Displaying 1361-1370 of 2462 results.
Exams update
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 6:36 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Friday, 10 April 2020​FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Response to announcement on state examinations Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools, (ACCS) Education and Training Boards Ireland (ETBI), Joint Managerial Body (JMB) and National Association of Principals and Deputy Principals (NAPD) appreciate the clarity brought by this afternoon’s announcement regarding the state examinations. This brings certainty for students at this difficult time as they continue to prepare for their Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle Exams. We wish to assure the students and parents of the continued support of their schools in maintaining continuity of teaching and learning and engagement with the student cohort. This is a vitally important time for students to remain connected with their schools and their teachers, and we would encourage all students to do so and their parents to support them in this regard. We would like to acknowledge the ongoing work of the students, teachers and management in our school communities in dealing with the unique and challenging circumstances we are presented with at this time in such a positive and productive manner. In light of the revised schedule that has been announced, we would ask that our students take a complete break from their studies in this Easter period so that they can return refreshed and renewed to the learning process We look forward to engaging further with the Department of Education and Skills to work through the operational details of this announcement over the coming weeks. John Irwin​​Nessa White​​​John Curtis​​​Clive Byrne General Secretary​General Secretary ​​General Secretary​​Director ACCS​​​ETBI​​​​JMB​​​​NAPD ENDS Education and Training Boards Ireland Piper’s Hill Kilcullen Road Naas, Co Kildare W91 K729 Telephone:​+353 (0)45 901 070 www.etbi.ie
LC & JC Announcement
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 4:19 PM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
www.rte.ie/news/coronavirus/2020/0410/1129844-state-exams-coronavirus/ The LC is postponed until late July / early August . JC exams are cancelled with arrangements for subsequent in house assessments during the next school year !!
Waterford Services Update received from the HSE
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 11:27 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
6 List of Services Age Action • (01) 475 6989 Monday to Friday 9:30am - 1:00pm and 2.00pm - 5.00pm • Email helpline@ageaction.ie Alone • COVID-19 support line for older people 0818 222 024 Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm AnyMan (services and supports for men experiencing domestic violence) • 01 5543811 • www.anyman.ie Arthritis Ireland • 01 661 8188 / 1890 252 846 • www.arthritisireland.ie/covid-19 Aspire (support and information to people who have Asperger Syndrome and their families) • www.aspireireland.ie/cmsWP/ • Aspire staff working remotely during COVID-19 and their contact list is www.aspireireland.ie/cmsWP/contact/ourteam/ Asthma Society of Ireland • Advice Line 1800 44 54 64 • www.asthma.ie/news/coronavirus-covid-19-advice Aware • Freephone Support Line 1800 80 48 48 every day 10am to 10pm • Support and self-care groups nationwide, are cancelled until further notice • Email supportmail@aware.ie for services information and support Barnardos • Guidelines for parents when talking to their child about COVID-19 • www.barnardos.ie/news/2020/march/barnardos-guidance-for-parents-when-talking-to-your-child-about-covid-19-coronavirus • Office number 01 453 0355 • Email - info@barnardos.ie • Bereavement Helpline – Barnardos Helpline Service - (01) 473 2110 - Monday to Thursday 10am-12pm BeLonGTo​ • While face to face services are closed, information, referral and advice provided digitally, by email, SMS, phone call or video conference • Office number 01 670 6223 • Email info@belongto.orgwww.belongto.org ​ Bodywhys • Email alex@bodywhys.ie for information or support • Online support groups continue as normal Cancer Society • General enquiries: 01-2310500 • Cancer and coronavirus www.cancer.ie/cancer-information-and-support/coronavirus-and-cancer-info-for-patients-families-volunteers • Cancer Nurseline Freephone 1800 200 700 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm www.cancer.ie/cancer-information-and-support/cancer-support/find-support/cancer-nurseline/enquiry-form Citizens Information Phone Service (CIPS) • 0761 07 4000, Monday to Friday