Displaying 1251-1260 of 2462 results.
Update re Key LC Results and CAO dates
Created : 16 Jul 2020, 10:19 PM
Archived : 16 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Leaving Certificate results to be issued on 7 September, Department of Education confirms It comes weeks later than the traditional August results day for the Leaving Cert exams. 2 hours ago 11,198 31 THE DEPARTMENT OF Education has this evening confirmed that Leaving Certificate results will not be available until 7 September. In a statement, Education Minister Norma Foley said the results of the calculated grades system introduced at the height of the pandemic, will come weeks later than the traditional August results date. “The results will be issued on 7 September, so that they will operate seamlessly with the CAO system and UCAS in the UK,” she said. “All of this means that you have certainty that you will be able to use the grades to move on to the next phase of your life, either in work or further study, in the autumn.” ADVERTISEMENT The first round of CAO offers will be out on 11 September. The student portal for the Leaving Certificate Calculated Grades will open for students at 12pm on Monday, where all Leaving Certificate students will be able to confirm that they wish to receive their calculated grades results. Each Leaving Certificate student who has registered for calculated grades when the portal opened initially in May will receive a text message about the portal opening on Monday next. Over 61,000 Leaving Certificate students are eligible to receive Calculated Grades. “I know how important and exciting this moving-on phase of your life is to you, and I am determined to enable you to do that,” Foley said. “So, when you receive a text message next week, please respond and opt-in to receive your grades on the portal.” #OPEN JOURNALISM No news is bad news Support The Journal Your contributions will help us continue to deliver the stories that are important to you SUPPORT US NOW First round offers of places from the CAO system will issue later the same week, on Friday 11 September. “The arrangements for the issuing of results on 7 September means that students hoping to study in Irish colleges and universities will be able to start their courses a few weeks later. “It will also mean that Irish students, hoping to study in Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, will meet all UCAS deadlines.”
Student Return Dates
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 2:50 PM
Archived : 14 Sep 2020, 1:00 AM
Student Return Dates Wednesday Sept 2nd 6th Yr. Induction Thursday Sept 3rd 5th Yr. Induction (6th yr. normal school day) Friday Sept 4th 3rd Yr. Induction (6th yr. normal school day) Monday Sept 7th 2nd Yr. Induction (6th & 3rd yr. normal school day) Tuesday Sept 8th 6th, 5th & 3rd yr. normal school day Wednesday Sept 9th 1st Yr. Induction ONLY * Please note Change Thursday Sept 10th TY Induction (All Years normal school day) Friday Sept 11th All Years follow timetabled classes
School Uniform
Created : 09 Jul 2020, 3:02 PM
Archived : 09 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Student Expenses 2020/21
Created : 06 Jul 2020, 9:59 PM
Archived : 07 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
Student expenses for the coming academic year are now due. These can be paid online through Easy Payments which can be accessed through the shop on the school app or through the school website blackwatercs.com. Please note: These fees do not apply to TY students as they have separate fees. Please see attached

Summer 2020 Newsletter
Created : 03 Jul 2020, 3:36 PM
Archived : 06 Sep 2020, 12:00 AM
The BCS Summer newsletter is now available for viewing on the school app To view please go to the menu the under the heading school - newsletter
Parent Survey
Created : 29 Jun 2020, 11:41 AM
Archived : 29 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Thank you to Parents and Guardians who have filled out our Parent Survey and appreciate your ongoing support. The survey is still open until tomorrow Tuesday June 30th at 4pm. For those who still wish to fill it in and submit the survey I am attaching the link to it here "Parents we need your help - we would really appreciate a few minutes of your time to fill out the school survey linked below." forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cSnaBq6shE2p2ridU779r7jHrooteS5Jg6z6oojdITZUOUpOQ1hDVkhLOEI0RUZYSkFNSUlaU0ZTTy4u
BCS Strava Leaderboard
Created : 29 Jun 2020, 10:05 AM
Archived : 29 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Great activity and excitement at the top of the leaderboard this week. The cyclists are putting in tremendous performances worthy of places in Le Tour de France! Mr Murphy put in a super effort early this morning with a 200km and almost 8 hour “stage” to put him on top of leaderboard, but another brilliant cycling week for our defending leader John O’Dwyer wasn't letting go of his top spot and hangs onto it for a 5th week in a row. PJ Beer drops from 2nd to third place this week but tops the running charts for this week. John Campion moves back up the leaderboard from 7th to 4th. Ms Green jumps back into the top ten this week and is third on the running charts. Ms Dinneen jumps up this week from 8th to 6th and holds 2nd spot in the running leaderboard. At 7th Jack Schurmann returns to the top 10. A rise in a place for Michelle Kearney who is at 8th. A drop down the leaderboard Ms Lineen and Kieran Walsh who complete the top 10. A special mention this week for former student Jack Crowley who completed a half marathon on Saturday. Well done Jack
CAO Change of Mind Deadline
Created : 26 Jun 2020, 12:48 PM
Archived : 26 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
The CAO will close on the 1st July at 17.15. Please note the following: 1. Please do not change your mind based on how you think you performed, ensure your lists are in order of preference and that you have filled it out with your dream, realistic and back up courses. 2. Check your CAO once before the deadline to ensure the course choices are filled out the way you want. If you have been changing it often or haven't looked at it recently, you may not remember the exact layout of your list. It cannot be changed after the deadline. 3. There is time to do last minute research, join in on a group chat hosted by the college or use their QandA facilities. Each college offers different services so please see college website/careers portal for events they are running. 4. If you have any questions, please contact mariannelanders@blackwatercs.com Best of luck, enjoy the summer!
Law Society Online Summer School
Created : 26 Jun 2020, 9:54 AM
Archived : 26 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
TY/5th year students Law society are hosting an online summer school beginning the 7th July. Closing date 29th July. Programme Structure Free to join.  Delivered online. Open to Transition Year and Fifth Year students nationwide. Four weeks duration, with a new module released each Tuesday. Short easy to consume video interviews and presentations. Diverse range of contributors including Law Society staff and leading lawyers.  Quizzes and online resources.  How to Apply For any TY or Fifth Year student interested in joining us on Tuesday 07 July, an Application Form is available on our website: www.lawsociety.ie/SummerSchool. Applications close at 4pm on 29 June 2020.
BCS Strava Leaderboard 15-21 June
Created : 21 Jun 2020, 9:18 PM
Archived : 21 Aug 2020, 12:00 AM
Well done to all our school community on the many activities during the week. There has been an increase in swimming so hopefully the weather will oblige and this trend will continue as we go forward. With the recent easing of COVID restrictions we will see a return to training for many and a more regular weekly schedule. We still hope to see you all on the leaderboard here over the coming weeks. Also Happy Father's Day to all the Dads, Grandads and Great Grandads out there today! John O'Dwyer continues to dominate at the top of the leaderboard for the 4th week in a row. Well done!! Congrats to Kieran Walsh who has been putting in a fantastic effort all week in raising money for Marymount and is at the top of the running leaderboard this week! Delighted to see some new names on the leaderboards - will you be there next week?? The summer solstice is a time for new beginnings so this may be the perfect time to start a new healthy trend in your life. Happy solstice everyone!