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Created : 29 Apr 2019, 2:01 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
"Absences" from school and "permission to leave" school may be explained using the school App from tomorrow Tuesday 30th May. Please include as much detail as possible as to the reason for your child's absence from class or school. A student should only leave school to attend a medical appointment that cannot be accommodated outside of school time. Where you child must attend a medical appointment during the school day we would encourage that the student would return to school unless medically necessary not to do so.
These notifications will only be checked at 8.15am each morning - please have your message posted before this time. If you post a message after this time it will not be accessed until the next school morning.
If you have any difficulty posting a message on the App please contact the school on 045 868121.
End of Exams.
Created : 24 Jun 2019, 8:24 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
They are finished! The final Leaving Cert exam took place today. Well done to all our 3rd and 6th year students! You all deserve a well earned rest after your hard work and effort. You must be commended on your politeness and behaviour during an arduous experience. LC results will be available at the school at 9am on Tues 13th August. Check in on your CAO before July 1st. Enjoy your holidays and stay safe
Exam Timetables
Created : 09 May 2019, 7:33 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Please find attached the Leaving Certificate & Junior cycle timetables. We wish all our students every success in all their assessments.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
State Examinations
Created : 04 Jun 2019, 1:20 PM
Archived : 25 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Our thoughts are with all of our students currently studying in preparation for examinations. Remember to have balance - study, exercise, good diet and rest. It is important to get a good night's sleep - especially tonight.
Some words of advice for the actual exams:
- be organised the night before
- be familiar with the start time of each exam
- be at your centre at least 15mins before start time
- read each question slowly
- answer what you are being asked
- manage your time for each question effectively
- start with your best question on the day, this will help stimulate your long-term memory
- stay with it until the end
"It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer"-Einstein.
Be confident!
Trust yourself!
This will not define you - however, give it your best shot!
The very best of luck from all in Scoil Mhuire.
Running Track
Created : 14 Jun 2019, 12:11 PM
Archived : 21 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Looking good from the sky...
Works well underway on the running track at Scoil Mhuire. A collaborative project led by @ClaneAc.
Image compliments of @ClaneAc & Sagittarianphotography t.co/pC4nMvlGf6
Managing Exam Stress
Created : 27 May 2019, 11:31 PM
Archived : 21 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Some helpful tips for dealing with exam stress are contained within the info graphic attached. Please be assured that it is natural to experience some stress at exam time. When managed effectively it can actually help us to focus on the task in hand. This feeling of anxiety will subside somewhat once you complete one or two exams - remember that you have a significant body of work completed - structured revision will revive the knowledge you have. All the services of our school are available to you. Best of luck in all your examinations!
Exam Timetables
Created : 10 May 2019, 11:58 AM
Archived : 21 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Please find attached the Leaving Certificate Applied timetable. We wish all our students every success in all their assessments.
Used Book Sale
Created : 12 Jun 2019, 9:09 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
Our annual used book sale is on Tuesday next 18th June. Used uniform items - all cleaned will also be available. The Sale will begin at 9am and finish at 11am. Doors will open at 8.30am. Please bring any books for this sale to the School Office by this afternoon 13th June. Please see our previous notification for important information about resale of books.
Secondhand Books
Created : 11 Jun 2019, 3:04 PM
Archived : 18 Jun 2019, 1:00 AM
1st Years - A limited number of books are available for resale in English, German & Music on Tuesday 18th June between 9 & 11am.
3rd Years - Please return English, German & Music Rental Books ONLY. Students selling these same books must bring them to the School Office by 13th June for the Book Sale on the 18th June. Information / Payment Forms available in the Office.
TY's - Please return TY Irish, English & German books ONLY for resale by 13th June. 5th Year books available second-hand to purchase on the 18th June between 9 & 11am.
6th Years - Please bring books for resale to the School Office by 13th June for the Book Sale on the 18th June. Information / Payment Forms available in the Office.
Next year's TY's - Second-hand books available to purchase at the Book Sale on 18th June between 9 & 11am.
Final day of the TY Trip
Created : 18 Apr 2019, 3:40 PM
Archived : 18 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
For the final day of the TY trip the students did a walking tour of Belfast where they learned about the Troubles. Walking through the peace wall from the Falls to the Shankhill road they heard about the history and visited some of the many murals. It was an eye opening and truly engaging experience for everyone.
This was followed by a bit of retail therapy and the final bus journey home.
The students were a credit to themselves, the school and their families and we hope that they made memories that will last far beyond their days in Scoil Mhuire.