from 9am to 8pm • Live Advisor instant chat service for people with hearing and speech difficulties and others who have difficulty communicating by telephone Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm www.citizensinformationboard.ie/en/services/accessibility/liveadvisor.html COVID-19 Waterford Community Response • 051 871695 • Team of volunteers in Waterford who collect and deliver shopping from supermarkets / medical supplies from pharmacies for any vulnerable person who can’t leave their home during this time / has no one to do shopping for them Crisis Text Line Ireland • Text TALK to 086 1800 280 Department of Education and Skills • Guidelines for parents and schools when talking to children about COVID-19 www.education.ie/en/The-Department/Announcements/talking-to-children-and-young-people-about-covid-19-coronavirus-advice-for-parents-and-schools.pdf Department of Employment Affairs and Social Protection (DEASP) • Income support helpline for people impacted by COVID-19 Call (01) 2481398 or 1890 800 024 Diabetes Ireland • Helpline: 01 8428118 • www.diabetes.ie/covid-19-questions-answers Disability Services • www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/1/lho/waterford/disability-services/www.waterforddirectoryofservices.ie/directory/disability-services-hse/ Drugs and Alcohol • HSE helpline 1800 459 459 Monday to Friday 9:30am - 5:30pm • Email helpline@hse.ie Alcohol Anonymous Ireland • 01 842 0700 • gso@alcoholicsanonymous.ie • Mobile number for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing: 087-1460387 Narcotics Anonymous Ireland • 01 672 8000 (information line only) • Email: info@na-ireland.org • Online meetings during COVID-19 please see www.na-ireland.org/covid-19 Waterford Community Based Drugs Initiative • 1-to-1 information and support to individuals and family members in relation to their own or someone else's substance use • Family Support Meetings and Smart Recovery Meetings are available on video conferencing • Cityside Jay Collins available on 086 8561641 Monday to Friday from 9am – 5pm • Tramore (covering east county Waterford) - 086 8527173 • Dungarvan (covering West County Waterford) - 087 9676439 • Ballybeg/Lisduggan/Larchville - 087 2024061 • Johns Park, Dunmore Road and surrounding areas - 087 6394065 • Individuals don't have to contact the project closest to where they live Family carers Association • Careline 1800 240724 • Information and advice during COVID-19 www.familycarers.ie/coronavirus-covid-19-information-advice • Emergency care plan if primary carer is unable to provide care www.familycarers.ie/emergency-care-plan GROW Mental Health Recovery • Info Line: 1890 474 474 • www.grow.ie • Email: info@grow.ie HSE • Helpline Callsave: 1850 24 1850 or (041) 6850300 Monday to Friday 8am - 8pm Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5pm • HSE Live on www.hse.ie/eng/hselive • HSE website re hospital restrictions during COVID-19 www2.hse.ie/services/hospital-service-disruptions/hospital-service-disruptions-covid19.html • HSE sharing of resources developed nationally and by the CHOs and other groups in response to COVID-19 www.hse.ie/eng/about/who/primarycare/socialinclusion/travellers-and-roma/irish-travellers/sharing-resources.html • List of Health Services in Ireland www.hse.ie/eng/services/list/ Homeless services • Focus Ireland 051 879 810, email: help@focusireland.ie, re COVID-19 www.focusireland.ie/covid-19 Irish Society for Autism • www.autism.iewww.autism.ie/contact-us • Autism Society of America have information re COVID-19 available on www.autism-society.org/news/covid-19-preparedness-and-resources ISPCC • Supporting children around coronavirus www.ispcc.ie/parent-hub/helping-children-around-coronavirus • Childline freephone 1800 666 666 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year • Text 50101 from 10am to 4pm every day • Chat online at www.childline.ie from 10am to 4pm every day • Teenline 1800 833 634 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year Jigsaw • Jigsaw centres are closed – visit www.jigsawonline.ie for mental health information for young people, their parents and guardians, and those who work with young people LGBT Ireland • LGBT Helpline 1890 929 539 • www.lgbt.ie • Gender Identity Family Support Line 01 907 3707 • Email info@lgbt.ie for support or information while face to face services are closed Local Link Waterford • 076 110 2076 Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm MABS (Money Advice and Budgeting Service) • Helpline 0761 07 2000, Monday to Friday 9am - 8pm • www.mabs.ie/en • Waterford email waterford@mabs.ie • West Waterford email dungarvan@mabs.ie Mental