Deirdre O’Keeffe (Home Economics & RE), Angela Leahy (Art & ASD), Michelle Crowley (German), Dervla Finnerty (History), Una O’Dwyer (Art), Danielle Murphy (Biology & Science), Caroline Ormonde (SNA), Lucie Higgins
(Career Guidance), Fiona Tobin (Music) & Laura Dudley McEvoy (English)
Maternity Leave: – Best wishes to Jane Prendergast & Catherine Ahearne who are both on maternity leave.
Retirement: We will miss Catriona Hennessy, Lily McNamara and Bridget Taaffe who have retired at the end of the academic year. Each of these have given huge service above and beyond the call of duty at BCS and before that in our amalgamated schools. We will miss Catriona, Lily and Bridget very much and sincerely thank them for all their years of hard work in BCS. We also wish Susan Cronin well on her retirement as cleaner in BCS
Parental Leave: We wish Olivia Forde well in her parental leave for the coming academic year.
Job-sharing: Caroline Flynn & Claire Lane will be job sharing for the coming year.
Secondment: David King will continue to be on secondment with the NCCA for the coming academic year.
JCT: Sean Murphy, Sarah Jane Mulcahy and Alan Lawlor are appointed part time JCT advisors for the coming year.
Caretaker & Cleaning Staff: Walter Power has been appointed as an additional caretaker. Nuala Duffy & Caroline Geoghegan have been appointed new cleaners at BCS..
Plant & Equipment:
During the summer, the tender process for our school extension was completed. A contractor (Tom O’Brien of Waterford) was appointed as the builder and work is expected to commence during 2021.
Meanwhile, we have successfully secured 4 additional prefabricated buildings for the new academic year. These will be placed behind the main school building near the tarmac area.
Our ASD unit has been transferred to the Monastery building and we wish the ASD team of Annabella Nevin (Senior Coordinator) Fintan O’Connor (Junior Coordinator) and new teacher Angela Leahy all the best going forward.
We have a newly created covered area in the Monastery car park for our 2nd yr & TY students. We have provided additional seating for students at break times in the main assembly area.
The 2 existing smaller prefabs are now being used for SEN classes.
We have altered the makeup of the main office to reduce
the traffic into the school building. Our main reception is now located in the Monastery building with Marie Morrissey relocating there. Students and parents are using this for signing in/out during the school day. All visitors are also using this entrance. Teachers and students are using a new hatch off the corridor nearest to Tina Meagher’s back office. Katriona O’Donoghue has also relocated to an account’s office in the Monastery.
Thank you to all the caretaking and cleaning staff, Pat, Imelda, Orla for the hours and hard work during the summer to ensure the building was ready for reopening.
We have invested in additional PPE, hand sanitisers, wipes, hand dryers etc throughout the building.
Teaching & Learning related classrooms:
ASD Classrooms – The ASD unit has now moved to the more permanent structure of the Monastery.
Learning Support Rooms- The small prefabs are now available for Learning support classes
The new prefabs will be realigned to ensure they have a capacity of more than 24 students. We have also created larger capacity rooms (up to 30 students) in the reference library and upstairs in the PE hall (which are Covid Compliant)
The Canteen kitchen will now act as a first aid room.
Maurice Geary has ensured that all furniture has been removed from classrooms to facilitate the distancing of tables and chairs 1 metre apart. Marking are placed on all floors. All additional furniture, lockers and equipment have been stored in a newly purchased container.
Staff Related Information:
Staff handbooks have been further updated and the key Teaching & Learning related agreed upon over the years has been highlighted in one section. Other areas including the Agreed Practices etc and the school calendar have been updated.
Croke Park & Curricular hours – The 45 hours planning time has been sent to all staff in June following consultation and includes considerable subject department planning opportunities.
School Development Planning:
Policy Review: We are obliged to review the following policies at both Board of Management and Staff meetings at the commencement of the school year.
• Critical Incident Plan.
• Child Protection Statement & Risk Assessment.
• Health & Safety Statement.
