Displaying 1111-1120 of 2462 results.
BT Young Scientist &Technology Virtual Exhibition
Created : 06 Jan 2021, 11:01 AM
Archived : 06 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
We would like to wish our two TY students, Grace Arrigan and Cameron Bell, the very best of luck over the coming days as they represent BCS in this year’s Virtual BT Young Scientist. They have both worked very hard last term and over the Christmas holidays producing a project diary, project booklet, a powerpoint presentation and a 3 minute video. They are presenting projects online to numerous judges in the Intermediate Social and Behavioural Sciences category and the Intermediate Technology category. Grace’s project is “A statistical analysis of student's school experiences with intellectual disabilities vs normative development” and Cameron’s is “Wind Turbine”. The virtual exhibition will showcase 550 qualified projects from over 1,300 entries, representing all corners of Ireland from Wednesday 6th January to Friday 8th January from 9am to 5.30pm. The virtual opening ceremony will start at 1pm on Wednesday 6th January, and the awards ceremony will be held at 1pm on Friday 8th January. This year, BT has waived fees for the public to access the unique exhibition portal for the 2021 exhibition, where they can view the 550 projects, enjoy STEM-focused shows and talks, visit exhibitor stands, and watch the opening and awards ceremonies live, for free on the BTYSTE website and on Facebook live. Free registration for all is open at portal.btyoungscientist.com/
Parenting in Lockdown and working from home - Advice from www.Spectrum. life
Created : 05 Jan 2021, 8:21 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Parenting in Lockdown and Working from Home The closure of schools may cause added stress to parents trying to use their home as a workplace. It might be especially difficult to juggle work responsibilities, take care of/entertain children, as well as ensuring everyone stays protected at the same time. Balancing children and a full workload can be beyond difficult. In this tipsheet, our parenting expert, Anita Fletcher shares some tips to help you create and maintain a positive work life balance when working from home with children. 1. Talk to your child about the importance of working from home. Explain to your children how important it is that you are able to do your work from home, with as few interruptions as possible. Allow them to be part of the team! Their role being, to help Mam and Dad to be productive (children are more likely to be cooperative when they feel involved and understand the reasons behind the actions) Set your children their own daily routine so they know exactly what is expected them (children thrive on routine & boundaries). 2. Set up your designated workplace. If you haven’t already, set up your space! This will make you more productive & remind children that you’re working and not available to them when you’re in that space. You don’t want to be completely isolated from children if no one else is around to mind them, but the kitchen table probably won’t serve as the optimal work space, either. Search for a well-lit area in your home, where you can stay on task, and minimise interruptions. As children interrupt, gently remind them that you are in your workspace and encourage them to go back to their activity, telling them you’ll go to them when you’re finished the piece of work. If you don't learn to keep your roles as parent and employee separate, you'll never feel like you're doing either well. Plus, it helps you disengage from your job if you can walk away from your workspace. 3. Set up a childrens work/play space & set a daily routine. Having their own workspace (just like Mum or Dad) empowers a child and again reminds them that when they’re in that space, they are working. www.spectrum.life Parenting in Lockdown and Working from Home Make a plan for education and entertainment. Set aside a few cool toys that your children can play with or arrange a special movie viewing only during "Mummy & Daddys work time." If your children have something to look forward to, they'll be less likely to interrupt you. Giving you time to catch up on e-mails. Plan their day with them (just like you have to plan your own work day). Schedule in brain training activities (puzzles, reading, lego, colouring etc) or school activities in 20-40 minute blocks. Schedule in breaks, exercise, stretch, play etc. Explain that you need them to stick to the plan/schedule/routine (whatever you prefer to call it) while you are working. Some children will entertain themselves once they have the means to do so. Setting up an activity station with games, crafts, puzzles, books and other activities will help their creative juices flow. Rotate activities & encourage children to explore options. If it’s coming to the end of your day, ask your child to join you at your desk to read a book or write a poem. That should buy you 30 minutes to wrap up your work for the day. 4. Minimise stress triggers. We all know our own Family better than anyone! Pick your Battles! When you know your stress triggers you can talk about them. 1st up, talk to your partner about the main stress triggers & the course of action you want to take to avoid them. Once you have that decided, you can talk to your child & get their buy in. List what is expected from children. (Remember, Children thrive on routine and boundaries)There’s nothing more stressful for a Mum or Dad working from home, than a sudden tantrum or outburst from their children during a call. To minimise this risk, run through a series of scenarios to prepare children. Preparation is key! Examples; • If the phone rings and Mum/Dad moves to their workspace, do you A. Run after them screaming or B. Quietly have a seat and wait for the call to be finished? • If you come into a room and see Mum/Dad on the phone, how do you react? • If Mum/Dad is at the computer when you come into the room, do you A. Scream your demands or B. Politely request attention? In time, with consistency from the adults, children will learn what is expected of them and will happily stay within their