Health Ireland • Information line (01) 284 1166 Monday to Friday from 9am to 5pm • Email info@mentalhealthireland.ie MyMind • Counselling and psychotherapy available nationally online • Visit www.mymind.org or email hq@mymind.org​ National Office for the Prevention of Domestic, Sexual and Gender-based Violence • www.cosc.ie The main national helpline numbers are: • National Sexual Violence Helpline (for men and women): 1800 77 88 88 • National Domestic Violence Helpline (for women): 1800 341 900 • AnyMan (for men experiencing domestic abuse): 01 554 3811 • Male Advice Line (for men experiencing domestic abuse): 1800 816 588 • Elder Abuse Helpline: 1850 24 1850 Parentline • 1890 927 277 Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays 10am - 9:30pm, Thursdays 10am - 8:30pm and Fridays 8:30am - 4:30pm Pieta House • Freephone 1800 247 247 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year • Text HELP to 51444 (standard message rates apply) Rape Crisis Centres • Rape Crisis Helpline 1800 77 88 88 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year Samaritans • Freephone 116 123 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year • Email jo@samaritans.ie SeniorLine • 1800 80 45 91 daily from 10am-10pm, including all public holidays Shine • www.shine.ie/shine-covid-19-update/ • Email phil@shine.ie for counselling support • Shine staff available to offer remote support and an outreach service to people who use Shine services by phone and email Solo (online resource for people parenting alone) • www.solo.ie St Vincent de Paul • 051 350725 or 26 or 28 • Email: info.southeast@svp.ie • Request help online www.svp.ie/get-help/request-help-online.aspx TENI (Transgender Equality Network Ireland) • www.teni.ie • Gender Identity Family Support Line 01 9073707 Tuesdays 10am – 12pm and Sundays 6pm – 9pm The Alzheimer Society of Ireland • Alzheimer National Helpline team on 1800 341 341 • email at helpline@alzheimer.ie • Live Chat at www.alzheimer.ie Turn2Me • www.turn2me.org for peer support online, online support groups and counselling online ​ Waterford Directory of Services (available from CYPSC) • www.waterforddirectoryofservices.iewww.waterforddirectoryofservices.ie/wp-content/uploads/A2Guidelines-screen_friendly_Sept_19.pdf Waterford Prevention, Partnership and Family Support Team (Parental advice to the community) • 051 859001 Monday – Friday from 10am to 1pm Waterford Intellectual Disability Association (WIDA) • www.wida.ie/www.wida.ie/blog/2020/03/11/w-i-d-a-and-the-coronavirus-covid-19/ Women’s Aid (services and supports for women and children experiencing domestic violence) • 1800 341 900 available 24 hours a day 365 days of the year • Telephone Interpretation Service call the Helpline on 1800 341 900 Monday to Sunday 8am - 8pm • National Freephone Helpline can offer text support to deaf or hard of hearing women Text 087 959 7980 Monday to Sunday 8am - 8pm • www.womensaid.ie HSE Psychology Department Waterford 23/03/2020
Waterford Services Update
Created : 10 Apr 2020, 11:24 AM
Archived : 10 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Waterford Services Update Services are adapting to comply with HSE guidance re: Covid 19 and have changed opening arrangements etc. The information on services below is correct as at 25th March 2020 but may change at short notice Service Name Service Update Contact Details Tel / Email / Web Coiste Cúram Leanaí Phort Láirge/Waterford Childcare Committee Service open normal business hours 9-5pm Mon to Fri Office and e-working arrangements in place Rose Murphy 051 295045/087 9050484 info@cccw.ie/rmurphy@cccw.ie www.cccw.ie PPFS Team Waterford Family Support Parental phone advice available Monday to Friday 10am to 1pm Contact details will change on 1st April 051859001 Foroige Ferrybank 2x youth projects Tramore youth project Portlaw/Killm acthomas youth project Lismore Big Brother big sister mentoring Volunteer led youth clubs county wide All of the listed services at technically open. However in line with HSE guidance we have asked all staff to work from home where possible. We are available by phone and using social media platforms for services users. If there are vulnerable young people or families that require our support we will continue to be available within the limits of the HSE guidance. Karen Rice 0866478637 Pierce Dunne 0866705202 Pippa Jones 0861415929 Jean Power 0868338970 Monica Widger 0862485977 Amy Cullinane 0860497626 Michelle Leonard 0864134777 Eimear Cusack 086 0107154 Gail O Sullivan 0866236302 karen.rice@foroige.ie pierce.dunne@foroige.ie pippa.jones@foroige.ie jean.power@foroige.ie monica.widger@foroige.ie