Displaying 1371-1380 of 2408 results.
Senior Footballers get year off to a winning start
Created : 17 Nov 2021, 12:12 PM
Archived : 17 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
CPC’s Senior Boys GAA team got their year off to a winning start today with a 5-10 to 3-07 victory over St. Kevin’s of Dunlavin. A very good attitude and work rate was the winning of the match in the end. Well done to all players.
Breast Cancer Ireland Talk with Nicola Turley
Created : 17 Nov 2021, 11:23 AM
Archived : 17 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome Nicola Turley from Breast Cancer Ireland who spoke to our TY students about the importance of breast health and monthly checks for all people, female and male. Nicola demonstrated how to do a check and spoke about the wide variety of symptoms to look for. Nicola very generously shared her own story of discovering that she had breast cancer, how it was dealt with and how it affected her life and that of her family. We feel it has been very beneficial to us all to gain greater awareness in how to protect ourselves and others.
U16 Girls GAA
Created : 17 Nov 2021, 6:57 AM
Archived : 17 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to our U16 Girls GAA team on reaching the semi-final stage in their first year in Division ‘A’ Unfortunately the girls were undone against a strong Navan team on Tuesday. However they still finish second in their group and will be drawn in an away match for the next stage. Best of luck to them as they continue.
Thank you our local Gardaí, Sgt Tom O'Donoghue and Community Garda Jon Brien for taking the time to visit our students
Created : 16 Nov 2021, 9:12 PM
Archived : 16 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
We were delighted to welcome Sgt Tom O'Donoghue and Community Garda Jon Brien to speak with all our students recently. They described why they chose to become Gardaí, a typical day, the wide ranging career opportunities available, the highs and lows. It was a fascinating experience and we really appreciate Sgt Tom and Garda Jon generously giving up their time, including coming in on their day off to ensure all classes got the opportunity to meet with them. We are very fortunate to have such dedicated gardaí along with the rest of the team in Kilcullen.
LBGTI+ Awareness Week, 15th - 19th November
Created : 16 Nov 2021, 6:01 PM
Archived : 16 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
This week is LGBTI+ Awareness Week. The student council and others within our student body have organized lots of initiatives and displays to celebrate this week. These initiatives culminate in a student council organized Civvies Day on Friday 19th November where students are invited to wear a colour of the rainbow and donate €2 per student in aid of the following three charities - BeLonG To, TENI and the Trevor Project. Each year group have been assigned a different colour, as follows; 1st year - red 2nd year - orange 3rd year - yellow 4th year - green 5th year - blue 6th year and teachers - purple. Well done to the student council. We’re all looking forward to seeing the school at it most colourful on Friday.
Booster vaccinations available today in Kilcullen for over 16s
Created : 14 Jan 2022, 10:54 AM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Parents/Guardians may be interested in the availability of booster vaccinations for anybody over 16 in Kilcullen today between 2 and 5pm. Details available on the Kilcullen Diary link below including booking link. kilcullenbridge.blogspot.com/2022/01/covid-booster-vaccination-in-kilcullen.html
Reminder Senior Boys GAA training tomorrow 4:15 - 5:15
Created : 15 Nov 2021, 6:49 PM
Archived : 15 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
Reminder for the senior boys GAA panel to bring their gear tomorrow for training after school. Training will take place rain or shine so be prepared for both. Mr. Mann
School Transport Scheme
Created : 12 Nov 2021, 11:40 AM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
please see the attached note from Bus Eireann, particularly relevant if you know of anybody joining CPC next year: Under the terms of the Post-Primary School Transport Scheme, children are eligible for school transport where they reside not less than 4.8 kilometres from and are attending their nearest school as determined by the Department/Bus Éireann, having regard to ethos and language. While it is the prerogative of parents to send their children to the school of their choice, eligibility for school transport is to the nearest school / Post Primary Centre and it is important that parents are aware of this eligibility criteria. Applications for school transport can be made online at www.buseireann.ie/schooltransport and must be submitted before the last Friday in April . It is important that applications for school transport are made on time as late applicants are not guaranteed a service under the terms of the scheme. Further information or clarification may be obtained by parents contacting their local Bus Éireann School Transport office.

TY students enjoy Barista Training with the Dublin Barista School
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 9:58 PM
Archived : 12 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
TY students enjoyed making and drinking a range of coffees and hot chocolate with Tomas and Marco from The Dublin Barista School. It was very interesting to learn about the broad range of job and travel opportunities open to a trained barista.
Clothes Collection in aid of LauraLynn House
Created : 11 Nov 2021, 9:47 AM
Archived : 11 Jan 2022, 12:00 AM
The Parents' Association are hosting a clothes collection on this Saturday November 13th from 10 am to 4 pm at the school (drop off at the Basketball courts). It is in aid of Laralynn House and the Parents' Association. Please support this worthy cause.