Displaying 1431-1440 of 2408 results.
The Fundamentals with David Collins
Created : 22 Sep 2021, 8:47 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Our TY students considered the importance of leadership qualities and how they may best develop these skills within themselves during this enjoyable workshop.
Dance Workshop with Jiving Teens
Created : 22 Sep 2021, 7:54 PM
Archived : 23 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Sandra Ganley of Jiving Teens worked with each TY class, teaching them how to jive, line dance and waltz. It was a really enjoyable experience and a lovely life skill to develop. Watch out for some serious moves at the next family event!
TY Students training as LIFT Facilitators
Created : 22 Sep 2021, 7:46 PM
Archived : 22 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
TY students are making great progress with their LIFT (Leading Ireland’s Future Together) facilitator training. They have examined the leadership qualities of Listening and Positive Attitude so far and are looking forward to engaging with the quality of Respect next week.
Cross and Passion College Open Evening Webinar - 30th September 7.30pm
Created : 22 Sep 2021, 3:54 PM
Archived : 22 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents and guardians, Unfortunately, due to the current public health situation regarding Covid-19, we will not be in a position to hold a traditional Open Evening this year. Instead I would like to invite you, or anyone you think may be interested, to join us online for a webinar on Thursday 30th September at 7.30pm. During this webinar you will hear a little about the school and also the new Admissions Policy and application procedure will be explained. I do hope you can join us or if this not relevant to you that you can pass on the information to friends and family. The Annual Admissions Notice 2022/2023, Admissions Policy September 2021 and 1st Year Application Form 2022/2023 are available on cpckilcullen.com but please note that no applications can be submitted before October 1st 2021. Kind regards J Leonard Principal You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Sep 30, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: Cross and Passion College Open Evening Webinar - 30th September 2021 7.30pm Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5Q5j362GRbqVsrjeewctwg After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
1st year parent webinar
Created : 22 Sep 2021, 9:02 AM
Archived : 22 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning, sincere thanks to all who attended our information webinar for parents/guardians of 1st year students last night. For those who were unable to attend, the recording of the webinar can be viewed by following this link: zoom.us/rec/share/VlAnQFTuVO58J1OJzibFyGr1psdpG4o_J0Y_YfdJAO4RjGi50NaGMg3LUT_YK2Fx.HYkIR49d0PDw0U9R Passcode: c+P95YzH Kind regards J Leonard
Reminder: 1st year parent/guardian information webinar THIS EVENING 7.30pm
Created : 21 Sep 2021, 2:32 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
A reminder that we have a scheduled information evening for parents and guardians TODAY, Tuesday, 21st September at 7.30pm. Due to the ongoing restrictions this will be in the form of a webinar. We are aware that some of our students have Confirmation ceremonies this week so the webinar will be recorded and available to parents to view at a time that is convenient. To join the webinar please register using the link below: You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Sep 21, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: 1st year parent/guardian information evening Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YmszBcwYS0Sfr9p-6ChCzQ After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Best wishes J Leonard Principal
First Year Survey
Created : 21 Sep 2021, 2:06 PM
Archived : 21 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
We have had 36% completion rate if you get a chance it’s still accepting responses
1st year questionnaire
Created : 20 Sep 2021, 9:30 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parent/guardian, Mr Dennehy is still seeking feedback on your son/daughter's transition to CPC. The link was previously sent by email, but if you haven't had a chance to fill out the survey, you can follow the link here: docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdnhtJWNWvLJEmhyw31Vh616llZzXkObXZGiv3BVKGhrnbv3g/viewform The intention is that you would discuss the answers with your son/daughter as you complete it. It is a short questionnaire and many thanks for taking the time to complete it.
Important reminder from HSE/Public Health
Created : 20 Sep 2021, 9:38 AM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Good morning, The HSE/Public Health have asked me to: 1. Remind all parents and staff to keep an eye on their health and to check for symptoms of COVID-19. Symptoms of Covid-19 can include some or all of the following - fever (temperature of 38◦C or higher), cough, shortness of breath, any loss or change to the senses of smell or taste, headache, sore throat, or a runny nose. If any pupil or member of staff develops these symptoms they must self-isolate and contact their GP for advice regarding a COVID-19 test. 2. Even with high population uptake of COVID-19 vaccination, it is important to reinforce to the school community that all public health guidelines still need to be followed to protect the health of pupils and staff, these include: · Wearing face coverings · Cleaning hands regularly · Maintaining physical distance from others · Being mindful of the ventilation of classrooms by opening windows and doors as appropriate 3. Encourage all those who are eligible for vaccination within your school community to access appropriate information around this (available at www2.hse.ie/screening-and-vaccinations/covid-19-vaccine/) For those wishing to arrange vaccination, they can do so at either: a.Register using the HSE Vaccine portal (vaccine.hse.ie/#register) b.OR phone the HSE at 1800 700 700 Kind regards J Leonard
1st year parent/guardian information evening
Created : 19 Sep 2021, 9:53 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear parents/guardians, I hope this message finds you well. By now your son/daughter has been with us in CPC for a few weeks and I have to say that as a group they have settled in really well to life in post primary school. You may have noticed that on the calendar we have a scheduled information evening for parents and guardians this Tuesday, 21st September at 7.30pm. Due to the ongoing restrictions this will be in the form of a webinar. We are aware that some of our students have Confirmation ceremonies this week so the webinar will be recorded and available to parents to view at a time that is convenient. To join the webinar please register using the link below: You are invited to a Zoom webinar. When: Sep 21, 2021 07:30 PM Dublin Topic: 1st year parent/guardian information evening Register in advance for this webinar: zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_YmszBcwYS0Sfr9p-6ChCzQ After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Best wishes J Leonard Principal