Displaying 1091-1100 of 2590 results.
App Update
Created : 16 Apr 2021, 10:58 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Our App has been updated to version 5.0.0. Once you have automatic updates turned on this will happen seamlessly. Please open and close the App twice for the update to become effective. You can check the version you are on by going to “App Help and Support” on the Home menu and the bottom of this list will show the version. The most recent version is 5.0.0. If you have any queries you can contact our App provider - Unique Schools at support@uniquechools.ie This support can be accessed directly from Home menu - “App Help and Support” - Contact App Developer.
FAO Transition Year Students
Created : 16 Apr 2021, 8:25 AM
Archived : 16 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Applications for position of Cara for next year are closing soon. Could any TYs who have yet to fill out the online application form please do so as soon as possible. Any queries please see Mr Murphy it Ms Ryan.
Accredited Grades Update
Created : 14 Apr 2021, 10:45 AM
Archived : 14 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
13 April 2021 Dear Principal/Manager/Coordinator, RE: Accredited Grades in Leaving Certificate 2021 for out-of-school subjects, out of school learners, and students of non-curricular languages (A) Information for students As you are aware the closing date for applying for Leaving Certificate Examinations 2021 has passed and students have selected the subjects they wish to be examined in. While students will have an opportunity to change levels and their options with respect to Accredited Grades and written examinations in late April/early May, it is no longer possible to add subjects not already selected. We ask that you would bring the following information contained in the three points below to the attention of all students in your school who are entered for Leaving Certificate 2021. This is necessary in order to inform students who are studying subjects out-of-school and those who are studying non- curricular languages of the processes that they should follow in order to receive an Accredited Grade in those subjects this year. You may already know some of the students who are in these categories but there may be others that you are not aware of yet. 1. All students who are studying subjects out-of-school and students of non-curricular languages should be advised to familiarise themselves with the Guide to Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021 for (a) Out-of-School Subjects and (b) Out-of-School Learners available at gov.ie/leavingcertificate. 2. Students who are studying subject/s entirely outside of school are required to complete and return an Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to their Principal/Manager/Coordinator as soon as possible but no later than Thursday 22 April 2021 (note: this date has been extended to allow more time for students to engage with the process). This form is available at gov.ie/leaving certificate. These students are those students attending your school but taking subjects outside of the school. The school/centre should acknowledge receipt of Initial Information Forms in writing and may use the suggested text found in Appendix 1 of the Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to do so. These forms should be retained in the school. It is very important that these students read the Guide to Accredited Grades for Leaving Certificate 2021 for (a) Out-of-School Subjects and (b) Out-of-School Learners and prepare to engage with the processes set out in section three of the guide. 3. Students who have registered for a non-curricular language in Leaving Certificate 2021 These students are not required to compete the Initial Information Form (OOS 1). As a consequence of the particular context of non-curricular languages in the Leaving Certificate, special arrangements are being put in place for all students in this category to access an Accredited Grade. All students who are registered for a non-curricular language in Leaving Certificate 2021 will be provided with an opportunity to complete a written Proficiency Assessment on the afternoon of the 8 May in their school. Students of non-curricular languages should note this date carefully. If they choose not to complete the Proficiency Assessment, the only route to a grade in their non-curricular language is by taking the relevant examination in June. (B) Information for principals/managers/coordinators. Schools and centres for education will be required to assist with the organisation of the examination centre and supervision for the Proficiency Assessment. Many schools will also be organising examination centres for the Link Modules Examination (LCVP) on the morning of 8 May. Further guidance relating to the organisation of the Proficiency Assessment will be issued separately. In addition to the categories of students referred to previously, a further category of candidates are known as ‘Out-of-School Learners’. For the purposes of the examinations, these candidates are within the category of “External Candidates”*. This category includes candidates who are not attending for fulltime tuition at any school, or private college, recognised by the State Examinations Commission and those who are being home schooled. For the purposes of Accredited Grades, out-of-school learners are required to nominate a host school or centre to oversee the submission of estimated marks on their behalf. The host school/centre will be the school or centre where the out-of-school learner has arranged to sit the June examinations. (When external candidates registered with the SEC to enter for the Leaving Certificate 2021, they were required to confirm to the SEC that they had permission from the school to sit their examinations at that school. You should already be aware of these candidates.) All schools and centres are required to facilitate such requests from this cohort of candidates. *Schools should note that some external candidates attending a private college might have nominated a school (other than the private college they are attending) as a location for the purposes of sitting their examinations at. For these candidates, the private college is their host school for the purposes of Accredited Grades. The Out-of-School Learner category described above, and that you are asked to facilitate for the purposes of Accredited Grades, only applies to External Candidates not in receipt of full- time tuition. Out-of-school learners should complete and return an Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to their host school or centre, as soon as possible, but no later than Thursday 22 April 2021. This form is available at gov.ie/leavingcertificate. The school/centre should acknowledge receipt of Initial Information Forms in writing and may use the suggested text found in Appendix 1 of the Initial Information Form (OOS 1) to do so.
