Displaying 1231-1240 of 2462 results.
Covid Appendix to BCS Code Of Behaviour
Created : 04 Sep 2020, 3:50 PM
Archived : 04 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Appendix to BCS Code of Behaviour due to COVID 19 requirements The measures contained in this appendix are being implemented to reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19 virus and to protect the safety, health and welfare of staff, students, parents, and visitors as far as possible within the school. The control measures shall continue to be reviewed and updated as required on an ongoing basis. 1. Students must wear cloth face coverings while in the school building, and at all other times when directed to do so by a member of staff of Blackwater Community School e.g. on school trips, on buses going to and from school and school activities etc. Face coverings must be worn, when indoors, during break and lunch times, except while eating and drinking. This rule does not apply to students who are exempt from wearing cloth face coverings on medical ground. Any exceptions can only be made following the provision of a GP’s letter. 2. Only appropriate face coverings will be acceptable – students whose face coverings are not deemed to be appropriate will be asked to change them. Inappropriate face masks include those with slogans and/or potentially offensive/humiliating/hurtful illustrations. 3 ply face coverings are strongly recommended. Snoods, scarves, and similar items are not permitted. 3. Cloth face coverings should be washed after every day of use and/or before being used again, or if visibly soiled. 4. Students must wash their hands or use hand sanitizer: o Before and after eating food o After coughing and sneezing o After using the toilet. o Where hands are dirty o Before and after wearing gloves o Before and after being on public transport o Before leaving home o When arriving/leaving the school/other sites o When entering a new classroom or if leaving a classroom before break or lunch. o After touching potentially contaminated surfaces o If in contact with someone displaying any COVID-19 symptoms. 6. Fingernails must be kept short and neat. False nails and/or nail jewellery are not permitted. This is to aid proper hand washing and sanitising. 7. Students should avoid touching their face, eyes, nose and mouth, cover coughs and sneezes with an elbow or tissue and dispose of tissues in the covered bins. 8. Students should NOT move the tables or chairs in the classrooms as they have been laid out to maintain a distance of at least 1 metre between students and between students and staff. 9. On entering a classroom student will sanitise their hands while maintaining a 1 metre distance and sit at their assigned desk. Students at the end of class are asked to clean down their own chair/desk and dispose of the wipe(s) used in the cleaning process in the bin provided. Students will be required to clean down equipment used in specialist rooms, keyboards etc. 10. When moving around the school, students must walk in a clockwise direction, inside and outside, according to the arrow/ signage indicators. 11. Students are required to social distance and adhere to capacity restrictions when using school toilets. 12. Students will not go downtown or across to the shop during school hours. All students must remain in their designated social areas during break times. The protective measures outlined above are being implemented to keep all members of our school community as safe as possible. Those who do not respect, or fail to implement, the measures properly put everybody’s safety at risk and that is unacceptable. In the event of students not complying with the regulations, their parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted and will be asked to take the student home. Face coverings must always be worn correctly in the school building. From the outset we are setting out a ‘zero-tolerance’ approach relating to students making inappropriate comments or noises from behind their face coverings. If such a situation arises, is will be deemed to be an abuse of one our main lines of defence against COVID-19 and therefore a blatant disregard for the safety of others. The sanction for such behaviour will be immediate suspension. Signed: Declan Doocey ​​​Date: 03/08/2020 Chairperson Board of Management
A prayer from Caroline for all our Leaving Cert students
Created : 04 Sep 2020, 12:13 PM
Archived : 04 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
6th year Return to School - Message from YearHead
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 6:52 PM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Management and staff are looking forward to our 6 th years starting tomorrow..All 6th years are asked to go to their tutor class @8.40. Mr Fenessey's group will meet in room 18. See you all Wednesday morning. D. O Neill.
A message from Caroline
Created : 01 Sep 2020, 10:48 AM
Archived : 01 Nov 2020, 12:00 AM
Good luck to all students and staff on their return to school. Wishing you all a safe return.
Return to School
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 7:22 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
As we prepare to welcome our students back to BCS we encourage you to watch this Return to School video as the following link youtu.be/55XtPOxsqBI
Revised Return to School Schedule
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 4:05 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see attached image
Foreign Students
Created : 31 Aug 2020, 1:56 PM
Archived : 31 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
We will have foreign students with us at BCS this year as has been the case since 2003. Before starting at BCS, we are ensuring that each of these students are tested . Following a negative test and an assurance of Quarantine from the host families and related companies for a period of 14 days , these students will be joining our school.
Created : 30 Aug 2020, 9:06 PM
Archived : 30 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Ballyduff on winning the Waterford Intermediate Hurling County Championship this evening. Well done to Maurice Geary ( Manager) and Jamie Kearney ( Teacher) and to all our past pupils on the team and panel.
Incoming Cairde
Created : 28 Aug 2020, 1:55 PM
Archived : 28 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
Could all incoming Cara students please see Teams for a message about training next Wednesday 2nd.