amy.cullinane@foroige.ie michelle.leonard@foroige.ie eimear.cusack@foroige.ie gail.osullivan@foroige.ie Sacred Heart Family Resource Centre Family Support Service - • All groups and one to ones cancelled • Closed to the Public • Staff working remotely from Home. • Engagement through social media using Facebook • Still taking referrals and offering telephone support. • Maintaining communication, offering advice and support to current service users of Family support service. Waterford Social Prescribing Service – • supporting those experiencing isolation and loneliness. • Still accepting referrals and maintaining regular telephone contact with service users offering advice and support. Tiptoes Community Childcare Service- • Closed in line with directive from central government. • Maintaining contact with parents registered with the service through internal communications processes. • Maintaining Facebook presence. Richardson’s Meadow, Old Tramore Road, Waterford. Heather Kiely- Family support & Project Manager Mary Lyng – Family Support & Parents Champion Niamh Flavin - City SP Service Fiona Laffan - County SP Service Sarah Dowling – Childcare Manager facebook: Sacred Heart Family Resource Centre 0868348764 coordinator@sacredheartfrc.ie 0860233572 development@sacredheartfrc.ie 0892501413 socialprescribing@sacredheartfrc.ie 0894917360 Socialprescribing-county@sacredheartfrc.ie Twitter handle: @socialprescribingwaterford childcaremanager@sacredheartfrc.ie facebook: Tiptoes Community Childcare Centre Cityside Community Based Drugs Initiative Continuing to offer support over the phone and through video conferencing. We are offering 1-to-1 information and support to individuals and family members in relation to their own or someone else's substance use. We are holding a Family Support Meeting through video conference every Wednesday at 11am and we are also facilitating video conferencing Smart Recovery Meetings which are support meetings for anyone interesting in addressing any addictive behaviour. Individuals don't have to contact the project closest to them as this can sometimes be a barrier. We all work under the one organisation so if someone contacts any of the numbers they can either be supported by that worker or referred to the project closest to them if they prefer - in the spirit of no wrong door. Jay Collins 086 8561641 Monday to Friday from 9 - 5 for anyone seeking information or support. Tramore (covering east county Waterford) - 086 8527173 Dungarvan (covering West County Waterford) - 087 9676439 Ballybeg/Lisduggan/Larchville - 087 2024061 Johns Park, Dunmore Road and surrounding areas - 087 6394065 St. Brigid’s Family and Community Centre 37 Lower Yellow Road : Staff are working from home to continue to provide family and parenting support, advice and information to the community Portlaw Community Resource Hub, Clodaigh House Portlaw: Staff are working from home to provide family support, advice and information to the community. St. Brigid’s Counselling Service: St. Brigid’s Children Centre, Hennessy’s Road, Waterford Staff working from home to support children and families through e-mail / text and social media Gerardine Lanigan (Manager) Mags Drohan (Family Support / Community Development) Carmel Connolly (Family Support) Carmel Connolly (Family Support / Community Development) Yvette Aylward (Family Support / Community Development) St. Brigid’s FCC St. Brigid’s FCC / St. Brigid’s Children Centre 051 375261 e-mail: gerlanigan@stbrigidsfcc.ie e-mail: stbrigidsfcc@eircom.net 089 202 7218 e-mail: mags@stbrigidsfcc.ie 089 202 7799 e-mail: carmel@stbrigidsfcc.ie 089 202 7799 089 202 7653 051 375261 051 375261 086 396 7844 e-mail: childrencentre@stbrigidsfcc.ie An Garda Siochana - Waterford Community Garda I am contactable should any one require Garda assistance in the Waterford Garda District (City, Ferrybank, Dunmore East, Passage East - especially during the current Covid 19 period. We have a Community Engagement vehicle available for collection/delivery of essential items to vulnerable members of the community should the need arise. This vehicle is marked with Garda insignia. Sgt. Dave Butler 085 811 7233 (Community Policing Unit, Waterford Garda Station) Waterford_community@garda.ie BRILL Family Resource Centre FAMILY SUPPORT: • Continuing to Support families and individuals we are engaged with • Available to support families and individuals • Accepting New Referrals • Continuation of networking and cooperation with Agencies and organisations towards enhancing collaborative work EDUCATION PROJECT: • Continuing to Support the Young People engaged in our Education & Youth Work Programmes • Providing