A chairde,
Beatha agus sláinte chugat.
Mar is eol daoibh tá na Scrúduithe Stáit ag tosnú sa scoil amárach. Tá seomraí na scoile ar fad in úsáid mar ionaid scrúduithe. Dá bharr sin beidh ar na daltaí atá ag suí scrúduithe na Sraithe Sóisearaí an scoil a fhágaint idir an scrúdú ar maidin agus an ceann tráthnóna.
Faraor, caithfear é seo a dhéanamh chun a chinntiú go bhfuil ciúnas mór thimpeall na scoile agus daltaí na hArdteiste fós ag gabháil do scrúduithe. Tá sé tábhachtach go dtabharfadh sibh faoi ndeara go mbeidh bearna ama dhá uair an chloig i gceist idir deireadh an scrúdú ar maidin agus tús le scrúdú an tráthnóna.
Anuas air sin, beidh na busanna ag fágaint ag deireadh scrúdú na hArdteiste gach tráthnóna, agus ciallaíonn sé sin go mbeidh bearna ama ann idir críoch le scrúduithe na Sraithe Sóisearaí agus críoch le scúduithe na hArdteiste chomh maith.
Guím gach rath ar na daltaí agus éireoidh go breá leo.
As you are aware the State Examinations are commencing tomorrow. All the rooms in the school are being used as exam centres. As a result, students sitting the Junior Cycle exams will have to leave the school between the finish of the morning exam and the commencement of the evening paper.
Unfortunately, this has to be done to ensure that the building is quiet for the Leaving Certificate students, as their exams will be ongoing during that period. It is important to realise that Junior Cycle students have a two hour break between their exams.
It is also important to note that the buses will be leaving at the finish of the Leaving Certificate exam each evening, meaning there is a gap between the end of the Junior Cycle exam and the bus departing.
I wish all of the students the very best in their exams and I am sure they will get on well.
Le buíochas,
Éamonn Mac Muiris
Go n-éirí leis an daltaí ar fad sna scrúduithe stáit ag tosnú amárach, Dé Céadaoin, 7 Meitheamh 2023.
Dé réir Coimisiún na Scrúduithe Stait tá ar gach iarrathóir a bheith ina s(h)uíochán 30 noimead roimh tús an scrúdú ar an gcéad lá agus ar a laghadh 15 nóiméad roimh ré gach lá eile.
Good luck to all the students in the state exams beginning tomorrow, Wednesday, 7th June 2023.
The state exams commission requires that each candidate is in their assigned seat 30 minutes before the start of the exam on the first day and at least min in advance on all other days.
Mar eolas,
Tá teip ar bhliain 5 turas a thabhairt ar an mBlascaod. Raghaidh an turas seo ar aghaidh Mí Meán Fómhair, coiméadfar an tairgead go dtí sin.
For your information:
The trip to the Blaskets for year 5 is not going ahead. This boat trip / activity will be recheduled in September, we will hold on to the €35 payment until then.
Eolas breise faoi clár an tSamhradh / Additional information regarding July provision summer programme
Eolas breise faoi clár an tSamhradh / Additional information regarding July provision summer programme
Eolas faoi iamh maidir le clár an tsamhraidh / Information attached regarding the July provision summer programme.
Dóibh siúd ag taisteal ar an gCéadaoin, tá polasaí faoi turas scoile le fáil ar suíomh na scoile faoi polasaithe. Cinntigh go bhfuil sé léite ag do mhac / íníon sar a dtéann siad ar an turas go dtí an Camino.
For those travelling on Wednesday, the school tour policy is available on the school website under polasaithe. We would be grateful if your son / daughter read the policy before heading on their trip to the Camino.
Cur i gcuimhne:
1) Beidh cruinniú eolais don gCamino, tráthnóna inniu, 22 Bealtaine @ 6.30.
2) Slán leis an Idirbhliain / ócaid gradaim @ 7.00 anocht.
1) There will be a brief meeting regarding the Camino trip this evening, 22 May @ 6.30pm
2) Farewell / award celebration for TY 2022-2023 this evening at 7pm