Displaying 1271-1280 of 2355 results.
College Awareness
Created : 09 Dec 2021, 4:27 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
A huge thank you to our past pupils Amelia Hennigan (2019) Mark McGinley and Cathal mcMahon ( 2018), Jack Skerritt (2017) Joshua Martin (2016) who joined Senior Classes by zoom to share their college experiences and to answer questions students had in realtion to College preparation. CAW week culminated with a 45min school wide zoom with Professor Tess Lambe (1993) who was so invested in the creation of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 Vaccine. Thank you for your generosity with your time. Well done to Weronika Stepnick 1F winner of the First Year College Awareness jigsaw Art competition Art competion, Jamie Griffin 2E winner of the second year College Awareness Bingo Competition and Zoe O'Toole 6L winner of the Whole school College awareness competition. The week culminated in a school wide zoom with Professor Tess Lamber Oxford Uni (1993). Tess recounted her college journey since leaving CPC and her involvement in the creation of the Astra Zeneca Covid 19 vaccine. A school and college story with a huge impact on our contemporary world for sure. And a special word to all the staff who made a school wide zoom possible.
Help Needed
Created : 08 Dec 2021, 1:35 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
After last years success the CPC Parents Association are going planning to collect and dispose of any unwanted Christmas Trees on Saturday January 8th. To maximise the amount of trees that can be collected we are putting out a call for help. If anyone has a trailer that they are willing to lend for this event the PA would be very grateful. You can get in touch by emailing crossandpassionpa@gmail.com
TY Chinese Studies
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 7:57 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
TY students in 4E completed a Chinese Art Workshop where they learned how to create a zine with some interesting Chinese characters. They found out the meaning of the characters and learned how to pronounce them. The students engaged well with the activity and enjoyed the opportunity to practice characters and illustrations producing these colourful zines.
1st year subjects
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 11:45 AM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, subject choices have now been assigned to your son/daughter and you can log in to VsWare to see on their timetable which subjects they have. You can appreciate that with such a large number of students some subjects were heavily oversubscribed. This is why we asked you to choose the preferences very carefully. I am pleased to tell you that all students have been accommodated in receiving at least one of their first two choice subjects - this is quite something given the numbers involved. Many students have received their top two choices, with many more students receiving two of their top three choices. All students have secured two of their top four choice subjects. No student has received their fifth, sixth or seventh choice. I trust that the vast majority of students will be happy with the outcome. I understand that some students might be a little disappointed not to get their absolute top preferences but unfortunately there will not be a possibility of changing subjects unless a student comes out of a subject. There are department of education limits to the number of students permitted in each class. If you wish to add your child's name to a waiting list for a subject please let me know through admin@cpckilcullen.com but please be aware that changes are not as simple as it may seem and I will be in contact only where a change is possible. Kind regards J Leonard
Past Pupil, Cocreator of the AstraZeneca vaccine and Oxford University Professor Tess Lambe joins us for College Awareness Week
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 7:54 AM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome Professor Tess Lambe who spoke about her educational journey and career in addition to answering many questions about Covid19 and vaccines. Professor Lambe emphasised the importance of realising that you will learn more from making mistakes, to persist in doing what you enjoy and always ask questions. Professor Lambe also spoke about the importance of excellent communication. Results don't speak for themselves, they need to explained in a way that shows people you care. Professor Lambe also explained to us that the purpose of the vaccine is to keep people out of hospital and alive. Vaccines will not prevent people being unwell, perhaps having to stay in bed for a few days and are not expected to do so. The job of the vaccine is to prevent serious illness and death. Huge thanks to Mr Denis Dennehy for organising this opportunity for students to engage with Professor Tess Lambe and to Deputy Principal Katriona Harney, Dr Eleanor Higgins, Student Council members Conor Gale and Ethan Fogarty for their assistance. We are very grateful to Professor Tess Lambe for taking time out of her busy schedule to speak with us.
Professor Tess Lambe Nicholastown, kilcullen & CPC 1993
Created : 06 Dec 2021, 10:18 AM
Archived : 06 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
We are delighted that Tess will join us for College Awareness Week 2021. She will join students later today by Zoom and will recount the journey from CPC in 1993 to Oxford 2021. And her involvement in the Creation of the Astra Zeneca Vaccine and how she sees the progression of the Pandemic form here view point.

We want to hear from you.
Created : 28 Jan 2022, 12:29 PM
Archived : 05 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
As part of the work of the Board of Studies in CPC, we are looking at SEN (Special Educational Needs) provision in our school. We would like if you, as a parent / guardian, would be able to fill out this short survey and give us your views on this area. Deadline for submission: 4th February Link to survey: forms.gle/tTSrNW6aR19V698F9 Many thanks in advance.
December 8th
Created : 03 Dec 2021, 5:32 PM
Archived : 03 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
The Board of Management remains keen to support the school ethos and in previous years this has included facilitating a later start time for classes on certain holy days that fall on school days. The later start time is to allow staff and students attend local mass in Kilcullen at 9.30am. As such, the Board has sanctioned a later start time for class on December 8th. We would kindly request that students do not come into school that morning until classes begin as soon as possible after the 10 o'clock bell. If any student has no option (e.g. travel arrangements etc) but to be in school before this, supervision will be in place around the school, but the 9 o'clock class will not run. Kind regards J Leonard
Girls Rugby a huge success in CPC
Created : 03 Dec 2021, 3:55 PM
Archived : 03 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Girls Rugby training has been ongoing the last few weeks in CPC. It’s proved to be very popular with the students. It’s on Friday’s after school if anyone else is interested in playing
Junior Camogie compete in Blitz
Created : 03 Dec 2021, 3:48 PM
Archived : 03 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
CPC’s Junior Girls competed in a Camogie Blitz this week. By all accounts they were excellent and were a great representation of our school. It’s great to see so many teams out this week enjoying CPC sports.