Displaying 611-620 of 917 results.
Study Tips for Students
Created : 13 Mar 2020, 1:24 PM
Archived : 13 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the attached document for study tips for students while the school is closed.
U-15 Soccer Team in Connacht Final
Created : 13 Mar 2020, 10:48 AM
Archived : 13 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our U-15 soccer team who yesterday beat Ursuline College Sligo 1-0 in the Connacht semi-final with Isabelle Fitzpatrick scoring the winning goal in extra-time in difficult conditions against a very good Ursuline team.
They are now looking forward to their upcoming final.
School Closure
Created : 12 Mar 2020, 11:52 AM
Archived : 12 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Taoiseach Leo Varadkar has announced that all schools are to close from 6pm this evening until 29th March.
We are awaiting further advice from the Department of Education & Skills.
We do not yet know how this will impact on scheduled Junior and Leaving Cert oral and practical exams.
When we have more information we will notify students, staff and parents.
Students Accessing Google Classroom
Created : 09 Mar 2020, 7:42 PM
Archived : 09 May 2020, 12:00 AM
While we all hope that the school will not have to close due to Covid-19, we want to be prepared should this come about.
In this event, we will use Google Classroom to communicate with students, assign work, guide tuition etc.
It is important that all students ensure that they can logon in advance of any closure.
We have put up an information page on our school website explaining how to do so for students who may not have already used Google Classroom. You can access this page at www.taylorshill.ie/education/online-classroom/students.php
Teachers will be preparing for this over the coming days and will put up classes should the school close.
Junior Cert Exams
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 5:42 PM
Archived : 08 May 2020, 1:00 AM
The Minister for Education today issued a press release concerning this year's Junior Cert examinations.
He has stated that the original intention of holding some form of exams in September is no longer the case and schools may, instead, run end of year assessments for students.
The full press release can be found at: www.education.ie/en/Press-Events/Press-Releases/2020-press-releases/PR20-04-29.html
Over the coming days the school will issue details of what this end of year assessment for 3rd Year students will involve.
Free Revise Wise
Created : 20 Mar 2020, 9:52 AM
Archived : 08 May 2020, 1:00 AM
Edco are making available their online Revise Wise revision books to all students free of charge,
Please see the attached picture for details as to how to access these.
Covid-19 Information
Created : 08 Mar 2020, 6:56 AM
Archived : 08 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Latest Letter from CMO to Parents and Schools
Created : 03 Mar 2020, 9:24 AM
Archived : 03 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see the the letter attached below, dated 2nd March 2020, from the Chief Medical Officer of the Department of Health to all schools and parents.
Application to Borrow a Chromebook from the School
Created : 25 Apr 2020, 6:34 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2020, 1:00 AM
The Department of Education and Skills is providing funding to schools to purchase computer devices for students who do not have access to suitable devices to enable them fully access their online learning. By this we mean if you do not have access to a laptop or desktop computer to use - phones and tablets without keyboards are good for viewing content, but you really need a keyboard to be able to type answers, create content etc.
The process of accessing this funding and purchasing equipment will take time, however, we in the school are looking for ways to speed this up and get devices quickly to students who need them.
If students do not have access to a laptop or desktop computer, they may apply to borrow a school Chromebook by completing the form at the link below.
The number of devices we have presently available is limited (although we will be able to purchase additional Chromebooks over the coming weeks), so priority will be given to students in exam years with no access at all, or limited access, to such devices (some people may have some access but are sharing it with others in their homes so find it difficult to get time on the device).
Please note that any devices given to students will remain the property of Dominican College and must be returned to the school when requested.
Full responsibility for the care of the devices will rest with the students and their parents/guardians. If the devices are damaged, repairs or replacement will be the responsibility of the student's parents/guardians.
The application form can be found at forms.gle/1Vx5Bx3n4pBAbTw29
Applications should be submitted no later than 12pm on Tuesday 28th April.
Government Funding for Technology
Created : 22 Apr 2020, 4:34 PM
Archived : 30 Apr 2020, 1:00 AM
The Government announced today that it is making funding available for the purchase of laptop devices for the use of students who do not have adequate access to technology at this time.
According to reports, priority will be given to supporting students in exam years.
We are awaiting official notification from the Department of Education & Skills, but once we receive that and are informed of the details, we will notify students and parents.
The news report can be found at www.rte.ie/news/2020/0422/1134053-education-coronavirus/