laptops/Chrome Books on Loan to Exam Year students to assist in their Home Studies • Keeping young people and families up to date with Educational Resources BALLYBEG HORTICULTURE INITIATIVE: Local Training Initiative (LTI) • Coordinating with Tutors and Learners in putting in place remote learning and tuition KEY PROJECT: • Continuing to support 30 x CE Workers • Available through E Mail and Phone to support the general public BALLYBEG GREENS: • Growing and cultivating our Herbs and vegetables • Finalising Building Remedial Works • Available to take future room bookings • Continuing to coordinate the Community Allotments. For General Enquiries, please contact: Anthony Nolan Working from home and available during their usual work hours through phone/e mail Joanne Tubbritt. Working from home and available during their usual work hours through phone/e mail Lesley Anne Power. Working from home and available during their usual work hours through phone/e mail Elaine O Mara/ Jane Kavanagh. Working from home and available during their usual work hours through phone/e mail Leona Basquill Ray Power Glenn Lynch, FRC Manager Sean Cahill, Administrator 085-8771766 anthonynolan@brillfrc.ie 087-2599013 joannetubbritt@brillfrc.ie 085-8771721 lindsay@brillfrc.ie horticulture@brillfrc.ie Leona@brillfrc.ie 085- 2513912 ray@brillfrc.ie 085-8771772 glenn@brillfrc.ie admin@brillfrc.ie Barnardos Barnardos are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and we are offering an interactive telephone parenting and family support service. This service will be tailored to families specific needs. We will be contacting some families on the waiting list also to offer support We understand that families are currently under significant stress and we can offer practical support and guidance in relation to : Setting up or maintaining a routine at home Understanding or managing your child’s behaviour including how to manage siblings getting along Space for talking about how you are feeling? Helping your children engage with and complete their school work Tips for different activities that you can do with your children How to help manage your children’s anxieties / worries Knowing what services are available to support you and your family during this time How to manage violence in the home Ideas on cheap and healthy meals that you can make with your children If you know anyone that might need support from us they can call us O51 84410 Waterford and Dungarvan is 058 or Email: una.conroy@barnardos.ie Catherine.kiersey@barnardos.ie karen.joyce@barnardos.ie lorna.deecarter@barnardos.ie michelle.mullaney@barnardos.ie Focus Ireland Housing and Tenancy Support and Settlement Service Dungarvan These support services are continuing with staff remaining in contact with customers by telephone and limited face to face contact. No home visits or office appointments are taking place during COVID 19. Waterford City Office Grange Cohan St John’s Park Waterford 051 879807 Tusla Child and Family Agency Tusla staff will continue to provide supports to children & families but like all agencies we will need to adapt our delivery of service in order to adhere to best public health advice from the relevant health authorities www.hse.ie All Tusla staff can be contacted as usual by email or on their mobile phone. All Tusla offices will close to the public however staff will be available to take referrals for child protection concerns on these phone lines: Waterford 051 842827 Referrals can also be made through the Mandated Referral Portal - as the postal system may not operate to full capacity Oasis House Women’s Refuge Oasis House Women’s Refuge wants to reassure anyone experiencing domestic abuse or feeling unsafe in their homes during these unprecedented times with Covid-19, that we are continuing to offer support. Our professional domestic abuse staff team are available on our Helpline to provide emotional support, information regarding legal options/court accompaniment , safety planning or if required assess for crisis accommodation. Waterford City and County Domestic Abuse Outreach Service continues to operate. We provide outreach support to victims and their families experiencing domestic abuse throughout Waterford City and County. However, due to Covid-19 we are limiting our face-to- face contact with clients. We are offering the same support to our existing clients over the phone and continue to assess new referrals. Stay well and stay safe Please contact Oasis House 24/7 helpline 1890 264 364 for further information or self-referrals/other agency referrals If anyone feels in immediate danger please call An Garda Siochana on 999/112.
