Displaying 841-850 of 1034 results.
Impact of School Closures on Examination Activities: Cancellation of Oral and Practical Performance Tests 2020
Created : 23 Mar 2020, 5:04 PM
Archived : 23 May 2020, 12:00 AM
President Higgins - Message for our young people
Created : 23 Mar 2020, 5:02 PM
Archived : 23 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The school has been asked to forward the message delivered by President Higgins on the importance of social distancing to the parents of students in the school.
Students are reminded that they can play their part in the national effort to curb the spread and the worse effects of the Covid-19 virus. Schools are closed to students at present to prevent the spread of this highly contagious and potentially lethal virus. By avoiding assembling and
socialising in groups, students will be playing their part in supporting the national health campaign.
Thank you to students and parents for their engagement with this process in the face of the challenges that it can entail and would encourage all in our school community to do everything you can to maintain the learning and social and pastoral connection between the student and the school.
School closure update.
Created : 20 Mar 2020, 3:00 PM
Archived : 20 May 2020, 12:00 AM
I hope all parents and students are adjusting to the new daily schedules we are experiencing. We are still in the process of rolling out various e-learning platforms so I would ask for patience as both staff and students are experience some teething problems. Junior and Leaving Certificate parents and students have been contacted regarding cancellation of oral and practical performance tests and should now be focusing on their written exams. Students might be interested in a short story competition for 6-18 year olds organised by John Boyne, details at johnboyne.com/short-story-competition/
There is also a colouring book attached which students might be interested in using for themselves or with younger siblings. I would urge all student to continue to follow all hygiene protocols and practise social distancing especially when out and about - the current guidelines are to save lives. I appreciate that current arrangements are placing particular strains on us all but hopefully we will see improvement in the near future.
The school will be open on Wednesday 25th March 10.00am - 1.00pm to facilitate students collecting materials etc.
Cancellation of oral and practical performance tests planned for 30th March to 3rd April.
Created : 19 Mar 2020, 11:43 AM
Archived : 19 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The minister of Education & Skills has today announced the cancellation of oral and practical performance tests for Leaving and Junior Certificate examinations that were scheduled to commence on Monday 23rd March and conclude on Friday 3rd April. Importantly, all students scheduled to take these components will receive full marks for them. Further details can be seen in www.education.ie
The minister announced that the intention is to proceed with the written component of the examinations. Students should focus their efforts on practising exam questions and following revision plans and work schedules as set by teachers.
While not ideal, today's decision gives an amount of certainty and eliminates anxiety about if, when and how the orals and practicals would proceed. Should there be any further updates, you will be informed.
Letter to parents/Guardians re school closure
Created : 18 Mar 2020, 1:38 PM
Archived : 18 May 2020, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians
I hope you and your families are keeping well at this time of uncertainty and that your daughters are settling into a routine of work, relaxation, exercise and time with family. All students should now be using their on line account to access work from teachers via email, teams or OneNote. If they are experiencing any difficulties please email concern to admin@holyfaithclontarf.com
A large number of students availed of the opportunity to come to the school to collect books etc on Friday last and the school will again facilitate students on Friday 20th March 10.00pm – 1.00pm. Should the school not reopen on Monday 30th March, I will be in further contact with parents and have indicated to teachers that further work should be set.
I am particularly aware of the anxiety being felt by the examination year groups, especially the 6th years. Be assured that the DES and SEC will be working to set in place contingency plans that will have as a priority their concerns and wellbeing. When I receive any update in this regard, I will contact you immediately.
With every good wish
6th Year Graduation 2020
Created : 14 May 2020, 10:06 AM
Archived : 16 May 2020, 1:00 AM
There will be a Virtual Graduation for the class of 2020 at 2.00pm on Friday 15th May. Students will attend via Microsoft Teams and I hope their family ca attend with them. I hope to present hard copies of the certificates at a ceremony in the next school year.. I hope all the students are keeping well.
School closure due to Covid-19
Created : 12 Mar 2020, 3:29 PM
Archived : 12 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The Dept of Education and Skills has announced that all schools and colleges are to close from 6.00pm this evening until 29th March, reopening on Monday 30th March. All students have been assigned work for the next while and they have been requested to make sure their school email account is active. They have been instructed to bring books home this evening but in the event of them not being able to bring them all home, arrangements have been made for collection tomorrow, Friday: 5th & 6th year students 9.00 to 11.00 and 1st, 2nd and 3rd years 11.00 to 1.00.
3rd and 6th year students have been told that any contingency plans for oral and practical examinations will be relayed to them as soon as the SEC issues them.
Schools are being closed to prevent spread of Covid-19 and in that regard I would ask students to continue to practice hygiene protocols and to avoid meeting in large groups and keep physical contact to a minimum. The school will keep parents updated via the school app and website. Wishing you all well over the coming weeks.
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Meeting for parents of 1st Year re options
Created : 12 Mar 2020, 8:06 AM
Archived : 12 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The school has decided that it would be in the best interests of all to postpone tonight's meeting for parents of first years. The presentations will be made available to parents via the app and school website and you will be notified when they are available. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Covid-19 – Statement from the Department of Education and Skills and PDF from HSE
Created : 11 Mar 2020, 11:53 AM
Archived : 11 May 2020, 12:00 AM
The Department of Education and Skills is liaising closely with the Department of Health on a continuing basis.
Any decision to close schools will be made on public health advice. There is no such advice at this point. It is essential that any decisions regarding responses to Covid-19 are proportionate, necessary and based on specific public health advice. No other response is appropriate.
Public health professionals will contact schools if there is any action to be taken. Schools should not take unilateral action.
Schools, pre-schools and higher education settings have been provided with advice and guidance in respect of Covid-19. There is up to date guidance for schools and parents on education.ie/covid19.
The Department is deeply conscious of the significance of decisions concerning school closures, and the potential impact any such decisions would have on parents, families and the wider community.
This is an evolving situation and the health advice is being updated on a daily basis. The Department of Education and Skills and Department of Health will continue to work closely together on this issue.
Created : 11 Mar 2020, 10:51 AM
Archived : 11 May 2020, 12:00 AM