BCS Return to school ... Frequently asked Questions
Created : 28 Aug 2020, 1:46 PM
Archived : 28 Oct 2020, 12:00 AM
BLACKWATER COMMUNITY SCHOOL – QUESTIONS & ANSWERS There are a number of points which we believe need to be clarified for staff, students, and parents at BCS prior to reopening. We have decided to address these through a questions and answers format. Will there be Tutor meetings in the morning? There will not be tutor meetings in the morning as an effort to minimise corridor movement. The roll will be taken at each class by the relevant subject teacher at that particular time throughout the school day. Will morning times be staggered? Our buses arrive early to BCS from 8am onwards. We are asking parents who are driving their students ( and we are mindful that there is a €5.50 grant per day for driving students) to arrive between 8.20 and 8.35 in advance of school starting at 8.40am. Will small break and lunch break be staggered? Yes both, the traditional small break (mid-morning) and lunch break will be staggered with the Junior School (1st, 2nd and 3rd Yr ) at one time and the Senior school at a different time to reduce numbers circulating in the school. Will year groups have separate social areas? Yes, following HSE and DES advice each year group at their assigned morning break and lunch break times will have separate social areas to congregate and minimise any unnecessary interaction. Each year will be assigned their area at their induction session. How will induction for each year group happen? Each class within each year group will receive induction as opposed to the full year group together. Will students be staggered leaving school in the evening? Yes, students will be staggered on leaving the school building during the last class. Will there be a school canteen as normal? It is impossible to maintain social distancing in the school canteen. To minimise risk, we are going without a canteen initially. This will be reviewed. Meanwhile we are asking that students bring their lunches with them. Equally, they will not be left out to the shop across the road or down town as we cannot ensure that social distancing is maintained. Will school water fountains be used? No, we are advised by the HSE/DES not to use communal water fountain so they will be out of action. What will be done to increase ventilation? Where and when possible, doorways will be kept open (weather permitting) to ensure air circulation, also the velux windows and vents will be open. Will there be increased access/exit areas within the school? Yes, we are using all exits and entrances to the school which include 3 through the courtyard and from each practical room. Will signage exist in the school? Yes, we have got recommended HSE/DES Covid related signage professionally printed and will be displayed throughout the school. Also, our school areas will be signed as appropriate for each year group and will be arrows indicating direction of movement along the corridors in a one-way system. How will sanitation work? We will have sanitising stations at the entrances/exits of the school building and inside each classroom. How will classrooms be cleaned? Each classroom will be stocked with cleaning materials and each student will wipe down their own area after each class. Equally , each classroom will be sanitised every evening. Will the school be decluttered? Yes, we have removed all lockers and racks from the corridors to facilitate ease of movement. We have also removed extra furniture from classrooms leaving only the teacher’s desk/chair and student’s desks/chairs. What numbers will be in classrooms? As per DES guidelines most classes will only accommodate 24 students and a teacher. Students will be at a 1 metre intervals in class. Bigger rooms will accommodate up to 30 students only where 1 metre distance can be assured. We have made provision for glass partitions on each teacher’s desk. Will students wear face coverings? Yes, as per DES/HSE advice students and teachers will wear face coverings except where exceptions are outlined re AEN students or for medical reasons. Without lockers, how will students manage books and copies? Students are being prepared for the possibility of distance learning down the line if necessary as per DES instructions. To reduce carrying heavy books, the subject teachers will organise a schedule as to when particular text books are required during the week to minimise carrying unnecessary books each day. How will contact tracing work? A contact log will be maintained for all visitors to the school and for the nonteaching staff. Teaching staff attendance is monitored by our online claims system and students attendance will be monitored by VSware. Do students wear school uniform? Students will wear the PE and normal school uniform on alternate days in consultation with their year head. The TY students have an option of using their 3rd year normal uniform with their PE uniform or having an extra PE uniform (old style) which is being sold at a reduced rate at MaryFM Fashions. Do you have an isolation room? Yes, we have an isolation room where a student suspected of being positive with Covid will be taken and arrangements will be made to send him/her home following parental contact. Will there be study in the evenings? At the moment, following DES advice we are focusing on getting the return to school working safely before providing afterschool study. This will be reviewed within the first month. Will there be co/extracurricular activities? There will be no co/extracurricular activities within the first couple of weeks and then we plan to introduce them after school once school is up and running in a safe fashion. Will staff have their own staffroom area? Staff members will have their usual staffroom but all current crockery and cutlery will be replaced by each person’s personal requirements for each day. Will students have access to toilets? Students will have normal access to toilets. However, students are asked to observe social distancing. Will students have coat hooks? The advice is for students to carry all personal belongings with them including coats. Will students have Mask Breaks? Students will be afforded mask breaks during the school day I hope you have found this Q&A Summary useful. We are constantly reviewing the best ways to navigate the safe return to school for all of our school community .We will provide greater and more personalised details to each year group at their respective Inductions over the coming days. With everyone’s support and patience, we are confident we can make this work. NÍ NEART GO CUR LE CHÉILE, Denis Ring