Displaying 1331-1340 of 2462 results.
6th Year Wellbeing Hour
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 10:48 AM
Archived : 30 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
6th Year Wellbeing Hour Thursday 30th May Morning to all sixth years. For Wellbeing Hour today, we encourage you to pick one of the following options. It is vital that you use this hour to escape from the books and take some time for yourself. 1. Guided Yoga class with Miss Landers oide.webex.com/meet/mariannelanders 2. Walk/Run/Cycle for the hour. Please download the Strava App to record your activity. This will be linked to a whole school event from next week. 3. Guided Meditation www.dermotwhelan.com/start-meditating 4, Digital Detox-Take an hour to yourself where you get away from the phone/tablet/laptop. Go for a walk, read a book, sit down for a cup of tea and a chat with those at home. 5. Try a few of these simple home workouts from the NHS www.nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/10-minute-workouts/ 6, Try any of the activities put up as part of Active Home Week. Remember to stay with 2km from home at all times and to practice social distancing.
Active Home Week
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 10:41 AM
Archived : 30 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Morning to all. Today we have a list of activities for you. Remember, your total should add up to at least 60 minutes. 1. Cereal Box Challenge 2. Climb the Heights Skipping Challenge 3 Card Deck Workout 4 Just go outside and get some fresh air. Remember at least 10,000 steps a day.
Minister’s Statement re JC
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 7:55 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Statement 29 April, 2020 Minister McHugh announces revised arrangements for Junior Cycle 2020 - All third year Junior Cycle students to be awarded certificates for the completion of Junior Cycle by the Department of Education and Skills - Schools given autonomy to assess students and all students to receive a report on achievement - Adult learners to be given opportunity to take final Junior Cycle examinations in autumn The Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh TD has today (Wednesday 29 April 2020) announced revised arrangements for this year’s Junior Cycle. The decision was taken following recommendations from an advisory group of stakeholders as part of planning for the State Examinations in response to the Covid-19 public health measures and the decision that the Junior Cycle State Examinations will not run this year. Minister McHugh attended the meeting of the advisory group and thanked the members for their work. “In this difficult time for students I have listened to the very strongly-held and well-articulated views of students, parents and other stakeholders,” Minister McHugh said. “This decision has been made with the health and wellbeing of students, parents and teachers at the forefront of our thinking. “It gives students and their families more clarity and certainty. It also gives schools freedom to decide how best to assess the progress of students following three years of hard work and learning.” Under the revised arrangements and in light of the exceptional circumstances presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the work and achievement of third year Junior Cycle students will be recognised with a state certificate from the Department of Education and Skills. As soon as possible after the end of the current school year, students will receive a written school report on their learning achievements in each subject, short course and/or priority learning unit Schools are also being given autonomy to decide whether to run school-based assessments and what form they take. Options to consider include school-designed examinations, tasks, projects, assignments, essay style questions, presentations, or other tasks agreed at a local level. Guidance for schools on reporting to students and parents, developed with the advice of the advisory group of stakeholders, will be published by the Department. The State Examinations Commission is also being asked to put in place specific arrangements for adult learners to give them an opportunity to take final Junior Cycle examinations for which they are entered in autumn 2020. Ends Notes for Editors For info on the advisory group see here Further advice in relation to assessment options for schools will be issued by the Department. Certificate of Completion This will issue from the Department early in the next school year. It will provide each student with a certificate confirming completion of the Junior Cycle programme of study, including the list of subjects, short courses and/or priority learning units studied and the level at which the subject was studied. Adult Learners The SEC will put in place specific arrangements for adult learners who are studying a subject or subjects at Junior Cycle level within one academic year. The specific dates of the examinations in autumn 2020 will be determined as soon as possible. These examinations will only be available to students who meet the specific qualifying criteria.
Junior Certificate
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 3:46 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi All , In anticipation of the Minister’s announcement today we have a meeting with our management body the Association of Community and Comprehensive Schools tomorrow morning at 9.15am . This will be followed by our own staff meeting tomorrow afternoon at 3pm . After these meetings, we will be able to precisely map out our JC plans to complete the academic year for our students at a JC assembly scheduled for 9.30am on Friday morning. We will meet with the Parents’ Council to clarify same on Friday night . All final arrangements will be clarified for all here on our Phone App on Friday night . At that stage any outstanding confusion re the JC will be eliminated . Ní neart go cur le chéile, Denis Ring
Junior Certificate announcement
Created : 29 Apr 2020, 3:36 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
www.irishtimes.com/news/education/schools-to-decide-whether-to-hold-assessments-for-junior-cycle-stud Irish Times LogoSchools Schools to decide whether to hold assessments for Junior Cycle students in May Students to receive State certificate to mark their completion of three years of school Plans to hold Junior Cycle exams in September have been placed with school-based assessments in May Plans to hold Junior Cycle exams in September have been placed with school-based assessments in May Carl O'Brien Education Editor Updated: 7 minutes ago Schools are to be given the freedom to decide whether to run school-based assessments for Junior Cycle students during May. The move means that exams which were planned for September are officially cancelled and students will have completed their Junior Cycle at the end of May. It follows growing concern that delaying the exams would lead to unnecessary anxiety among students and logistical problems for schools next autumn. In addition, the work and achievement of third year Junior Cycle students will be recognised with a State certificate from the Department of Education. Among the options schools will be given for conducting assessments include school-designed exams, tasks, projects, assignments, essay-style questions, presentations, or other tasks agreed at a local level. Guidance for schools on reporting to students and parents, developed with the advice of the