Following a review of our Policy Audit, the following are scheduled to be reviewed this year:
• Finalising our BCS Admissions Policy.
• Covid Response Policy.
• Covid Action Plan.
• Covid Risk Assessment Policy.
• Protocol for Remote Learning Policy.
Student PR book: The student PR book has been updated and changed in consultation with Year-Heads and staff.
Subject Department Planning: All subject departments membership of the respective associations will continue to be paid for by the school as has always been the case. Planning time has been doubled over the past 2 years.
Subject Inspection Feedback: All subject specific feedback from inspections, along with programmes and WSE reports continue to be included in the T & L section of the staff handbook. This provides valuable feedback to help inform and facilitate future subject department planning. Music inspection from last year has been added. The only subjects now awaiting inspection are Art, History, German. CSPE, DCG, Construction Studies, Chemistry, TY, LCVP, RE, Careers & IT.
Teacher Induction: Maria O’Brien & Maurice Geary held an induction day at the start of the year for all new members of teaching staff.
Blended Learning: Maria O’Brien and Anne Bennett have attended In-Service on blended learning from ACCS over the summer and facilitated an online workshop to all staff in early September.
Student Information: Congratulations to all staff & students on the results achieved in the Leaving certificate calculated grade process. Thanks to all members of staff for their hard work in ensuring that the calculated grade model worked so effectively on behalf of our school. Thanks to all who helped our students directly or indirectly to achieve their academic goals. Special thanks to John Heneghan as Year-Head and his tutors, Sile Heneghan, Annmarie Lineen, Brian Foley, Colm Perrott and Paul Joyce for their work over the past 2 years with this year group.
Thanks to all those involved in mentoring, led by Sean Murphy, which further assisted and supported our students. Likewise, thanks to the Pastoral Care team led by Marianne Landers,
the Positive Discipline initiative, as well as the Wellbeing Committee, indeed all the assistance provided to our students by all the secretarial staff, SNAs and ancillary staff on a day to day basis during their years in BCS.
Analysis of LC Results: All State Exam Results analysis was emailed to the respective subject convenors.
Book Rental Scheme: Thanks to Annmarie Lineen for coordinating the Book Rental scheme in advance for the coming academic year, particularly this year
as returning books during Covid-19 was problematic.
Health & Safety: Thanks to Colm Perrott for all his help last year, we have had an opportunity to look at the Risk Assessment findings for all practical classes. Fire drill procedures have been reviewed at the start of the year.
Junior Certificate Results: Results came in mid-September. Once again thanks to all who worked with our JC students during the lock down, especially Sheena Wilkinson and her tutors who ensured that all students had access online and completed their exams with minimum disruption.
Incoming 1st yr students; Thanks to Emma Barry for putting together a transition video for incoming 1st yr students and to Sheena Wilkinson and her tutors with Marianne Landers for facilitating an induction on Webex.
Parents’ Council: Sincere thanks to the Parents’ Council for all their hard work this year and their support during the Covid-19 lockdown under the Chairperson Dorothy Ahearne. They have been extremely supportive and positive. They organised an excellent Mental Health Fundraising Raffle during the year which had to postponed but was completed by the Friday of the Halloween Break.
BCS Self-Evaluation: Thanks to all staff who contributed to the end of year survey, the findings were summarised under 2 main headings:
1. Positive feedback on the 19/20 Academic Year.
2. Recommendations for the 20/21 Academic Year.
All students and parents have had opportunities to complete surveys on the past year. These have been summarised in a school booklet for the year which is being presented to our BOM/ Trustees and the DES Inspectorate.
Parent/Teacher Meetings: At the moment, we are advised due to Covid not the hold P/T meetings.
Study: We have reintroduced study for 6th students and looking at extending this to 5th years in the
coming weeks.
Head Boy/Head Girl: Applications have been received for the interviews for Head Boy/Head Girl positions prior to Halloween.
Student Council: Our Student Council has been elected for the coming year and have undergone training.
BT Young Scientist: Our Students are busy preparing for the upcoming Virtual BT Young Scientist Exhibition in January 2021.
