Displaying 1261-1270 of 2408 results.
Catholic schools week - Thursday - Living Life in Wonder and Awe
Created : 26 Jan 2022, 4:24 PM
Archived : 27 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Scripture: ‘For so many marvels I thank you; a wonder am I, and all your works are wonders.’ (Psalm 139) Reflection: Sometimes, if we’re fortunate, we can see great and amazing wonders outside of ourselves – in nature, in people, in the arts. But we can forget the wonder within ourselves. We may fall into the trap of thinking little of ourselves; we may have low self-esteem. This can happen because we believe, rightly or wrongly, that others think little of us. However, the deep personal love God has for us surpasses all this. But it can be a struggle to believe such wonderful things about ourselves without getting big-headed or arrogant about it, as some do. So, the challenge is to get the balance right. Will we rise to that challenge? Will our Catholic school community encourage us and support us to rise to that challenge?
Catholic schools week - Part of our display
Created : 26 Jan 2022, 4:37 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Many students came together to create this section of the Catholic Schools week wall. Students coloured, glued and hung the sign of Catholic schools week 2022. Some key words are displayed to reflect our school ethos - 'Wisdom', 'Support', 'Faith', 'Prayer' and 'Gratitude' to name a few! Well done to all involved!
TY Green Schools Committee
Created : 26 Jan 2022, 1:48 PM
Archived : 26 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The TY Green Schools Committee is applying for the Green flag for "Water". The aim is to create awareness among the school committee about water conservation. The committee will be conducting a water awareness campaign as well as promoting changes in behaviors relating to water usage over the next two years. A survey was completed by students and the results will be used to identify areas we need to improve on. Each week the committee will include a fact about water on the school app./website. The committee would appreciate your support with this project by reading the facts and thinking about them.  Thank you.
Catholic Schools Week - Wednesday -(Grandparents’ Day) Celebrating Being Together Again
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 11:53 AM
Archived : 26 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Today we reflect on the role that older people, and in particular grandparents, play in our lives. As the country opens up, many of us have been reunited with our loved ones. During the pandemic, older people, and possibly our own grandparents, were placed in the vulnerable category and asked to cocoon in order to stay safe. As our country re-opens and the vaccination programme has rolled out, we are now able to reconnect with our older and vulnerable loved ones. And yet, while they were placed in the ‘vulnerable’ category, our love and bond with them was stronger than ever. We learned to appreciate any connection with them. Now the ‘cloud has been lifted’ and in our Catholic school we identify the ways in which older people enrich our lives. We thank God for their presence in our lives. They are part of our Catholic school community through their connection with us.
After School Study
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 8:59 AM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
The payment link for after school study has been reopened but will close again this Friday. Please contact aoifeomalley@cpckilcullen if you have any questions.
2nd Year January Challenge
Created : 25 Jan 2022, 8:57 AM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Our 2nd year students are taking part in a January Challenge to promote positive student behaviour throughout the school day. Teachers award students with points for their positive behaviour such as effort and work in class, helpfulness and being respectful. Students have really got into the spirit of it and are trying very hard across subjects to earn points for their class. Well done 2nd years. Keep up the great effort! Ms Mills
Exam Prayer Cards - Catholic Schools Week
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 3:22 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
As part of Catholic Schools Week 2022, students of 3rd and 6th year will be given an exam prayer card as attached. This is ahead of the upcoming mock examinations. Our thoughts and prayers are with these students as they prepare, revise and undertake these exams.
Catholic Schools Week - Tuesday - Living life to the Full Together
Created : 20 Jan 2022, 9:13 PM
Archived : 25 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Today we reflect on how inclusive our Catholic school is. The new Junior Cycle specification underpins every aspect with a call to question, explore, enquire and reflect. These four verbs are critical to creating an environment of inclusion – a place where everyone, of all faiths and none, is accepted and welcomed. Today we reflect on the times that we have been encouraged to question, to explore, to enquire and to reflect. These skills should be fostered to the greatest extent, not just in our Religious Education class, but in every classroom in a Catholic school.
Catholic schools week - Prayer Tree
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 3:16 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Students were invited during Religion classes today to write a prayer intention to hang on the prayer tree, if they wished. This will continue during this week, Catholic schools week, so that everyone will have had the opportunity to do so. It is lovely to see students put forward their various prayer intentions including remembering loved ones who have passed as well as those who are sick.
CPC Strategic Plan 2021-2026
Created : 24 Jan 2022, 11:07 AM
Archived : 24 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Good morning all, you might remember that during 2021 we sought your views through surveys as we prepared a strategic plan for CPC for the coming years. Thank you to all who contributed and allowed us to create a vision for the next five years and beyond. The strategic plan was approved by the Board of Management towards the end of 2021 and a copy is attached here for reference. Particular thanks to the staff, students and parents/guardians who were part of the strategic planning committee. Kind regards J Leonard
