Displaying 301-310 of 839 results.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí - Teachtaireacht ón Roinn Oideachais
Created : 22 Oct 2021, 2:04 PM
Archived : 22 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Rabhadh maidir le milseáin ghlóthaí ina bhfuil cannabas (THC) Tá Údarás Sábháilteachta Bia na hÉireann (ÚSBÉ) ag impí ar thuismitheoirí agus ar chaomhnóirí a bheith thar a bheith airdeallach faoi na contúirtí a bhaineann lena leanaí rochtain a fháil ar mhilseogra agus iad a ithe, go háirithe milseáin ghlóthaí, ina bhfuil méideanna suntasacha den chomhpháirt shícighníomhach i gcannabais ar a dtugtar teitrihidreacannaibionól (THC). Tagann an rabhadh seo i measc gabhálacha leanúnacha na dtáirgí bia mídhleathacha sin ag seirbhísí na nGardaí agus Custaim, agus roinnt eachtraí míochaine tromchúiseacha inar fhulaing déagóirí agus leanaí óga éifeachtaí díobhálacha sláinte tromchúiseacha de dheasca na milseán glóthaí sin ina bhfuil THC a ithe, ar ghá dóibh dul isteach san ospidéal mar thoradh air. Déantar na milseáin ghlóthaí sin a phacáistiú le breathnú cosúil le brandaí glóthacha a mbíonn an-tóir orthu agus fuarthas amach go bhfuil méideanna tocsaineacha THC iontu (suas le 50mg/in aghaidh na glóthaí. Ag brath ar thiúchan an THC ann, má itear ceann de na glóthacha sin, is féidir go mbeidh iontógáil choibhéiseach THC ann atá 5-10 n-uaire níos airde ná mar a bhíonn in ionanálú ó thoitín cannabais amháin. Chomh maith leis sin, murab ionann agus na héifeachtaí atá beagnach láithreacha a bhíonn ag ionanálú THC ar dhuine (caitheamh tobac nó vapáil), féadfar THC a ionghabháil trí na glóthacha sin suas le 30 nóiméad a thógáil sula mothófar aon éifeachtaí. Mar sin féin, le linn a bheith ag fanacht leis na héifeachtaí sin, féadfaidh na daoine a d’ith na táirgí sin ródháileog a ghlacadh nó féadfar go gcreideann siad trí dhearmad go gcaithfidh siad níos mó milseán a ithe chun na héifeachtaí a mhothú. Ábhar imní ar leith don ÚSBÉ is ea tomhaltas neamhbheartaithe na milseán glóthaí sin ag leanaí beaga a d’fhéadfadh rochtain a fháil orthu, ar bhealach éigin, agus an cuma agus an blas orthu amhail gur gnáthmhilseáin iad. Ar an drochuair, má thugtar rochtain ar mhála de na glóthacha sin do leanaí, is annamh a íosfaidh siad díreach ceann amháin acu agus dá bhrí sin, is toradh an-dóchúil é ródháileog a thógáil mar a chonacthas i gcás roinnt leanaí óga a bhí go dona tinn san ospidéal go luath in 2021. Tháinig ÚSBÉ ar an eolas faoi thuairiscí maidir le milseáin ghlóthaí ina bhfuil THC a bheith ar fáil i scoileanna in Éirinn agus dá bhrí sin, iarrtar ar thuismitheoirí agus ar chaomhnóirí labhairt lena ndéagóirí ag tabhairt foláirimh dóibh faoi na contúirtí má itheann siad iad nó má fhaigheann a siblíní níos óige rochtain orthu agus ina dhiaidh sin go bhfulaingíonn siad na hiarmhairtí tromchúiseacha a bhaineann le substaint thocsaineach a ithe. Warning regarding jelly sweets containing cannabis (THC) The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) is urging parents and guardians to be extremely vigilant to the dangers of their children getting access to and eating confectionary, particularly jelly sweets, containing significant amounts of the psychoactive cannabis component called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This warning comes amid the ongoing seizures of these illegal food products by the Gardaí and Customs services, and a number of serious medical incidents whereby these THC-containing jelly sweets resulted in teenagers and young children suffering serious adverse health effects requiring hospitalisation. These jelly sweets are packaged to look like popular brands of jellies and have been found to contain toxic amounts of THC (up to 50mg/jelly). Depending on the concentration of THC, eating one of these jellies can mean an equivalent intake of THC that is 5-10 times higher than that inhaled from a single cannabis cigarette. Also, unlike the almost immediate effects of inhaling THC (smoking or vaping), ingesting THC through these jellies can take up to 30 minutes for any effects to be felt. However, while waiting for those effects, those who have eaten these products may overdose in the mistaken belief that they need to eat more sweets in order to feel the effects. Of particular concern to the FSAI is the inadvertent consumption of these jelly sweets by small children who may somehow gain access to what looks and possibly tastes like ordinary sweets. Unfortunately, given access to a bag of these jellies, children will rarely eat just one and therefore, overdosing is a very likely outcome as witnessed by the hospitalisation of a number of seriously ill young children in the early part of 2021. The FSAI has become aware of reports about the availability of THC-containing jelly sweets in schools in Ireland and therefore, parents and guardians are asked to speak with their teenagers alerting them to the dangers if they eat them or if their younger siblings get access to them and subsequently suffer the serious consequences of consuming a toxic substance.


Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí, Parents / Guardians Bliain 3
Created : 22 Oct 2021, 10:36 AM
Archived : 22 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí, Parents / Guardians Bliain 2
Created : 22 Oct 2021, 10:34 AM
Archived : 22 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Do Thuismitheoirí Bl. 1, 2 agus 3 / Tony Parents of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year students
Created : 15 Dec 2021, 9:56 AM
Archived : 21 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Do éinne a fuair bille €80 le fíor-dhéanaí / To any Parents who received bille for €80 very recently Grma. Is é sin Bille na Leabhar ar cíos. That is the bill for your child's Book Rental Bill. Thank you.
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí daltaí bhliain 6. Parents / Guardians of 6th year students,
Created : 19 Oct 2021, 9:11 AM
Archived : 19 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Cur i gcuimhne: Beidh trathnóna eolais ar líne do dhaltaí agus a dtuismitheoirí á rith ag an CAO tráthnaóna inniu, 19 Deireadh Fómhair idir 7.00 agus 8.15. Cláraigh don ócaid saor in aisce seo @ www.cao.ie/webinar. Reminder: CAO are running a virtual information evening for students and Parents, this evening, 19th October, 7.00-8.15 pm. To register for this free online event, in association with CAO/IGC and NPCpp go to www.cao.ie/webinar
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóir, Parents / Guardians,
Created : 15 Oct 2021, 1:43 PM
Archived : 15 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Litir faoi iamh. Letter attached.

Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí bhliain 6 / Parents / Guardians of year 6
Created : 15 Oct 2021, 9:27 AM
Archived : 15 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Mar eolas, Beidh trathnóna eolais ar líne do dhaltaí agus tuismitheoirí á rith ag an CAO ar an Mháirt, 19 Deireadh Fómhair idir 7.00 agus 8.15. Cláraigh don ócaid saor in aisce seo www.cao.ie/webinar. CAO virtual information Evening for students and Parents, Tuesday, 19th October, 7.00-8.15 pm. To register for this free online event, in association with CAO/IGC and NPCpp go to www.cao.ie/webinar
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí
Created : 12 Oct 2021, 10:50 AM
Archived : 12 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Rogha níos fearr: Cúrsa / margadh ar líne do dhaltaí le míchumas agus deacrachtaí foghlama acu ar an 27/11/2021. Eolas faoi iamh. Better options, an online fair for students with disabilities and specific learning difficulties. Saturday, 27th November.

Cúrsa ar Zoom anocht do thuismitheoirí ar Dhisléicse @ 7pm! Gach eolas thíos. Caithfear clárú roimh ré.
Created : 11 Oct 2021, 9:02 AM
Archived : 11 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Dyslexia Courses Ireland 3 Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin W: www.dyslexiacourses.ie E: wynmccormack@sky.com M: 087 2582345 Zoom webinar for parents on how to support their student with dyslexia at second level Monday 11th October 2021 at 19.00 Many parents of students with dyslexia struggle to know how to support the student at second level as the challenges are different to those experienced at primary level. This webinar aims to give practical help and advice. The topics addressed include: • How dyslexia affects the student at second level • How to support the student in the following areas o Organisation o Note-taking o Memory and Learning o Reading o Writing o Spelling and Vocabulary. • Key educational choices such as subject choice, language exemptions etc. • Resources such as useful websites. This is the 11th time we have held the webinar since October 2020. What parents have said about the webinar. • ‘Gave me hope and ideas on how to help’. • ‘I found it brilliant, jam-packed with information and advice and it was performed in such a professional manner’. • Thank you very much!! Very informative and helpful. Lots of ideas going forward! Presenter: Wyn McCormack worked as guidance counsellor and special education teacher. She has designed and presented courses on dyslexia for teachers, parents and students since 1996. She is the author of the Factsheets on Dyslexia at Second Level (2014), Lost for Words 3rd Ed. 2007, and co-author of Dyslexia, an Irish Perspective 2nd Ed 2010 Cost The cost of the webinar is €21. To book a place, please use the booking form below. Dyslexia Courses Ireland W: www.dyslexiacourses.ie E: wynmccormack@sky.com P: 087 2582345 Zoom webinar for parents on how to support their student with dyslexia at second level Monday 11th October 2021 at 19.00 BOOKING FORM To book a place, return this section plus the fee €21 to Dyslexia Courses Ireland, 3 Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Post Code A94XY17 or email it to wymmccormack@sky.com. The fee can be paid by cheque, postal order, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or by Revolut. The bank details are as follows: Account Name: Dyslexia Courses Ireland IBAN: IE29AIBK93136520234022 BIC: AIBKIE2D Please, Please use your name on the EFT. Name ​​​​_____________________ ​ Phone contact ​​_____________________ Email ​​ ​​_____________________ ​ Name of School your child attends __________________ What year is your child in ​ _____________________ ​ Please tick below • Fee attached ​​​​​______ • Electronic Funds transfer​​​______ The information on this form will be held until the webinar takes place. At that stage, only the email address will be retained to allow for circulation of newsletters about resources for teacher
Tuismitheoirí / Caomhnóirí, Parents / Guardians,
Created : 08 Oct 2021, 10:37 AM
Archived : 08 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
FÓGRA: Faoi Chlub Óige Cheann Trá: Beidh clárú do Chlub Óige Cheann Trá ar siúl ar an nDéardaoin, an 14 Deireadh Fómhair i Halla Cheann Trá óna 6 i.n. go dtína 7 i.n. ar an bpointe. Tá costas clárúcháin €30 don mbliain i gceist agus caithfidh tuismitheoir a bheith in éineacht leis an leanbh chun iad a chlárú. Clárú ar an oíche amháin. Registration for Ventry Youth Club is this coming Thursday, October 14th at Halla Cheann Trá from 6pm to 7pm sharp. Registration fee is €30 for the year, child must be accompanied by one of their parents. Registration only on the night.