A reminder to all our TY students to give some attention to their plans for next year. What course are you choosing? What are your subject preferences?
If selecting subjects, 7 preferences must be entered for each student. There is no notification/message sent when you submit your preferences so please don't worry about that.
Remember to look at all the information you have, including the LCE subject result guidance on your CAT feedback.
We will be monitoring the system and will get in touch if something has gone wrong. Preferences must be in before midnight on Tuesday.
Application forms for LCA are available from Ms. Mills.
Congratulations to CPC student Jack Courtney, who competed in the All Ireland Darts Championships last weekend in Galway. Jack performed really well and had a very successful time:
Well done Jack!!
Good morning all,
Many thanks to everyone who took time to attend the webinar on Tuesday evening on senior cycle pathways.
Please find attached the slides used during the presentation.
For anyone who was unable to join us, or if you would like to look back at any part of the webinar, a recording an be accessed here:
Passcode: Tg7M$WYJ
For students taking the Leaving Certificate Established programme, subject preferences are now open for your son/daughter to indicate the subjects they would like to study for Leaving Certificate.
Please log in to VsWare (parents/guardians) and select your student.
Select Student Options, read the instructions and select subject preferences with your son/daughter from the drop down menus.
Make sure to click Confirm when finished.
Please remember it is vital that you choose a subject for all spaces. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
The order of your preferences is important, please consider carefully the subjects you most want to do. Preference number 1 is the subject you most want to do etc.
This is not a race, entering preferences quickly does not impact at all on getting a subject so please take your time but be sure to enter preferences by midnight on Tuesday March 19th.
Incomplete subject preferences will be completed on your behalf.
Kind regards
J Leonard
Dear parents/guardians,
it has come to our attention that some students are driving to school and parking on the school grounds.
I wish to remind all parents/guardians and students of the following from the Code of Behaviour:
13 Motorbikes/Cars etc.
● Students with motorbikes must register them with the Secretary in the office. Once registered they may be parked alongside the Assembly Hall. Students with motor bikes that enter or leave the school premises in a reckless manner shall be barred from parking in the school grounds.
● Because of the limited parking space in the school, students are not permitted to park their cars in the school grounds.
● Parents/guardians may not drive inside the School Gates between the following times: 8:25 - 9:10am and 3:40 - 4:10pm.
This is in the interest of safety for all. Failure to adhere to this will be followed up.
Kind regards
J Leonard, Principal
Parents/guardians (and students) are invited to register and attend an online webinar which will take place on Tuesday 12th March at 7pm as per the school calendar.
This is an important event and we encourage all parents/guardians to attend.
Please register in advance using this link:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Should you have any questions ahead of the webinar please contact grainneduffy@cpckilcullen.com