advisory group of stakeholders, will be published by the Department. The State Examinations Commission is also being asked to put in place specific arrangements for adult learners to give them an opportunity to take final Junior Cycle exams for which they are entered in autumn 2020. Minister for Education Joe McHugh said he was taking the step after listening to views of students, parents and other stakeholders. Related Junior cycle exams in September set to be replaced with school assessments in May State exams Q&A: What is happening with the Leaving Cert and Junior Cycle? Ten pupils per class, hourly handwashing: What reopened schools could look like “This decision has been made with the health and wellbeing of students, parents and teachers at the forefront of our thinking,” he said. “It gives students and their families more clarity and certainty. It also gives schools freedom to decide how best to assess the progress of students following three years of hard work and learning.” As soon as possible after the end of the current school year, students will receive a written school report on their learning achievements in each subject, short course and/or priority learning unit The certificate of completion will issue from the Department early in the next school year. It will provide each student with a certificate confirming completion of the Junior Cycle programme of study, including the list of subjects, short courses and/or priority learning units studied and the level at which the subject was studied. The decision to cancel exams in September, reported in The Irish Times last Saturday, also means a large majority of hundreds of thousands of printed Junior Cycle exam scripts now look set to be unused. While Mr McHugh’s original plans involved using official exam scripts in September, many schools pointed out that the absence of a centralised timetable meant they would circulate quickly on social media. The revised arrangments were welcomed by teachers and education stakeholders on Wednesday. The Teachers’ Union of Ireland said the new approach was informed by principles of fairness and equity. “We welcome the certainty that these revised arrangements provide at a time of worry, stress and uncertainty for students, parents and teachers,” said TUI president Seamus Laharte. He said the TUI had made clear to the Department of Education that September exams would be “regressive educationally and would further complicate what is likely to be an extremely challenging process of re-opening schools in September”. Association of Secondary Teachers in Ireland president Deirdre Mac Donald expressed regret that this year’s cohort of students will not have the opportunity to sit the exams as normal. “The experience of this examination has always been a valuable milestone in the educational experience of Irish students. However, having regard to all the circumstances, the guidelines being issued are the best that can be achieved this year,” she said. “The pressure of sitting examinations that would have enjoyed no credible status would have imposed unnecessary stress on these students whether they were held prior to the summer holidays or in the autumn. “We believe that the well-being of these students is best served by the freedom to enjoy the summer of 2020 without the pressure of examinations hanging over them.”
Active Home Week Skills Challenge
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 1:21 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Today is all about skills. Can you video yourself doing an impressive skills challenge from your favourite sport? Remember if it’s not on video, it didn’t happen!! Don’t forget to tag the school Twitter or Facebook account with your video. Looking for inspiration? Miss Rockett m.youtube.com/watch?v=Hh0rlnOIhMs Mr Murray twitter.com/waterfordgaacg/status/1246000653606031361?s=21 Past Pupil Iarlaith Daly twitter.com/waterfordgaacg/status/1250341850088476673?s=21 Past Pupil Lorraine Bray bit.ly/WSPCamogieathomeLorraineBray Past Pupil Tom Barron twitter.com/waterfordgaacg/status/1243882253291270144?s=21 Waterford Footballer Brian Looby twitter.com/waterfordgaacg/status/1247928980600246272?s=21 Mickey Quinn-Longford Senior Footballer youtu.be/G_0EkDioGNs All Blacks V F2 Freestylers youtu.be/G0BDDOh3yvI
Online Year Group meetings this week
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 9:33 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Schedule of Online Meetings for the week. Tuesday - We has a review meeting with LCs this afternoon Wednesday: 11:30am – Fifth year meeting with students . # 6pm expected announcement re JC Thursday 9.00am – ACCS Regional Meeting with Senior management re JC & LC updates 11:30am – 2nd year meeting with students. 12.30pm – 1st year meeting with students 3.00pm - Staff Meeting re Junior Cycle arrangements and end of year assessments Friday 9.30am – 3rd year meeting with students 10:30am – TY meeting with students. 11:30am – Pastoral care meeting.
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 12:34 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Lockdown is providing challenges for all of us. See the Coping Calendar attached for some ways of getting through each day. Please also see poster from ISSU highlighting the support services available.
Active Home Week
Created : 28 Apr 2020, 8:13 AM
Archived : 28 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
Today’s activity is to do a live PE class with Joe Wicks at 9am. Fun for all the family youtu.be/XGqjVI6J5Ew. You can watch back any of his videos for other PE classes or home workouts. Remember the key message is at least 60 minutes of physical activity a day. These 60 minutes don’t have to be all in one go. Every bit adds up.
Bus Transport Refund
Created : 27 Apr 2020, 8:05 PM
Archived : 27 Jun 2020, 12:00 AM
24 April, 2020 - Ministers announce school transport arrangements Refunds to be issued to families at end of school year Minister for Education and Skills Joe McHugh T.D. and the Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development John Halligan have announced that families will receive refunds for school transport fees for periods of schools closures. The payments will issue at the end of the school year once the exact period of closures is confirmed. The Ministers also announced that school bus contractors will continue to receive a 50% payment while schools are closed in this academic year. Following the initial announcement that schools would be closed until 29 March 2020, and in light of the exceptional circumstances, it was agreed that school transport contractors would be paid at the normal or full rate for that period. It was then decided that a payment of 50% would be afforded for the week commencing Monday 30 March 2020 until now. This 50% payment will be extended whilst schools are closed in this academic year as a result of the public health restrictions. Parents are also reminded that applications for the school transport scheme for the next school year close today, Friday April 24. Minister McHugh said: “We know that parents, particularly in rural areas, were seeking clarity in relation to refunds while schools were closed. I am happy to confirm refunds will issue later this year when we know the precise amount of time lost in schools.” Minister Halligan said: “Today’s announcement brings certainty to parents and to operators of the school transport scheme. It is only right that parents and contractors are compensated due to this unprecedented chain of events.”