Displaying 1251-1260 of 2281 results.
Transition Year 2021/22
Created : 10 Feb 2021, 11:47 AM
Archived : 10 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Below is a link to the 3rd Year Parents Presentation in relation to the TY Program 2021/22 www.staugustines.ie/images/Parents_Presentation_-_3rd_Years_2021.pdf
Attention 3rd & TY Parents/Guardians/Students
Created : 05 Feb 2021, 8:56 PM
Archived : 10 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian/Students, Please see below a letter from Mr. O’Sullivan (Principal) in relation to the 5th year subject options (2021/22). Click on the link for all relevant documents and forms in relation to 5th Year Subject Options 2021. All 5th Year Subject Options Forms must be returned to the school by Monday 22nd February. www.staugustines.ie/enrolment

ISSU Online Learning Hub
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 12:47 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Check out the ISSU online learning hub to get all the resources you need when online learning www.issu.ie/online-learning-hub
Midterm Break
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 12:40 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Reminder- February Mid term is next week so there will not be online classes from Monday 15th to Friday 19th of February Enjoy the break and keep safe!
Midterm & Pre Exam Update
Created : 09 Feb 2021, 12:39 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/ Guardians/Students, Hope you are all well. It now seems most likely that we will not return to school on the 22nd of February. we therefore feel that it is necessary to postpone the Pre Exams scheduled to commence on Monday the 22nd of February until we know the arrangements for the planned return to school and also the measures being put in place for the Junior Cert and Leaving Cert exams by the State Examinations Commission. We currently have no information on this other than what is on the news everyday. Reminder- February Mid term is next week so there will not be online classes from Monday 15th to Friday 19th of February Kind regards and stay safe, Michael O Sullivan Principal
TY Essay Competition
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 5:42 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
When I’m 64 - Essay Criteria A creative composition competition organized by Waterford Older People’s Council for TY students in secondary schools of Waterford City and County Essay Brief The essay above all should develop your personal views on the subject – imagining (and perhaps even planning for) what kind of person you’ll be, what will be the circumstances of your life, where you will live, etc. Let your imagination run wild with this, but with a glimmer of reality. The essay should consider the different aspects of being old in Ireland and how you personally will want to act and feel when you are over 64 years. What do you think your opportunities, challenges, satisfactions, disappointments, interests, friendships and loves will be in 2069 and thereafter? What do you think the situation is today in 2020 for older people? How you would define ‘older people’ now and in the future? There is no need to answer these questions directly but they should be in the background when writing you essay. The essay or story may be written in either English or Irish. The essay will be marked on 100; see breakdown in the next section Criteria 1. The essay will deal with the issue reflecting in some way the points mentioned in the brief. You need to display a clear and purposeful engagement with the essay brief. Overall your essay should be relevant and focused up to 30% of total. 2. Between1200 and 1300 words using Word or similar word processing programme, in 12 point size and ready for email transmission as an attachment. Deadline respected. Up to 10%. 3. Communication is clear - the writing (grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence construction) does not inhibit the reader’s understanding of what you are saying. Up to 25%. 4. Originality - the reader feels that what and how you write is your personal reflection in whatever form it is presented – traditional essay or story - that deals with the issues outlined in the essay brief. In addition, you are expected to use language in a creative way – lively and interesting phrases and a varied vocabulary. Up to 35%. Essays will be taken up by Ms McGann ty@staugustines.ie and judged by the schools English Department. The deadline for submitting the essay to the school is March 26. Each participating school will select one essay which will be forwarded to the OPC Adjudication Team by April 23. The address for forwarding the winning essay to the OPC team is Waterfordopc2019@gmail.com. Be sure to save a copy of your work. The adjudicating committee will select three entries for a prize - €200 for first prize, €125 and €75 for second and third. The entry of the overall winner will be published in the Waterford News and Star. Good luck to all participants. The OPC Adjudicating Team – Valerie Delaney, Peter O’Rourke, Ray McGrath
Scholarship Award for Philip Dunwoody
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 3:15 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Congratulations and well done to past pupil Philip Dunwoody on receiving an academic scholarship in Carlow IT. Philip is currently studying Strength and Conditioning www.itcarlow.ie/study/school-leavers/scholarships/academic-scholarships.htm
Photography Module
Created : 05 Feb 2021, 9:40 PM
Archived : 05 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Take a look at this selection of amazing photographs taken by TY2 students as part of their Rotation 3 photography module with Ms Coffey. Well done !
TY Spoken Poetry Competition
Created : 05 Feb 2021, 9:34 PM
Archived : 05 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
********** Winner *********** Emma Power TY4 has won the TY Spoken Poetry Competition organised by Ms Murphy English Teacher. Congratulations Emma there is an Easons voucher in the post for you.
Created : 05 Feb 2021, 10:54 AM
Archived : 05 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
MAYNOOTH UNIVERSITY: FAST FASHION AND ECONOMICS - A Video For Transition Year Students From Mu Economics Department. Maynooth University is delighted to offer another episode from our Department of Economics on Fast Fashion and Economics as part of the Secondary School Initiative. Hear from Dr Gerda Dewit (Dept of Economics) and Gavin Murphy (Final Year Economics, MU) in this eight-minute video focusing on fast fashion, externalities, and economics in general. You can find this resource here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3gXvqN23Vc&feature=youtu.be