Teacher Sub-Committees: Our sub-committees have met on 3 occasions since the beginning of the school year. The committees specialise in the following areas:
School Website.
Teaching & Learning (including Digital Strategy)
Green Schools.
School Self-Evaluation.
Health & Safety.
Pastoral Care/Wellbeing.
Green Flag Success:
Congratulations to Ann O’Sullivan and her team of staff & students who helped the school achieve Green Flag status. This is not an easy task in a building with 940 people including Students & Staff at BCS.
We are having a day of support re GDPR training arranged by ACCS in November.
School Improvement Plan:
Our 2019/2020 School Improvement Plan (SIP) has been reviewed and work is near completion on our 2020/2021 SIP.
Our 5th yr students are doing an excellent job in working with our 1st yr students and integrating them into our school life at BCS.
Our LC students are being mentored by our Teaching Staff.
Student Survey:
The Wellbeing Committee conducted a student survey on the views of students on their return to BCS since September.
Virtual Open Night:
The BCS Open Night will take place at 7pm on 12th November. Details to follow.
Happy Halloween
Mise le Meas ,
Donncha Uas O’Rinn
All Saints Day
Created : 22 Oct 2020, 3:46 PM
Archived : 01 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
We remember all our loved ones who have died. We pray all who grieve that God may give them comfort and strength. In the words of John Henry Newman.
"May he support us all the day long, till the shades lenghten and the evening comes and the busy world is hushed and the fever of life is over, and our work is done. Then in his mercy, may he give us a safe resting place and peace at last. Amen."
TY Future Leaders
Created : 28 Oct 2020, 10:17 AM
Archived : 28 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Transition Year students are presently undertaking the GAA Future Leaders Module.The “Future Leaders Transition Year Programme” is a joint initiative from the GAA and the Professional Development Service for Teachers (PDST). It is a cross-curricular programme comprising of a series of modules designed to encourage maturity, initiative, responsibility and leadership skills in pupils. The Programme gives pupils the knowledge and skills to support all roles required in the effective staging of Gaelic Games. As part of the Programme students are challenged to organise and run both on-field and off-field events for younger students.Last week the TY’s took part in their GAA future leaders module online working on their first reflection and participating in the events management module where they will be planning events throughout the school year!
Parents Council Draw
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 8:00 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done and thank you from The Parents Council to all who supported our raffle: those who bought tickets and those who sponsored the fantastic prizes.It was well supported and a lot of prizes were won by students, staff and parents. Lots of happy winners going home today on their Mid Term Break.
Here is a list of all prizewinners
Happy Halloween
Created : 23 Oct 2020, 5:03 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi All,
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all stakeholders of BCS for playing their respective parts in ensuring we have got to the Halloween successfully.
A lot of work has been put in by everyone in constantly reviewing and updating our practices to keep safe in these times . Thanks to all staff members , parents , BOM, and students (in their recent survey ) for all having an input in ensuring we continue to move forward in a positive and constructive fashion at BCS. Recent changes including improvements to our social areas , more shelter in external areas, additional seating and the return of LC study have been important recent responses to the challenges we face . Other changes have also been reviewed in the areas of break times etc. but have proved challenging and in some cases logistically difficult.
When we return, we look to further extend study and return to more co/ extracurricular activities at BCS.
Thanks to all for ensuring we had a fun element to the end of term today . Special thanks to our Parents’ Council and the success of their Mental Health raffle today . Well done to our Wellbeing committee with their class quiz also today.
We pay special thanks to Bridget Taaffe who retired recently after lifelong service to education at BCS and Pres/CBS Lismore.
Meanwhile, our wish is that everyone gets to recharge their batteries and come back after Halloween refreshed and ready to go again. Please keep safe and well in these challenging times .
Happy Halloween .
Ní neart go cur le chéile.
Denis Ring
Autumn Blessings
Created : 22 Oct 2020, 3:41 PM
Archived : 23 Dec 2020, 12:00 AM
I hope everyone has a safe and restful midterm break-Caroline