Well done to Kitmarie Hunter 1C and Saoirse Brady1D who won our Poster Competition celebrating Community during Catholic Schools Week. They both received prizes of vouchers from Woodbine Books. Well done!
Afterschool study will run as normal for the duration of the mocks. If your son/daughter isn't attending on any given day please let us know by email to afterschoolstudy@cpckilcullen.com Regards, Terri
Many thanks to everyone who has registered interest in attending Saturday Study. All emails / messages were received and all of those students are invited to attend Saturday study tomorrow, 27th January at 10am.
Please note the following carefully:
I hope that those who attend will find it beneficial.
Please keep an eye on the app for future notification of when Saturday study is on.
J Leonard
The TY Community care class created words of advice, inspiration and good luck for all students in 3rd and 6th year ahead of the mock examinations.
They were hand delivered to each student on Monday, at the beginning of the week. The TY Community care class would like to wish every student, completing mock examinations, the very best of luck.
#communitycare #caringrelationships #goodluck #lecheile
We were delighted to welcome Kilcullen community activist and former Deputy Principal Noel Clare today to speak with classes from First, Second and Transition Year about service in our local community.
Noel gave a fascinating talk on the meaning and importance of community. He spoke about the benefits of participating in our community including making us happier and live longer! It was a lovely way to celebrate Catholic Schools Week
Congratulations to our Pop Up Restaurant Team on their outstanding success last evening. Our TY Students, guided by Georga Dowling and Chef Conor Wafer of Food School, created a feast for the eyes as well as the palette last evening. They were assisted by Fifth Year students Charlie Lawless, Aoibhe Toft, Niamh Hourihan in the kitchen along with Sous Chef Mikey Beckett and Chef Fergal Barton of Food School. our thanks to Brian Byrne for capturing beautiful photos and writing a lovely article which you can access at kilcullenbridge.blogspot.com/2024/01/a-foodie-night-at-cpc-students-secret.html
We were delighted to welcome back past students Aron Wafer, Caitlyn Keogh, Jack Reddy, Hannah Wafer and Amy Moran to help with The Outside Inn.
Thank you also to Fallons for the loan of their beautiful chairs and Naas Country Markets at The Moat Theatre for the loan of their tables.
Thanks also to Emily Strong for creating a Secret Garden Memory Book and to Matthew O'Gorman for creating the beautiful mini garden which were both presented to Year Head Ms Sabrina Mills on behalf of the school.
Parents and staff were so impressed by the quality of the food and service. We are delighted to have this wonderful opportunity for our TY students to learn valuable, life long skills.
Dear parents/guardians,
a quick reminder of the procedures to follow if your son/daughter becomes unwell during the school day and is seeking permission from you to leave school due to illness (excerpt from student journal, page 23):
In the event that the student's year head is unavailable, then they should seek out one of the deputy principals before going to the main office.
Even if a parent submits a note via the app regarding the illness / permission to leave school in lieu of the phone call, the student must make that initial contact with their year head (or deputy principal if the year head is unavailable).
Thank you for your assistance with this matter.
J Leonard