Displaying 1121-1130 of 2462 results.
2nd Year Art-Christmas Cards and Snow Globes
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 8:34 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to Ms Leahy and her second year Art students who produced some beautiful Christmas Cards and Snow Globes.
Open Letter to Parents/Guardians
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 7:59 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Please read the following Open letter from C.M.O. Dr Tony Holohan to Parents and Guardians of school children
Christmas Bake Off
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 5:02 PM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to our third year students and teachers who took part in a Christmas Gingerbread House Bake-off today
History projects
Created : 18 Dec 2020, 7:46 AM
Archived : 18 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to first year students who recently took part in a history research and poster competition. There were excellent posters produced. Well done to Andrea Hornibrook, Emily Barry and Amilie Quann who took the prizes. Special recognition also went to Amy Dobbs, Derbhla Ryan and Sally Houlihan. Well done to all who took part.
Construction Class
Created : 17 Dec 2020, 6:53 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Mr Perrott 's first year Construction Studies Class finished their Christmas Trees today. Well done to you all
Christmas Jumper Day
Created : 17 Dec 2020, 6:50 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to all who contributed to our Christmas Jumper Day on Friday.. Delighted we raised €1200 for St Vincent de Paul and St Carthages, Lismore
Created : 16 Dec 2020, 2:58 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to first year Home Economic and Construction(wood) students on their fantastic woork this week.
Couch to 5k Update
Created : 15 Feb 2021, 9:08 AM
Archived : 15 Feb 2021, 9:08 AM
Well done to the large number of you who got out over the weekend to participate in our virtual couch to 5k. Families of current students are topping the leaderboard, followed by first and second years. Third years, sixth years and staff are in third position. We have had no entrants from transition year or fifth years yet. We encourage you all to try and fit in at least one 5k this week. Remember to please send evidence to Mr Murphy via Teams chat or by email seanmurphy@blackwatercs.com
Follow up on Confirmed Case from Yesterday
Created : 14 Dec 2020, 3:36 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​14/12/2020 Re:​Confirmed case of COVID-19 at your child’s school. A confirmed case of COVID-19 in your child’s school, has been notified to the Department of Public Health HSE South East. A public health risk assessment has been undertaken and the parents of any children deemed to be close contacts of the confirmed case have been contacted and advised accordingly. Household contacts, such as parents and siblings, of close contacts who have no relevant symptoms are not usually asked to restrict their movements. Your child has not been identified as a close contact at this time, your child does not need a test for Covid-19, they can continue to attend school, and no further actions are required at this time. If, at any time, your child develops any symptoms suggestive of Covid-19 infection (such as a cough, a fever, loss or change in sense of taste or smell), please do not send your child to school, contact your GP and begin restricting your child’s movements, as per public health advice. If your child is being sent for a Covid test by their GP, due to symptoms, you should try to isolate your child from other members of the household and all other members of the household need to restrict their movements while awaiting the results of this test. Restricted movement means avoiding contact with other people and social situations as much as possible. It is also sometimes called ‘self-quarantine’. Restricted movement means that you/your child stays home and: • Does not go to school/work. • Does not use public transport. • Does not have visitors in your home. • Does not attend extra-curricular activities • Does not go to the shops or pharmacy, unless absolutely necessary. • Keeps away from older people, anyone with an underlying medical condition Further information on COVID-19 is available at: www.hse.ie and www.hpsc.ie or you can phone HSELive at 1850 24 1850. Yours sincerely, Dr Julie Heslin MCRN 5456 Specialist in Public Health
Confirmed Positive Case
Created : 13 Dec 2020, 9:05 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/ Guardians, We have been notified of a confirmed Positive Case tonight (Sunday) of a student in TY A . The HSE are in the process of notifying related contacts . The HSE haven’t notified the school as of yet. We are taking the precaution of asking all TY students to remain out of school tomorrow until we receive precise details on our guidance from the HSE. Kind Regards, Denis Ring