Displaying 461-470 of 839 results.
Scoilbhliain 2020-2021
Created : 20 Aug 2020, 12:39 PM
Archived : 20 Aug 2020, 12:39 PM
A chara, Beatha agus sláinte chugat. Tá na cáipéisí seo a leanas ceangailte thíos: Litir ag cur síos ar an bplean d’athoscailt na scoile Sceideal teacht ar ais ar scoil do gach bliainghrúpa Míniú ar an gcóras nua aip-bhunaithe chun síniú isteach / amach agus an córas neamhláithreachais Beidh na busanna ag rith ar maidin agus tráthnóna ón 31 Lúnasa ar aghaidh. Please find the following attached: A letter detailing our return to school plan. The return to school schedule for each year group. Details of the new school app based sign in / sign out and absence system The school buses will run in the mornings and evenings from August 31st onwards. Le buíochas, Éamonn Mac Muiris


Griangraf bliain a 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 17 Jun 2020, 2:37 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15 le íóc tríd an aip. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 19/6/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 to be paid through the app. The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until tomorrow, Friday, 19/6/2020.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bhliain 1 / Parents / Guardians of year 1 (2019-2020)
Created : 16 Jun 2020, 2:39 PM
Archived : 17 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Litir faoi iamh. Letter enclosed.

Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 2 / Parents / Guardians of year 2 (2019-2020)
Created : 16 Jun 2020, 2:33 PM
Archived : 16 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Litir faoi iamh. Letter enclosed.

Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 3 2019-2020 / Parent`s / Guardians of year 3 2019-2020
Created : 15 Jun 2020, 1:10 PM
Archived : 15 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Litir faoi iamh. Letter attached.

Grian graf bliain 6 / 6th year class photo
Created : 09 Jun 2020, 9:15 AM
Archived : 11 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 12/6/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until tomorrow, Friday, 12/6/2020.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 6 / Parent`s / Guardians of year 6
Created : 05 Jun 2020, 3:34 PM
Archived : 08 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Griangraf bliain 6, rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15. Tá deis agat an griangraf a ceannach suas go dtí an Aoine, 12/6/2020 Reminder: 6th year class photo, class of 2020 is now available to purchase from the shop. €15 The option of purchasing the class photo will be available in the shop until Friday, 12/6/2020.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bliain 6 / Parent`s / Guardians of year 6
Created : 04 Jun 2020, 10:54 AM
Archived : 04 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Griangraf bliain 6 rang 2020 le ceannach ón siopa anois. Costas €15. 6th year class photo, the class of 2020 is now available to purchase. Cost: €15
Slán le bhliain 6 / A farewell celebration for year 6
Created : 03 Jun 2020, 9:25 AM
Archived : 03 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Slán le bliain a 6, rang 2020 ar siúl anocht @ 7.30i.n. Cuireadh Zoom do thuismitheoirí curtha chuig ríomhphost scoile gach dalta. A Farewell celebration for the class of 2020 will be held tonight at 7.30pm Invitation to Zoom event for parents has been sent to the school email of each student.
Slán le bliain a 6 / A farewell celebration for year 6
Created : 29 May 2020, 2:18 PM
Archived : 29 Jul 2020, 12:00 AM
Slán le bliain a 6, Cuireadh faoi iamh. Cuireadh Zoom do thuismitheoirí á chur go ríomhphost scoile gach dalta. Farewell to the class of 2020, Invitation attached. Invitation to Zoom event for parents will be sent to the school email of each student.
