Displaying 1581-1590 of 2406 results.
Update for 3rd year students and parents/guardians
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 3:34 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians,
as you know the government announced last week that the Junior Cycle examinations have been cancelled for June 2021. To date, we are still awaiting further guidance from the Department of Education as to how 3rd year students will be assessed to reflect their achievements in Junior Cycle. It is likely that the format will be similar to last year, a mixture of an in school assessment(s) and consideration of the achievements in learning throughout the 3 years of Junior Cycle to produce a result for students. This will likely form the basis for a school report which will be followed up with a state certificate of completion of the Junior Cycle years. All of this is yet to be confirmed but I wanted to give you an update given that the announcement by government is now one week ago.
While we await further guidance, it is important that you continue to engage fully in remote learning in all of your subjects. As you know, plans are in place for your return to school after the Easter Holidays so it is important that you keep going in the weeks ahead until then. Your work during this period of remote learning will be part of your teachers assessment of your learning in each subject.
The website below is a dedicated webpage for Junior Cycle updates. You can see below the most up to date message there is.
I hope you enjoy the weekend, stay safe and I look forward to you returning when the time comes. I will update you as I receive further information.
J Leonard
This page provides information regarding planning for Junior Cycle assessment 2021 and 2022. Further information regarding arrangements will be posted here as it becomes available.
Following a Government decision on 17 February, Minister for Education Norma Foley TD confirmed that the Junior Cycle examinations will not be run in 2021. Schools will be provided with guidance on continuing to engage this year group in online learning and assessment during the period of school closure and through in-person learning when schools re-open.
Due to public health considerations, and the logistics of running the Leaving Certificate examinations, it is not considered feasible to run the Junior Cycle Exams 2021.
This decision follows intensive engagement with education stakeholders bilaterally and through the Planning for State Examinations 2021 Advisory Group and sub-group.
IT Carlow Virtual Escape Room fun
Created : 26 Feb 2021, 12:26 PM
Archived : 26 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students had a very enjoyable, although competitive experience this morning in the science based Virtual Escape Room hosted by IT Carlow. Well done to all who participated. Congratulations to our winner Ben Cahill, second place Emma Farrington, third place Cathal Stein and fourth place Tadhg Conroy.
TY students are enjoying RCSI Mini Med, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy Courses
Created : 25 Feb 2021, 10:04 AM
Archived : 25 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Many of our TY students are gaining a valuable insight to careers in Medicine, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy through fantastic courses delivered by the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland this week. From listening to esteemed professors to seeing surgeries performed, students are enjoying the opportunity to learn more about these professions.
Information for 6th years and parents/guardians - webinar 7.30pm February 25th
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 11:47 AM
Archived : 24 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear students and parents/guardians,
While we do not have full details on all aspects of the recent government announcements regarding examinations, this webinar is to provide information on what we do know at this point. We will also talk about the planned return to school of 6th years on Monday 1st March. Details have also been sent to parent email addresses. Please note that you must register in advance for this webinar through the link below.
You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Feb 25, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin
Topic: Information for 6th years and parents/guardians
Register in advance for this webinar:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Kind regards
J Leonard
'Squeeze in a Read' A national day to celebrate reading
Created : 24 Feb 2021, 11:27 AM
Archived : 24 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
During tomorrow, Thursday 25th February, we are all, regardless of age, being encouraged to 'Squeeze in a Read'. Why? Because taking some time to relax and do something you enjoy, like reading is important to help look after your mental well being. At the time of posting, Ireland has pledged to read for 415,838 minutes! Will you help to increase this total? Go to www.irelandreads.ie for more information. Happy reading!
Leaving Certificate 2021 Update and Junior Cycle
Created : 18 Feb 2021, 1:43 PM
Archived : 18 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians and students,
I hope you are keeping well and enjoying a break from remote learning during mid term break. As you are no doubt aware, government announced plans regarding Leaving Certificate 2021 and Junior Cycle 2021 last night. There is still a lot of detail that we do not have at this stage and I know you will have questions about this announcement. Until we receive further guidance this is as much as I know at this point:
The Minister has issued a statement setting out the broad parameters of arrangements for this year’s Leaving Certificate examination:
The main elements are as follows:
1. Written Leaving Certificate examinations will be put in place, which will –
• Operate in accordance with the normal timetables:
LCE www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-EX-46337197.pdf and
LCA www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-EX-97312473.pdf
• Be conducted subject to public health advice and providing, as far as possible, access to the examinations for very high-risk students, and,
• Be supported by clear information and guidance to students and schools
2. Additional assessment components, such as orals, practical performance tests and coursework will be put in place, subject to public health advice, with components in certain subjects not operating for public health reasons. Schools will locally source teachers to administer some of the tests, but not assessing their own students. Assessment will be arranged by the State Examinations Commission (SEC).
3. An Accredited Grades system, to be operated by the SEC, will be available whereby Leaving Certificate candidates can opt to have grades in some or all of their subjects (to be known as “SEC Accredited Grades”) issued to them at the same time as the examination results.
4. The elements of the SEC Accredited Grades system will include the following:
• The professional judgement of each of the candidate’s teachers which will not be subject to appeal
• A form of in-school alignment to ensure fairness amongst candidates at school level
• Approval by the school principal of the estimated subject scores
• A process of standardisation at national level to ensure as much fairness as possible amongst this year’s candidates
• The SEC Accredited Grade and examinations outcomes will have regard to the pattern of results in 2020 and previously, with more details of the process to be determined by the Minister having regard to advice from the SEC
• A right for students to appeal in respect of their Accredited Grade which will comprise a process review focused on examining possible errors in the transmission and processing of student data, and,
• Provision as far as practicable for out-of-school learners or students studying one or more subjects outside school to apply to receive Accredited Grades through the devising of an appropriate and practicable process
5. This year’s Junior Cycle Examinations have been cancelled.
6. Necessary legislation will be brought forward, the purpose of which will be to confer on the State Examinations Commission power to operate a system of Accredited Grades.
