Displaying 11-14 of 14 results.
Green Schools
Created : 08 Jan 2024, 11:56 AM
Archived : 10 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM
Recycling old batteries and Christmas Cards
After Christmas you may have old used batteries that you’d like to Recycle. You can bring them into school and put them in the recycling battery box at reception. The Green Schools Committee are also recycling old Christmas cards …they can be used for art projects. 
Just remove messages and names. Only the front (picture) is needed. There will also be a box for these cards at reception. Thank you for your support. 
Drama Club
Created : 08 Jan 2024, 12:00 PM
Archived : 08 Mar 2024, 12:00 AM

The school Drama Club meets every Wednesday during lunch from 1.20 to 1.50. 

The club had its first meeting on November the 8 th and there is now a dedicated membership. 

The students attending range from no experience to experienced actors from first, second and third year. 

Such is the enthusiasm of the group that they are entered for Class Act which is a Post-Primary School Drama Competition which will be held in the Moat Theatre, Nass, March 202 4. 


Green Schools "Build a Well" project
Created : 19 Dec 2023, 12:01 PM
Archived : 19 Feb 2024, 12:00 AM

WELLDone Everyone

The Green Schools Committee organised events to help build a better future for a village community in Malawi. As a school community together we raised €1,200 to purchase a Well for a village in Malawi through Trócaire. 

€183 was raised by two bake sales organised by Jessica Archbold (5th year) , Kayla O’Neill and Ali O’Neill (2nd year). A sponsored Walk for Water raised €491. A Civvies Day organised in conjunction with the Students Council raised €381 and donations from Ms. Wall, Ms. Lamont and Ms Flanagan got us across the line. 

This is a truly incredible gift. Our village Well will make  a lasting difference by providing a safe source of drinking water for an entire community. A healthy Well free of contaminants saves lives. It’s a long term investment because a safe well reduces the community’s vulnerability to future droughts or floods and will build a better future.

Well done everyone.

Created : 24 Jun 2016, 8:17 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
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