Displaying 1141-1150 of 1183 results.
Created : 16 Apr 2019, 9:41 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
We have been asked to share the attached letter from Dr Mary Conlon in relation to the presence of mumps in our catchment area. Please take time to read it.

2nd Year UK Trip
Created : 16 Apr 2019, 9:37 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
Some of our 2nd Years who are currently in Manchester and Liverpool on their Easter Trip. The first day consisted of the boat to Holyhead and a guided walking tour of Liverpool city.
Elma Walsh
Created : 29 Mar 2019, 9:25 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome back Elma Walsh, Donal Walsh's mom. She shared Donal's message and her own experiences with our 5th Year students. She spoke about Donal's resilience - "stubbornness" , his love of life and his encouragement for people to value life and to reach out for help and guidance if we feel vulnerable. Donal's message to teenagers and young adults is: "Take time, a door will open - you can go to that door" "Why keep it to yourself when people you love - and who love you - are there to help you. They want to help you. They want to get rid of these feelings yours feeling". Speak to your parents, guardians, friend, teacher, coach etc. or if easier spea to a stranger. There are many support organisations for teenagers and young adults - contact someone. # Livelife www.cycleagainstsuicide.com/ask-for-help/
Classroom Based Assessment (CBA)
Created : 01 Mar 2019, 4:25 PM
Archived : 29 Apr 2019, 12:00 AM
All our Second Year students will now begin working on their CBA's. The Visual Art students are currently working on their CBA. Science and Business Studies students will begin their CBA's in the next week or so. Students will also complete a CBA in English and a Modern Foreign Language a little later in the year. CBA's are exactly that. They are part of and replace everyday classwork for the duration of the assessment. This is three weeks for most subjects. To clarify - each CBA does not account for 20% of the final grade of a subject. However, the Assessment Task (third year) does account for 10% of the final grade. Your student's teacher will assess the CBA and award a descriptor that reflects the work produced based on a national standard - features of quality. These descriptors will be reported on your student's JCPA - Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (certificate). Please take time to read through our CBA policy (attached) and discuss with your student. The onus to produce the work lies with the student.

First Year Boys Soccer: Midland Champions
Created : 26 Feb 2019, 4:13 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to our first year boys soccer team who were crowned Midland Champions today. Clane won 1-0 against Kilcullen. In a very close contest, where both teams had some very good chances but it was Andrew Leavy’s goal midway through the second half that ensured the victory for Clane. The team now go on to represent the Midlands and the Leinster Cup. We wish them all the best in the next stage of the contest.
Happy Easter
Created : 19 Apr 2019, 10:50 AM
Archived : 22 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
We wish all our school community a restful and very happy Easter weekend! We hope our students and teachers that travelled to Belfast and Manchester earlier this week enjoyed their time together, the various sites and the many activities - memories for the future... We would like to thank the teachers kindly giving of their personal time over the Easter break to extra-curricular activities for our students' enjoyment. Our thoughts are also with our students currently studying in preparation for examinations. Remember to have balance - study, exercise, good diet and rest, use your time wisely.
TY's Visit Croke Park
Created : 10 Apr 2019, 11:42 AM
Archived : 19 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
Our TY’s went on a tour of Croke Park, where they were treated with a tour of the stadium, the museum and the skyline. At various points along the tour, the students learned about some famous and infamous events that happened in Croke Park over the years, and were given a sample of the rich history which make Croke Park one of the most iconic stadiums in the world today.
Junior Camogie Blitz Winners
Created : 09 Apr 2019, 1:28 PM
Archived : 19 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
The 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year Camogie team won their regional secondary school blitz in Dunganny GAA, the Meath Centre of Excellence with some fantastic wins in their group games and the final. The girls now progress to the regional final in Portlaoise on 8th May. Well done girls!
Friday 12th April
Created : 11 Apr 2019, 3:38 PM
Archived : 13 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
As part of the fundraiser for the 5th Year charity our annual student vs teacher soccer game is on tomorrow at 12pm. Tomorrow Friday is a normal school day up to this time. It is very important that all students attend school as many teachers will be giving assignments and revision work to be completed during the next two weeks in preparation for the last school term and examinations. Study facilities will be provided for students not attending the soccer game. Students will not be permitted to sign into school just to attend the game. Best of luck to all involved in the game tomorrow!
LCAs trip to Glendalough
Created : 29 Mar 2019, 4:14 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2019, 1:00 AM
On Wednesday, LCA 1 and 2 had the opportunity to take part in a religious retreat in Glendalough. A day spent in reflection, meditation, and learning about the history of the different parts of Glendalough. They had quiet time for prayer, lit a candle, tied ribbons around the trees as a sign of thinking of a loved one and walked through parts of Glendalough. The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed it. A wonderful experience for all the LCA students to remember.