Displaying 791-800 of 920 results.
Liam MacCarthy Cup Visits Taylors
Created : 21 Dec 2017, 4:28 PM
Archived : 21 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
The All-Ireland hurling trophy, the Liam MacCarthy Cup, along with the Bob O'Keefe Cup (Leinster Campionship) and the Dr. Croke Cup (National League) were brought to the school yesterday for the girls to have their photographs taken with and to further celebrate the success of the Galway team in 2017.
Taylor's Tailors Win Up-Styling Competition!
Created : 19 Dec 2017, 11:33 AM
Archived : 19 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to 5th Year students Lauren Previte and Hannah Schmidt-Bleek who won 1st and 2nd prizes respectively in the Connacht and Ulster Up-styling Competition.
Well done to both girls for their creativity!
(Pictured: Mr. Kinsella, Lauren Previte, Hannah Schmidt-Bleek, Bn Mhic Aodha Bhui and Ms. Kennedy)
1st Year Carol Singers
Created : 15 Dec 2017, 5:11 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
Well done to all our 1st Year Carol Singers, ably led by Ms. Kerrigan and Ms. Steede-Duffy, who performed in the Eyre Square Shopping Centre to raise money for the St. Vincent de Paul charity.
TY Enterprise Fair
Created : 15 Dec 2017, 5:01 PM
Archived : 15 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our TY Enterprise students on their wonderful Christmas fair.
A big thank you to the students and teachers for their generous support.
All funds raised will be used as capital for the TY mini companies next term.
TY Christmas Enterprise Fair
Created : 14 Dec 2017, 4:27 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
The Transition Year students will host their annual Christmas fair tomorrow, Friday, from 10am - 1pm in Rosary Hall.
Inter-House 3- Legged Basketball Tournament!
Created : 14 Dec 2017, 9:14 AM
Archived : 14 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
The schedule for the 3-legged Basketball Tournament is as follows:
House merits will be awarded to all students who come along to support their house.
12.40 Baird v Butler
12.55 Nolan v Taheny
12.40 Baird v Heuston
12.55 Lynch v Taheny
13.20 Butler v Heuston
13.35 Lynch v Nolan
13.20 FINAL
3 Taylors' Students Competing in the Irish Short Course Swimming Championships
Created : 13 Dec 2017, 4:37 PM
Archived : 14 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
We wish every success to Isabelle Gibbs (TY), Aimee Kelly (3rd Year) and Naoise O'Donnell (2nd Year) who are competing in the Irish Short Course Swimming Championships in Lisburn, Northern Ireland, over the coming days.
High School Musical Photographs
Created : 30 Jan 2018, 2:44 PM
Archived : 06 Feb 2018, 4:00 PM
TY Student Lara, Has Articles Published in Galway Advertiser
Created : 03 Dec 2017, 7:35 AM
Archived : 03 Feb 2018, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to TY student Lara McNamara, who was on work experience with the Galway Advertiser last week and had 5 of her articles published.
These articles can be viewed at: edition.pagesuite-professional.co.uk//launch.aspx?pbid=a2fc81f2-0ccf-4dbf-aca1-00bedf4bde35
Her articles are as follows:
NUI Galway Neuroscientists make breakthrough in Parkinson’s Disease research. – page 43
Kyne welcomes Owenriff stock management plan and survey – page 48
What is Transition Year really like? - page 109
NUI Galway researcher wins inaugural Allergan Innovation Award – page 110
NUI Galway graduate launches unique new taxi app – page 111
Poetry Aloud National Final
Created : 23 Nov 2017, 9:24 AM
Archived : 23 Jan 2018, 12:00 AM
5th Year student, Honor Faughnan, has successfully competed in the semi-final of the ninth annual Poetry Aloud competition, organised by the National Library of Ireland (NLI) and Poetry Ireland.
She will now proceed to the national final, which will take place in the National Library of Ireland in Dublin on 1st December. The event will see 31 students from across the country compete in the junior, intermediate and senior categories for the Seamus Heaney Poetry Aloud Award.
Poetry Aloud is an annual poetry speaking competition for post-primary school students across the island of Ireland and was launched in 2006 as Yeats Aloud, becoming Poetry Aloud in 2007. Since then, it has grown enormously from just a few hundred entries to 1,800 entries in 2017.
Honor saw off competition from participants who travelled from schools nationwide and will compete in next month’s final in the senior category. Each category winner will receive €300 as well as book tokens to the value of €300 for the winner’s school library. An overall winner will be chosen from the three category winners and will receive a further €200, the Seamus Heaney perpetual trophy and a book.
The late Seamus Heaney was a significant supporter of Poetry Aloud. In 2009, he was presented by the British Library with the David Cohen Prize for Literature. In addition to the main award, the winner each year nominates the recipient of a subsidiary prize. In nominating Poetry Aloud for the award, Seamus Heaney cited the extraordinary way in which the competition seeks to celebrate the joy of speaking and listening to poetry as well as the fact that there is a strong North-South dimension to the competition.
For further information, visit www.nli.ie and www.poetryireland.ie