Staff Quiz
Created : 09 Apr 2020, 2:22 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi all just to clarify all entries on staff email mine is fintanoconnor@blackwatercs.com also this is a competition for staff only. Only staff will receive these notification now get your thinking
Staff Quiz
Created : 09 Apr 2020, 12:44 PM
Archived : 09 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi Everyone happy Easter attached is round one of a staff quiz it might pass a bit of time for you. If you want to enter please email me back you answers by 12 tomorrow all correct entries will enter a draw for a nice prize after each round. If you want to ignore quiz that’s fine too enjoy Easter everyone
Additional Pre Higher Level Maths exams
Created : 08 Apr 2020, 8:01 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Reminder for Mr Lawlor’s and Mr Barry’s LC maths classes of free pre maths higher level papers from the Tuition Centre. You get the papers by email on the days identified below and the marking scheme the following day . The challenge is to do them under exam conditions on your own! Please sign up with the Tuition Centre in advance!
Coping Calendar Option
Created : 06 Apr 2020, 7:01 PM
Archived : 06 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Some useful suggestions as to how to cope in the current situation from Action For Happiness recommendation by Miss Martina O’Regan! A good reference for student and Parental Wellbeing!
Happy Easter
Created : 03 Apr 2020, 5:30 PM
Archived : 03 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi all, I would like to thank everyone for all of their help, support and patience during what have been difficult circumstances for everybody. Over the past week, we have had several online meetings( using ZOOM mostly) involving the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools ( ACCS) executive, our trustees,the ACCS principals and deputy principals, our Senior management team , our post holders ,our finance committee, our Board of Management, our year heads , our coordinators, the whole staff, our SNAs,our pastoral care and SEN supports and our Student Council . Our Parents Council are meeting online on Monday to review a survey they completed and to review our draft admissions policy for 2020/21. It has been a hectic time for everyone to say the least! The purpose of these meetings is to ensure all key stakeholders are consulted as to how things are progressing. This is new territory for us all and we will be constantly refining what we are doing to the best of our ability to provide optimal support for our students at BCS. We will keep reviewing each week as things happen and want to be the a constant in everybody’s lifes at a time of such upheaval. There is no perfect formula for working in these circumstances but I would sincerely like to take this opportunity to thank all staff, students and parents for doing their utmost to make the most of the situation we find ourselves in. We will continually strive to improve further and further with everyone’s help and feedback. More importantly, I hope you and your loved ones are in good health and if we need to know about any particular struggles with health or whatever please inform me at denisring@blackwatercs.com so that we are not annoying you re homework or school related issues in those circumstances! Students are free from online distance learning over the next 2 weeks. Enjoy the rest and best wishes to all. Ní neart go cur le chéile, Denis Ring
3rd year DATS
Created : 01 Apr 2020, 10:00 AM
Archived : 01 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
All 3rd years who sat the DATS have been emailed an explanation booklet and their tests have been listed in order of highest to lowest. Exact results will be given out on request when we return to school. If you look at your test order, you will find the areas that you are strongest at and the areas that you are weakest at. Then look at the explanation booklet to see what they mean. There was an issue with a small number of students so if you did not receive an email please email mariannelanders@blackwatercs.com