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Latest meeting re DES and stakeholders held on Tuesday
Created : 03 Feb 2021, 6:32 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Home > Press & Events > Press Releases > 2021 Press Releases 02 February, 2021 – Further meeting held of subgroup of Advisory Group on planning for state examinations 2021 The subgroup of the Advisory Group of stakeholders on planning for the state examinations 2021 held a further online meeting today, Tuesday 2 February. The meeting was attended by the Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD. The subgroup includes representatives of students, parents, teachers, school leadership and management bodies, the State Examinations Commission (SEC) and the Department of Education. The subgroup was formed to consider in greater depth issues relating to planning towards the 2021 examinations. The Department of Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science was also represented. Today’s meeting considered the assessment arrangements for the 2021 Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate. This included exploration of a number of options for the Leaving Certificate, which sought to take account of the impact of school closures on allowing the examinations to be run in as close a manner as in a normal year. The Minister thanked the members of the subgroup for their continuing work and ongoing engagement in the efforts to plan for the examinations in 2021. A further meeting of the subgroup is planned for later this week.
Feast of St Blaise
Created : 02 Feb 2021, 12:47 PM
Archived : 03 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Through the intercession of St Blaise, bishop and martyr, may God deliver you from ailments of the throat and from every other evil. † In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. †
Schools History Competition
Created : 02 Feb 2021, 9:20 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Decade of Centenaries Schools Irish History Competition for Primary and Post-Primary Schools 2021 The decade 2012–2022 is categorised as the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ as it marks the centenary of a number of important historical events and developments that occurred in the period 1912–1922, and which formed a vital role in the formation of modern Ireland. As part of the ‘Decade of Centenaries’ commemorations, schools and students at all levels of primary and post-primary schools across Ireland are invited, in the 2020/2021 school year, to enter the annual schools’ history competition. The selected themes have a particular link to events of a century ago across the island of Ireland. Topics This year, at both primary and post-primary levels, projects are invited under the following general headings. Please note that all categories can incorporate a local/regional studies theme: Revolution in Ireland – a study of a political/revolutionary event from the 1912–1922 period, a particular aspect of the event, or an individual/group/organisation associated with it. As with the other categories, this can incorporate a local/regional studies theme. Ireland and the First World War – a study of the Irish experience of the war from the perspective of an individual or group. This could involve a focus on a particular battle, an individual participant’s story or a consideration of the entire 1914–1918 period. Women during the revolutionary period in Ireland – a study of a particular individual/group/organisation/movement striving to improve the quality of women’s lives or involved in revolutionary activity in Ireland in the 1912–1922 period War of Independence – a study of a political/revolutionary event from the 1919–1921 period, a particular aspect of the event, or an individual/group/organisation associated with it. Civil War - a study of a particular individual/ organisation/ group/ movement/ event during the civil war in Ireland and its impact Each project must include a cover sheet at the front (a template cover sheet is available to download below) and a bibliography listing the sources consulted. i. Essay Competition – Primary and Post Primary The maximum word count for projects is 2,000 words at primary level (i.e. for projects submitted by a class, group of pupils or an individual pupil), and 4,000 words at post primary level (i.e. for projects submitted by a class, group of students or individual student). Projects may be submitted in either English or Irish. All projects must be submitted as word documents to historycompetition@ucc.ie. PowerPoint presentations cannot be accepted. ii. Transition Year Video Competition This year, we have included a special video competition for Transition Year students. The video can be on any of the topics listed above. The video must be no more than 5 mins in length and must cite all sources. It can be submitted in a variety of ways –it can be uploaded to a private page on YouTube or Vimeo with the link emailed and all supplementary information, references etc., emailed to historyvideocompetition@education.gov.ie. A link can also be sent via WeTransfer or the video can be recorded on to a DVD and posted to History Video Competition, Curriculum and Assessment Policy Unit, Department of Education, Marlborough St, Dublin 1. There are many websites available to give assistance to both teachers and students in the creation of a video project, among these are: digitalstory.ie físfilmpostprimary.ie scoilnet.ie For both the essay competition and the video competition references must be included, candidates need to be aware of the copyright limitations on songs and images, as well as text. Further information in this regard can be found on icla.ie and via the patents office, iopi.gov.ie. Deadline for submissions: The deadline for receipt of completed projects is 30 April 2021 with the winners being announced, and prizes awarded, before the end of September 2021. Projects must be submitted online to the following email address: historycompetition@ucc.ie. Each project must include a cover sheet at the front (a template cover sheet is available to download below) and a bibliography listing the sources consulted. Decade of Centenaries Schools History Competition 2021 Template cover sheet for submission of entries Possible Sources
