Displaying 761-770 of 839 results.
Created : 25 Apr 2018, 10:44 AM
Archived : 25 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Taillí scrúduithe le bheith íochta ar líne faoi an Aoine, 27/4/18. Admháil le tabhairt chuig oifig na scoile. Reminder; Exams fees to be paid online by Friday, 27/4/2018. Receipt to be handed into school office.
Seó na hIdirbhliana - Boogie leis na Réalta
Created : 24 Apr 2018, 11:55 AM
Archived : 24 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Ar siúl i Halla na Scoile ar an 25 agus 26 Aibreán ag a 7.30pm. Bígí ann!
Post Príomhoide á fhógairt
Created : 23 Apr 2018, 2:18 PM
Archived : 23 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Is gá foirmeacha iarratais a bheith istigh roimh mheán lae, Dé Luain, 14 Bealtaine, 2018


Created : 19 Apr 2018, 5:04 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: foirmeacha rogha abhair bhliain 5 le bheith isitgh amarach, 20/4/18. Reminder: 5th year subject choices to be returned to school office tomorrow 20/4./2018
Created : 19 Apr 2018, 4:20 PM
Archived : 19 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Tasc Béarla na Sraithí Sóisearaí Tá ar scolairí bhliain 3 ar fad a bheith i láthair, Déardaoin, 26/4/18 idir 2.40 agus 4.00i.n chun páirt den scrúdú Béarla na Sraithí Sóisearaí a dhéanamh. Is fiú 10% den scrúdú é. Cuid 1 - Dé Céadaoin. Tá sé riachtanach go mbeidh siad go léir i láthair an dá lá Junior Cycle English task It is imperative that all 3rd year pupils are present on Thurs, 26/4/18 between 2.40-4.00p.m to sit part of the Junior Cert English exam. its worth 10% of the exam. . Part 1 - Wed. It is vital they are all in attendance. on both days
Bingó Mór sa scoil
Created : 23 Mar 2018, 1:03 PM
Archived : 13 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Ar siúl Dé Domhnaigh 15 Aibreán. Beidh an brabús ar fad ag dul go dtí Brú Columbanus i gcuimhne ar Aodán Ó Conchúir.
APP UPDATE - Available in next few days
Created : 12 Apr 2018, 12:42 PM
Archived : 12 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
APP UPDATE - Available in next few days We are excited to be announcing the Launch of Version 3 of our App in the next few days! This update is part of the process of developing our App as a single touchpoint for parents and students to receive and have access to all the information which they need, and for parents to be able to carry out other tasks previously carried out manually or offline. PLEASE be sure to download the update! There will be a number of new features including: Absentee Reports - Reporting of Student(s) absence by Parents (Available to Parents only!) It will take 15-20 working days for this function to be available after download as the school must verify and enable this function at the administration level. Profile Data & Verification - It will be mandatory for you to complete your profile information. For students this will be Name, Year in school & Email (must verify their email). For parents it will be mandatory to complete all the following information - Parent’s Name, Student’s Name, Student’s Year, Mobile (& Verify), Email (& Verify). Please be sure to use the same names, emails and mobile number (parents only) as we have on our internal administration system. It will be mandatory to complete this process to enter the App. This will give the school a greater level of transparency about its app users, make using the new functionality more seamless and permit parents to complete and return forms and information to the school securely. If you have any technical issues in completing the update process please contact the App Developers: support@uniquepublishing.ie Tel: 01 860 34 77 Monday to Friday 09:15am to 16:00 pm
Created : 12 Apr 2018, 11:35 AM
Archived : 12 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Rogha ábhar bliain 5 2018-2019: Litir agus rogha ábhar bunaithe ar roghanna scoláirí tugtha do dhaltaí bliain 4 inniu, líon agus sínigh an fhoim agus tabhair thar nais chuig an oifig é roimh an Aoine 20/4/18. 5th year Subject choices 2018-2019 Student have received notification regarding 5th year subject choices based on student preferences. Form to be completed, signed and returned to school office by Friday 20/4/18.
Created : 11 Apr 2018, 3:37 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2018, 12:00 AM
Tá litir maidir le táillí scrúduithe tugtha do bhliain 3 agus 6 inniu. Caithfear é a íoc ar líne. Geobhaidh tú ríomhphost / admháil thar nais ón roinn faoi. Beidh cóip don ríomhphost seo ag teastáil ó oifig na scoile riomh 27/4/2018. For your information: 3rd and 6th year students received a letter regarding exams fees today. Payment has to made online. You will receive an email / receipt from the department, the school will require a copy of this email by 27/4/2018
Cluiche leathcheannais Chorn Uí Ógáin
Created : 28 Mar 2018, 2:51 PM
Archived : 28 May 2018, 12:00 AM
Leath-am PCD 1-07 Coláiste Rónáin 1-06