Displaying 661-670 of 729 results.
Maths Week at HFSS
Created : 16 Oct 2020, 6:09 PM
Archived : 31 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Maths Week takes place from 10th - 18th Oct. 2020 5th years challenged themselves with Maths bingo! Well done to all of the Transition Year pupils who completed a Maths Orienteering course around Newbridge
Remote School Update
Created : 25 Jan 2021, 4:17 PM
Archived : 27 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent /Guardian, We are now starting week 3 of remote school and we are very proud of your daughters' engagement to date. As you know we are following the school timetable and we expect all students to log in to their Teams classes daily and complete assignments online. Teachers are taking roll calls for every class. If your daughter is having any issues or cannot attend class please could they communicate this directly with the teacher/ Year Head or send an email to reception@holyfamily.ie . Please note that classes will finish early at 3pm tomorrow to facilitate a remote Staff meeting. Thank you.
DES Wellbeing Press Release
Created : 27 Nov 2020, 6:26 PM
Archived : 27 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
6th Year REMOTE Parent Teacher meeting Sign Up ASAP
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 6:31 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
ptmorg.com/parentlogin.php?School=61682A Please sign up ASAP using above link before 12.00 tomorrow to attend REMOTE Parent Teacher meeting for 6th year parents on Thursday 3rd December 4 15pm - 6 30pm . To login to the above link you need your daughter's id which is called CODE & found in eportal under the personal tab. Students/Parents who do not have their unique eportal username/ password have been advised to request same via email to reception@holyfamily.ie . On login you are invited to make appointments for your daughter's subject teachers in order of preference 1,2,3,etc and select Zero (0) if you do not wish to make an appointment for that subject . Once your preferences are completed you will select a button at the end of the screen to indicate you will attend the meeting and your preferences are saved. Appointments will be strictly limited to 5 minutes. We will notify you next week via the app re your appointment schedule and provide further details.. Thank you
3rd Year School Report
Created : 26 Nov 2020, 3:50 PM
Archived : 26 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
The 3rd Year November Assessment reports are available from 4pm today. Please access your daughter’s report through Eportal on the App. Your daughter was given a copy this afternoon of her Eportal log in name and password. Email reception@holyfamily.ie for any issues with Eportal.
National Wellbeing Logo WINNER, Neda Kuznecova
Created : 25 Nov 2020, 3:06 PM
Archived : 25 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Huge congratulations to Neda Kuznecova (5th year) who has been selected as the winning logo entrant for the Department of Education and Skills Wellbeing in Education logo. The Minister of Education, Norma Foley, joined HFSS staff (remotely) to congratulate Neda personally and to present her with a laptop. Thanks to Neda's beautiful artwork, the HFSS Art dept also received an award amount from the DES. Neda's logo will the official logo for all Wellbeing publications.
Front car park closed Thursday, 26th and Friday 27th November
Created : 25 Nov 2020, 2:48 PM
Archived : 25 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Please be advised that the school front car park will not be accessible on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th due to school upgrade works.
Reindeer Challenge
Created : 24 Nov 2020, 5:45 PM
Archived : 24 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all the students who signed up to the Kildare Sports Partnership Reindeer Challenge to become Kildare’s most active school.Students will record their steps every day from today Tuesday 24th November to 23rd December. A big thank you to the TY Sports & Wellness leadership team who are co-ordinating this challenge.Let’s get moving HFSS!
Rainbow day
Created : 20 Nov 2020, 11:16 AM
Archived : 20 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
It’s Inclusion Week rainbow colour civies day in Holy Family, each year group dressed in a colour of the rainbow and raised money for the Student Representatives Council (SRC). Photos taken by the TY media team.
TY Microsoft Dreamspace Virtual Workshop
Created : 17 Nov 2020, 5:28 PM
Archived : 17 Jan 2021, 12:00 AM
Some of the TYs took part in a live virtual tour of Microsoft with one of the Dreamspace Learning Specialists. They also did some team tasks using their own algorithms and learned about AI, virtual and mixed realities and some new coding skills.