Last year’s State Examinations Results out today on Student’s Self Service Portal
Created : 02 Feb 2021, 10:02 AM
Archived : 02 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
02 February, 2021 – Ministers Foley and Madigan congratulate students on receiving Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle examination results today The Minister for Education Norma Foley TD and Minister of State with responsibility for Special Education and Inclusion Josepha Madigan TD, congratulated some 2,200 Leaving Certificate students who today received results from their written examinations. 2,155 students who undertook the 2020 written examinations across the Leaving Certificate Established, Leaving Certificate Applied and Leaving Certificate Vocational Programme are receiving their results today. In addition, 47 adult learners and early school leavers who sat Junior Cycle examinations will be receiving their results. The 2020 Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied written examinations were held from 16 November to 11 December 2020, following their postponement from June as a result of COVID-19. The examinations were made available to all students who wished to sit them after over 60,000 students received Calculated Grades last September. Minister Foley said: “I want to congratulate all of you who undertook the examinations. 2020 was an exceptionally difficult year for all of you. We are still in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic, and you have been through so much even in these extraordinary circumstances. While some of you may have been disappointed with your Calculated Grades results, you undertook the challenge of studying for the postponed exams and have worked hard for your results. “Due to public health measures in place, you will not be able to celebrate the way you would have liked, but I know that you all understand the role each one of us has to play in keeping one another safe.” Minister Madigan also offered her congratulations: “Ba mhaith liom mo bhuíochas a ghabháil leis na daltaí ó rang 2020. The class of 2020 has had a very challenging year and I extend my warmest congratulations to those of you who are receiving results today. You have worked hard and come through very difficult times. You now have the opportunity to take time to consider all the options which are available and can lead you to your chosen path, whatever it may be. Life is full of possibilities. Whatever your results today – there will be opportunities for you.” A Leaving Certificate Exam Helpline, run by the National Parents Council – Post-Primary, with the support of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors, will open today at 2.00pm and will provide advice to students and parents regarding the examination results. The helpline, which receives support from the Department of Education, can be contacted at 1800 265 165. It will remain open until 5 February. In addition, the State Examinations Commission will operate a helpline for candidates. This SEC helpline, at 1800 100 135, will be open from 9.00am today until 5.00pm on 12 February. Notes for Editors From 12pm on Tuesday 2 February, Leaving Certificate students can access the results of the written examinations on the State Examinations Commission (SEC) Candidate Self-Service Portal. Leaving Certificate Applied students will have their results issued to them directly by email. Results of the Junior Cycle examinations for adult learners and early school leavers have been sent to the schools or centres where they sat the examinations. 2,155 candidates sat the Leaving Certificate examinations, while 47 adult learners and early school leavers sat the Junior Cycle examinations. The Leaving Certificate examinations ran from Monday 16 November until Friday 11 December, while the Junior Cycle examinations ran until Friday 30 November. Leaving Certificate students are receiving results for the written examinations only, except in the case of five subjects, where the coursework involved was marked as this had been completed prior to school closure and these marks are included in the grading of these subjects. These subjects are: Home Economics journals LCVP Portfolio Design and Communication Graphics coursework Physical Education (PE) Physical Activity Project Engineering coursework. Students unhappy with their results will have access to an appeals process. Final certificates will issue to all Leaving Certificate 2020 candidates later in the year. In the case of students who received Calculated Grades and opted to sit the examinations, their certificates will show the better grade awarded. Students may also continue to access their Calculated Grades via the Self Service Portal. The SEC has provided the Central Applications Office (CAO) with the following information: the Leaving Certificate written examinations results of students who did not receive Calculated Grades and, for students who received Calculated Grades and sat the postponed written examinations, the results of the written examinations, in cases where a higher grade has been achieved. Leaving Certificate students who are entitled to a higher CAO offer on foot of these results, will receive a deferred college offer to start their course in the 2021/22 academic year. Higher education institutions making improved offers to students will be in contact with them during the week commencing 8 February. In order to take up a deferred offer, students who have not already done so must make a 2021 application to the CAO. Formal CAO offers of deferred places will issue in July. If a student who has started first year of a course becomes entitled to a higher CAO offer following the written examinations and chooses to accept this offer in the 2021/22 academic year, attendance for the first year on the new course will remain eligible for free fees and SUSI funding as appropriate.