boundaries. www.spectrum.life Parenting in Lockdown and Working from Home 5. Use positive reinforcements. Catch your children being good!! When you see your children putting in the effort to follow the new routine, tell them you’ve noticed. Tell them how helpful they are being. This will reinforce the good behaviour and in turn, the likelihood of it happening again is higher! Remember, a child will take negative attention over no attention, every time! Get ther with the positive attention 1st. 6. Know when to give your child a piece of your time. If you become overwhelmed with constant interruptions because the children are desperately seeking your attention, take a break! Take them on a bike ride, or a walk, watch a movie, bake scones. Regardless of the activity you choose, the children are more likely to stay out of your way when work resumes. Refer to HSE/NHS website for up to date information and give age appropriate explanations to your children. Very young children need brief, simple information and reassurance, older children may need help to separate reality from rumour and fantasy (Social Media/Fake News). Reinforce hand washing and social/physical distance. www.spectrum.life
BCS New Year arrangements
Created : 05 Jan 2021, 8:18 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/ Guardians, I hope you are all keeping safe and well in these particularly challenging times . As you know the return date to school was initially deferred to next Monday and now much uncertainty exists regarding this . We will let you know of any arrangements that need to be put in place for the coming week(s) as soon as we receive official guidelines from the DES and HSE. Happy New Year to all! Kind Regards, Denis Ring
BCS students ready for virtual BT Young Scientist Exhibition
Created : 05 Jan 2021, 3:06 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Blackwater Students exhibit at this year’s virtual BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition The Science Department at Blackwater Community School would like to congratulate and wish the very best of luck to Grace Arrigan and Cameron Bell as they compete in the BT Young Scientist Competition which starts virtually tomorrow Wednesday . It is a very competitive application process this year and both students should be very proud to have achieved a place in the competition. Their project titles are: Name: Cameron Bell Project Title: Wind Turbine Category: Technology Name: Grace Arrigan Project Title: A Statistical Analysis of Student's School Experiences with Intellectual Disabilities VS Non-Intellectual Disabilities. All in B.C.S. wish them the very best to Cameron and Grace and to their teachers Ms Barrett and Mr Joyce over the three days. Don’t forget to tune into the BT Young Scientist & Technology Facebook page to be part of this years exhibition.
BT Young Scientist
Created : 05 Jan 2021, 3:03 PM
Archived : 05 Mar 2021, 12:00 AM
Press Release from BT Young Scientist @ Technology 2021 At the BTYSTE launch today, Shay Walsh Managing Director BT Ireland said “I am excited to welcome the next wave of future scientists & entrepreneurs to the virtual 57th BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition. Moving the event to an online setting this year allows us to open our doors to both national & international audiences, free of charge. BT Ireland is very proud to organise the exhibition for the past 21 years – providing so many bright students with a platform to pursue their interests in science and technology". We are delighted that President Michael D. Higgins will officially open the 57th BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition tomorrow. A great supporter, President Higgins has said the exhibition is “at the pinnacle of scientific achievement and discovery amongst young people worldwide.” Here is a peep behind the scenes today in The Mansion House Dublin. This is the stage for virtual #BTYSTE Opening Ceremony tomorrow. Don't forget you can view it live on Facebook from 1.00pm. So check out the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition Facebook page from tomorrow morning. waterfordnow.ie/news/six-of-the-best-from-waterfords-young-scientists/?fbclid=IwAR3e5oqrRRDyZfxc_qr9rO1_KljckTcjADKvjosYQMpcMp8bOA9ai0HRgSI The BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition will take place virtually between January 6 and January 8.
Christmas Newsletter
Created : 22 Dec 2020, 9:43 AM
Archived : 22 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year to all members of the BCS Community. Please see our Christmas Newsletter 2020 in the School Section of this Phone App. Kind Regards, Denis Ring
Christmas Baking Competition
Created : 20 Dec 2020, 7:24 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to Home Economic Bakers. "The Baking Enthusiasts in B.C.S. got another opportunity to showcase their skills in a Christmas Themed Baking Competition organised by Home Economics teachers Ms O'Keeffe & Ms Houlihan this week. The students were set the challenge of preparing and decorating any Christmas baked item and they all really got into the festive spirit baking and icing along to Christmas Songs for the 2 hour session! All participants are to commended for their creativity and talent for producing such unique masterpieces. The Winners were Saoirse Hogan(2nd Yr) for her amazing Reindeer Cake, Hannah Lehane(1st Yr) for her Yuletide Ring Cake and Keith Martin (1st Yr) for his Santa Hat Miniature Cakes. Well Done to all who took part."
Christmas Baking - the results
Created : 20 Dec 2020, 6:28 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done and congratulations to all our bakers for their wonderful baked treats.
Christmas Home Economics Baking Competition
Created : 20 Dec 2020, 5:14 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
Well done to first year and second year students involved in the Christmas Baking competition during the week. Here are the early photos. Wait till you see the finished bakes
4th Sunday of Advent
Created : 19 Dec 2020, 7:05 PM
Archived : 19 Feb 2021, 12:00 AM
You are invited to rflect with students as the last Sunday of Advent approaches youtu.be/lBJ6FNnuoPU