Displaying 451-460 of 839 results.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí ATF 5 / Parent`s / Guardians of Leaving Cert applied year 5
Created : 20 Jul 2020, 9:50 AM
Archived : 20 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Beidh Tairseach na nGrád Ríofa do Scoláirí ag oscailt ar an Luan 20 Iúil ag meánlae, 1200 agus ag dúnadh ar an Luan 27 Iúil ag a 1600 chun deis a thabhairt do scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta agus scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta Feidhmí (Bliain 1 & 2) glacadh leis an rogha Gráid Ríofa a fháil. Beidh teacs/ríomhphost curtha go dtí na scoláirí ón Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna. The Calculated Students Portal will open at midday, 1200 on Monday 20 July and close at 1600 Monday 27 July to allow Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied (Year 1 & 2) students to opt to receive Calculated Grades. A text/email will be sent to the students from the Department of Education and Skills.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 6 / Parent`s / Guardians of year 6
Created : 20 Jul 2020, 9:49 AM
Archived : 20 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Beidh Tairseach na nGrád Ríofa do Scoláirí ag oscailt ar an Luan 20 Iúil ag meánlae, 1200 agus ag dúnadh ar an Luan 27 Iúil ag a 1600 chun deis a thabhairt do scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta agus scoláirí Ardteistiméireachta Feidhmí (Bliain 1 & 2) glacadh leis an rogha Gráid Ríofa a fháil. Beidh teacs/ríomhphost curtha go dtí na scoláirí ón Roinn Oideachais agus Scileanna. Beidh na torthaí Ardteiste ag teacht anois ar an 7 Meán Fomhair agus na tairiscintí ón CAO ar an 11 Meán Fomhair. The Calculated Students Portal will open at midday, 1200 on Monday 20 July and close at 1600 Monday 27 July to allow Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied (Year 1 & 2) students to opt to receive Calculated Grades. A text/email will be sent to the students from the Department of Education and Skills. The Leaving Cert results will now be issued on September 7th with the CAO offers out on the September 11th.
Caith vóta do Liam, Finn & Patrick / Vote for Liam, Finn & Patrick
Created : 18 Jul 2020, 12:59 PM
Archived : 20 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Tá triúr scolairí ó Phobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne san iomaíocht do Chomhlacht na Bliana Junior Achievement na hEorpa 2020 leis an gcluiche boird ‘Rí na bhFocal’. Tá Rí na bhFocal san iomaíocht do Ghradam Rogha an Phobail chomh maith, agus is trí vóta poiblí ar líne a chinnfear buaiteoirí an ghradaim sin. Tá an vótáil oscailte ó mheánlae an 17ú go dtí an 11am an 24ú Iúil 2020. Caithigí vóta do Liam, Finn & Patrick anseo ag: www.jacompanyoftheyear.org/voting-page/ Three students from Pobalscoil Chorca Dhuibhne will compete for Junior Achievement Company of the Year 2020 with their board game 'Rí na bhFocal'. Rí na bhFocal are also eligible for the Public Choice Award, which will be decided through an online vote. The winner of the Award is up to the public and voting will open from noon on the 17th until 11am on 24 July. You can vote for Liam, Finn & Patrick at www.jacompanyoftheyear.org/voting-page/
Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 / 6th year class photo, class of 2020
Created : 03 Jul 2020, 10:01 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15 le íóc tríd an aip. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 10/7/2020. Is féidir an graingraf é a bhailiú ón scoil ach glaoch ar an oifig roimh ré. Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 to be paid through the app. The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until , Friday, 10/7/2020. Photo can be collected from the school but to make contact the office beforehand.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 3 2019-2020 / Parent`s / Guardians of year 3 2019-2020
Created : 02 Jul 2020, 3:11 PM
Archived : 02 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Litir faoi iamh / Letter enclosed.


Grian graf bliain 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 30 Jun 2020, 12:07 PM
Archived : 30 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Mar eolas: Aon duine a d`ordaigh agus a d`íoc as griangraf bliain 6, is féidir iad a bhailiú ón scoil ach glaoch a dhéanamh ar an oifig roimh ré. For your information: Anyone that ordered and paid for the 6th year class photo, they can be collected directly form the school but to telephone the office beforehand,
Grian graf bliain 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 29 Jun 2020, 11:31 AM
Archived : 29 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15 le íóc tríd an aip. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 5/7/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 to be paid through the app. The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until , Friday, 5/7/2020.
Ranganna ar líne!
Created : 25 Jun 2020, 12:25 PM
Archived : 25 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Griangraf bliain 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 25 Jun 2020, 9:00 AM
Archived : 25 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15 le íóc tríd an aip. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 26/6/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 to be paid through the app. The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until , Friday, 26/6/2020.
Grian graf bliain 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 22 Jun 2020, 9:50 AM
Archived : 22 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15 le íóc tríd an aip. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 26/6/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 to be paid through the app. The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until , Friday, 26/6/2020.