Created : 01 Feb 2021, 2:18 PM
Archived : 02 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
When you wake on February 2, you are 40 days from Christmas. You might think it is Groundhog Day, but alongside this celebration of forecasting hope or gloom, it is also Candlemas. Candlemas is very old tradition rooted in the visit of Mary and Joseph to the Temple which occurred at the end of the 40 days new mothers had to wait before entering the temple. It is a feast of light celebrating the radiance of Simeon’s vision as he sees from a place of wholeness: “Now, O God, you can dismiss your servant in peace, just as you promised; because my eyes have seen the salvation which you have prepared for all the people to see – a light of revelation to the Gentiles and the glory of your people Israel.” (Luke 2:29-32, Inclusive Bible) Since the 11th century Candlemas is a day of blessing candles. i like this. The villagers would gather their beeswax candles and take them to the church to be blessed. Later, they would eat crepes. I like this too! Now, this feast of candles at winter’s midpoint did have a weather connection. According to popular belief, poor weather and cloudy skies on February 2 meant an early summer and if there was sunshine, look out! There is at least 40 more days of cold and snow. (Hence the groundhog!) So, take a moment light a candle. Say a blessing. And eat crepes.
Thought for the Week ahead!
Created : 01 Feb 2021, 10:21 AM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
BCS Fittest Family Week 1 Challenge
Created : 01 Feb 2021, 8:54 AM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached image for details of Challenge 1. Good luck to all the families involved. Don’t forget to get video entries to Miss Horgan.
PE Week 4
Created : 01 Feb 2021, 8:40 AM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
As we enter Week 4, we encourage all our students/staff/parents to ensure you are getting a break from screens, spending time outside and getting some form of exercise. For our students, it is very important that you use your PE scheduled time for physical activity and not a chance to catch up on work/watch TV etc. Use some of the ideas attached and keep in contact with your PE teacher for further information. 1. Try some Yoga with Adriene. This is a perfect starting point for anyone who hasn’t tried yoga and provides endless beginner level classes, starting with gentle 20-minute introductory routines. youtube.com/c/yogawithadriene 2. Try the Operation Transformation Minimum Fitness Test. Remember - this test is designed to show whether or not you fit within the minimum standards of physical fitness. If you don’t pass on the first attempt, keep using the OT exercise plan to improve your strength and fitness and try again in a few weeks. ot.rte.ie/fitness-test/ 3. Check out Sport Ireland ‘Keep well campaign’. The Keep Well campaign is aimed at showing people of all ages how we can mind our own physical and mental health and wellbeing by adding healthy and helpful habits to our daily and weekly routines. The previously mentioned 21 Day Walking Challenge is part of this campaign. Check out these videos which are suitable for children with Autism www.sportireland.ie/keepwell/videos1 Check out www.sportireland.ie for more. 4. Use your PE time for Couch to 5k training. The event will be happening in two weeks. Remember to download the Strava App to record activity and to join the Blackwater Community School Strava Club. 5. Try a PE Class with Joe Wicks. There are live classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9am. You can also watch back previous classes. Please see his channel here youtube.com/c/TheBodyCoachTV 6. Fancy as HITT session? Get a good workout in a short space of time. youtu.be/6oGHM-rOqw8
Happy St Brigid’s Day
Created : 29 Jan 2021, 3:57 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Happy St Brigid’s day to everyone, from Caroline. youtu.be/AqN3XAqoFDg youtu.be/UxsVmcPqMrw
BCS Weekly Update
Created : 29 Jan 2021, 6:54 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Hi All, Thanks once again to everyone regarding their ongoing commitment to Online Teaching and Learning. We know it is extremely challenging but so far everyone is making a massive effort in ensuring it is successful. As you are aware, the DES are in constant talks concerning decisions to be made re the Reopening of schools in a phased process( more likely) as well as planning for the assessment of our State Examination students in June or otherwise. During the past week , we were delighted to catch up with 1st yrs,2nd Yrs,3RD Yrs,5th yrs and 6th yrs. It was great to meet them and to receive feedback from them. We are meeting TY students on Tuesday next. We continue to have daily Senior Management Team meetings. Our Assistant Principals continue to meet weekly as does our Pastoral Care Team .If there is somebody struggling that you feel we do not know about ,please contact us. We would especially like to compliment our Student Council for being so supportive in providing valuable feedback for us at our weekly meeting with them and representing us on Thursday at a conference on Student Voice. On Friday next , the 5th of February, we are having a Staff Meeting at 1.30pm. So we will be finishing class at 1.05pm and providing a welcome afternoon break from the screens for our students. Meanwhile as a staff , we have been reviewing aspects of our Positive Behaviour Policy and investigating new approaches to further enhance our tracking of Academic Performance. We hope you all have a restful weekend. Kind Regards, Denis, Maurice and Maria