7. The following indicative dates have been provided by the Department of Education:
• May 14th
– Closing date for collection of evidence of learning from 6th year student for the purpose of establishing an estimated mark.
• May 28th
– Schools will close for all students to allow the final week for completion of alignment process and data entry related to SEC Accredited Grades by schools.
• June 4th
– Closing date for schools to enter/return all data from the school to the SEC relating to SEC Accredited Grades.
• June 9th
– Written Leaving Certificate examinations to commence in schools.
8. The SEC will issue revised dates for submission of Leaving Certificate course work and the scheduling/arrangements
9. It is intended to prepare and publish, in consultation with stakeholders, accessible and detailed guidance for parents, students, teachers and schools, to be issued as soon as possible.
I will continue to update as I receive information. As yet, I have no further information regarding a return to school other than what is being reported in the media.
Stay safe and enjoy the rest of mid term break.
J Leonard
Caring for our Community-Misty visits the nursing home!
Created : 12 Feb 2021, 2:38 PM
Archived : 12 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
Even the canine members of the Cross and Passion College community are doing their bit to bring joy to nursing home residents missing family and friends. Misty, our Deptuy Principal Ms Harney's dog, has created delight and happiness for residents. Well done Misty!!
Mock Exams - important update
Created : 10 Feb 2021, 3:30 PM
Archived : 10 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
As you know, plans for mock exams have remained fluid due to the changing landscape, possible plans for the state examinations and decisions around school closure/reopening.
Original plans were based on schools reopening on February 1st in line with government plans.
Subsequently, the plan was to investigate remote mock exams subject to plans to be announced by Examcraft, providers of our mock exam papers.
Those plans have been shared with schools now and having analysed those proposals around remote mocks I believe that, while well intentioned, they are not in the best interests of our students at this time.
The reasons for this include, but are not limited to, the following:
* the length of time involved for the proposed Examcraft timetable and release of exam papers and the impact on teaching and learning time (22nd February to 11th March Leaving Certificate)
* the necessity for a printer - exam papers would ideally need to be printed by each student, answered, uploaded and submitted, printed again for correction.
the IT requirements for each student to access the exam papers and answer them - some sections of exam papers are interactive while others are not requiring specific software and devices.
* the company suggests that all exams are completed with pen and paper despite the interactive elements of exams
In addition, as mentioned in previous communication in January, feedback has indicated that some face to face time between teachers and students would be preferable ahead of mock exams.
Unfortunately, we have received no further update around plans for the state examinations, their components or school reopening. Therefore it is difficult to be precise around plans regarding mock exams. However, the intention at the moment remains to hold mock exams after we reopen, subject to a clear position on both the Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle examinations being communicated by the Department.
I understand that students, parents and teachers are craving certainty at this time. Please understand that this is not a straightforward or simple decision and needs to be considered carefully with the best interests of the students at heart.
Key considerations and possibilities include:
• Depending on emerging government policy, if not every student will be undertaking written examinations in June, then practice examinations may not be required by all. However, some form of assessment may be needed.
• Deciding not to proceed with Mocks this year. The class of 2021 has lost significant inperson tuition time both in fifth year and sixth year. Schools may decide to prioritise classroom teaching over Mock exams to maximise learning experience and outcomes for this year group, particularly considering the short timeframe between mid-term and Easter.
• Providing remotely delivered Mock examinations remains a possibility. While schools remain closed to mainstream students, a schedule of self-administered trial papers could be communicated to students and parents/guardians. Agreement could be achieved, perhaps on a subject by-subject basis, on whether answering such papers would be by way of closed or open book, though grade inflation would also be a consideration.
• Utilising commercial providers such as Examcraft - there is a minimum time frame of four weeks for the return of corrected papers - this is a factor for consideration. Other risks include the State Examinations Commission subsequently adjusting their exam papers in terms of choice range etc., and also the potential for Mock papers to be shared in advance, both of which factors may impact on examination validity.
• Supporting a range of different approaches as decided-upon by each subject department.
• Scheduling traditional Mock examinations when school re-opens fully, or opens for sixth year students if so decided by government, though it may be challenging to have to sit exams shortly after a return to school and re-engagement with classroom learning and socialisation.
• Supporting in-class Mock assessments, possibly adapted for double classes, following school reopening for Leaving Certificate or for all students, though the risk of over-assessment and the impact on student wellbeing will equally be considered.
It is likely that each individual student, parent and teacher holds a view on mock examinations and ultimately a decision will be reached based on what is best for the general student body.
Recently, parents received an email with details of how to pay for mock exams. I would ask that you continue to pay for the exam papers which have been ordered. Should a refund be necessary this will be arranged but it is important that no further delays occur should mock exams proceed because of issues around payment.
Your patience, understanding and support is deeply appreciated during this time.
Best wishes
J Leonard
Safer Internet Day Student Presentation
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 11:15 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
February Walking Challenge Update
Created : 08 Feb 2021, 1:13 PM
Archived : 08 Apr 2021, 12:00 AM
The assignment on Google classroom is now live for the submission of weekly steps or kilometres. It would be great if we could get as many students as possible to submit their weekly amount and would encourage parents and guardians to ask the students to do so. So far, the numbers are looking very promising but we need as many submissions as possible this week with the weather outlook looking bleak for the week. If anyone has any questions regarding this please contact your PE teacher.
Take care and stay safe,
PE department