Return to school Declaration Form reminder
Created : 11 Apr 2021, 1:28 PM
Archived : 11 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
BCS Return to School
Created : 09 Apr 2021, 11:22 AM
Archived : 09 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Return to Blackwater Community School April 12th Dear Parent/Guardian We are delighted to welcome back the full cohort of students to BCS on Monday April 12th. We wish to remind you of the following to ensure the safe return of all students and staff. Return to school video: we are asking Parents/Guardians & Students to familiarise themselves with the Covid 19 Protocols outlined in this video which is available on the school app. Attendance: If a student is required to leave school during the school day it is mandatory for them to be signed out by a parent/guardian at the reception area in the Monastery building. Home will be contacted if any student is not in attendance and has not provided an explanation to their teacher or tutor/year head. Uniform: We appreciate that with additional ventilation being required at the present time it may be necessary for jackets and additional clothing to be worn in class. However, all additional clothes must be underneath the full school uniform of either School / PE uniform. Leggings or tracksuit bottoms which are not school issue will not be allowed, a student always has 2 uniforms available to them and these must be fully visible and correctly worn for all classes. Return to School Declaration – this declaration needs to be submitted by all parent/guardians in the coming days, it again is available to submit through the link available on the school app. forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=cSnaBq6shE2p2ridU779r2W9Y4uHhtZMhFKyqR1Ec4VUREc1Rk1XOU5MN0VFNE8wNkNPTEI1TVpWTC4u Book Timetable – students need to ensure that they carry in the appropriate books and resources for class on the appropriate days, as outlined by their teachers earlier in the year. We look forward to seeing all our students back at BCS on Monday. Kind Regards, Denis, Maurice & Maria
Return to School
Created : 08 Apr 2021, 12:55 PM
Archived : 08 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
As we all return to school on Monday April 12th, we remind you of the BCS Return to School Protocol as was in place last September. It is exactly the same protocol upon return to school on Monday. Please watch the following video as a reminder. Looking forward to seeing you all Monday. Mr Ring, Mr Geary & Ms O Brien Click this link youtu.be/55XtPOxsqBI
School App - Version 5 Upgrade!
Created : 06 Apr 2021, 11:16 AM
Archived : 06 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
The App will be updated to Version 5 shortly. There are a range of new features which continue our drive towards a digital communications environment. If you have auto updates turned on the update process will be done automatically. Otherwise you will see an UPDATE message in your Notifications screen. Select UPDATE to complete the process. You will be asked to verify your mobile number during the update process. This must be the mobile number you have supplied to the school. Please note that only parents/students/teachers on the current schools list will be able to access the App. If you have changed your mobile number of if you have not supplied a mobile number you will not be able to access the App. Please note that if you do not update your APP certain features will not be available. If you experience any difficulty please email us at: support@uniqueschools.ie. Unique School App Support Team
Easter Greetings from Caroline
Created : 04 Apr 2021, 10:37 AM
Archived : 04 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Easter Blessings to everyone at BCS and their families. He is Risen Alleluia. Alleluia. Have a lovely day.
Good Friday-Stations of the Cross
Created : 01 Apr 2021, 11:33 AM
Archived : 01 Jun 2021, 12:00 AM
Leaving Certificate Music Update
Created : 29 Mar 2021, 1:41 PM
Archived : 29 May 2021, 12:00 AM
Dear Principal, As you are aware, the Leaving Certificate Music practical performance tests are due to take place in schools from Tuesday 6 April until Friday 9 April. In the event that a candidate is unable to present for the test due to illness or as a result of a COVID related absence such as being a close contact, it will be possible for an application for a late test to be submitted to the SEC as in any year. Applications for a late test must be submitted on or before Tuesday 13 April. The relevant application form is available here. Applications for a late test must be accompanied by relevant medical documentation in case of illness or written confirmation from the school in the case of COVID related absences. The late practical performance tests will take place on evenings or at the weekend from Friday 7 May to Friday 14 May. There will be no further opportunity for candidates to present for the practical performance test outside of this assessment window. However, it should be noted that they will nonetheless have the opportunity to sit the written examination (forfeiting the mark for the practical component) and will also have the opportunity to receive an Accredited Grade in this subject. If a student had withdrawn their entry for the Leaving Certificate Music examination and now wants to reenter for the practical performance test and the written examinations, the school should send an email to practicals@examinations.ie on or before Tuesday 30 March so we can put in place the necessary arrangements for the examinations. This information should be brought to the attention of school management, teachers, students and parents at the earliest opportunity. Many thanks for your ongoing cooperation in this matter. Yours sincerely, Majella Smyth Acting Director of Operations State Examinations Commission