Displaying 1511-1520 of 1739 results.
Upcoming TY Events... Mountain Biking and Manchester Trip
Created : 01 May 2019, 10:49 AM
Archived : 01 Jul 2019, 12:00 AM
Next Monday 46 TY Students will travel to the Manchester City vs Leicester City match in the Ethiad on Monday night at 8pm. They will be leaving the school at 7am on Monday 6th May. On Tuesday 7th, they will spend the day in Alton Towers Theme park and return to Naas around Midnight on Tuesday night. If travelling please take a careful look at the Insurance information attached on pdf. 4D and 4F, along with a number of others will have Mountain Biking on Tuesday 7th, leaving the school here at 8.45 on Tuesday morning. The remainder of TY students will be facilitated here in school to work on end of year projects, Journal and Portfolio updating and Gaisce Diary entries,all in preparation for their end of year Assessment and Grading. All TYs are expected to be back in School for Wednesday morning 8th May at 11am.


TY Manchester Trip
Created : 30 Apr 2019, 2:32 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
As the students were made aware yesterday, the TY trip dates have been changed to Monday 6th and Tuesday 7th of next week. Sky Sports have changed the fixture to a Monday night kick off. Bus will now leave the school on Monday morning 6th May at 7am. Full details and itinerary will be available during the coming days..
Revision Tips for Students
Created : 30 Apr 2019, 9:01 AM
Archived : 30 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Now that we are in the final school term we must be mindful of the fact that there is still plenty of time to influence our results. Set yourself realistic, achievable targets, put the head down and get to work - it will be worth it! If we can support or help you in any way please call down to us. Please see attached PDF for some helpful revision tips. A reminder that material from our Study Skills workshops earlier this year is available on the school website www.naascbs.ie under 'Students' -> 'Study Skills' and enter password Kildare123 to gain access.

Arrangements for Final Weeks
Created : 29 Apr 2019, 4:49 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
A letter was given to and discussed with the Leaving Cert students today about arrangements for the final weeks of school. A hardcopy of this letter for parents has gone home with the students. Please see attached a PDF version for Parents also.

TY Events
Created : 29 Apr 2019, 3:48 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Tomorrow, Tuesday 4C & 4E will be going Mountain Biking. The weather forecast is for showers so please bring a change of clothes as well as a packed lunch. The bus will leave in the morning at 8.45 promptly. Also tomorrow, 4D & 4F will be going to Dublin on their Art trip. As it nears the end of the year please help in preparing students for the end of year port folio presentation and interviews,, by ensuring that all projects are completed and submitted. Also to remind everybody of the compulsory pieces..... Gaisce.... Work Experience project submitted in full...... and School Journal and Guest speakers / Trips to be up to date.. N Rennick.
Alexion Visit
Created : 29 Apr 2019, 9:28 AM
Archived : 29 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Our students recently attended a tour of the Alexion facility and engaged in talks from interns and senior management (Jim Bermingham Director of Global Operations and Sean Gallagher Executive Director of Technical Operations) This was a great opportunity for our students interested in Science, Bio-chemical and Mechanical Engineering.
Reminder 1st Year Science - Skydome
Created : 28 Mar 2019, 2:44 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
The Science Department in conjunction with Blackrock Castle Observatory in Cork, have arranged for the Skydome Mobile Plantetarium to come to Naas CBS on Monday 29th April 2019. The Science Curriculum your son is studying contains an introduction to Earth and Space. The Skydome is an exciting and interactive way to cover some of this topic. Only first year students will attend the workshops during this visit. To help cover costs for this event we are asking all first year students to bring in €5 to their Science teacher. Please remember to bring this tomorrow. Kind Regards, Science Department.
All Ireland Junior Golf Champions
Created : 24 Apr 2019, 3:18 PM
Archived : 24 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to James O'Rourke, Andrew Curran, Darragh Behan and Eoin Freeman who won the All Ireland Junior Golf Championship in Portstewart today.
Camino 2019
Created : 17 Apr 2019, 10:20 PM
Archived : 17 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
Well done to all on completing 101km of the Camino de Santiago. A first for the staff and students of Naas CBS. Great accomplishment!
Camino Update
Created : 15 Apr 2019, 5:30 PM
Archived : 15 Jun 2019, 12:00 AM
62km down...38 to go! All in good form, some sore feet (teachers and students). Scenic foot ice bath just outside our current location of Arzúa.