Displaying 371-380 of 917 results.
Junior and Leaving Certificate Mock Exam Payment
Created : 17 Jan 2022, 1:12 PM
Archived : 17 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
All 3rd & 6th year students have been given an envelope / form to indicate their subjects, and to return the relevant fees. The deadline to return the envelope to the main office is Friday 28th January 2022. The dates of the Mock Exams are as follows: Leaving Certificate: 9th February to 18th February inclusive. Junior Cycle: 14th February to 18th February inclusive. A timetable for both years will be given to students in school in due course.
5th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Created : 11 Jan 2022, 8:25 AM
Archived : 11 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent / Guardian, the scheduled 5th year PTM has been postponed due to in person Covid-19 meeting restrictions. We aim to have an online video call facility available at at a date to be confirmed. A letter will be sent to you in advance of this with further details.
Webinar: Supporting Leaving Cert Students to Make Effective Career Decisions
Created : 11 Jan 2022, 8:21 AM
Archived : 11 Mar 2022, 12:00 AM
Below is a link to a free webinar on career choices for L. C.ert. students. It may be of interest to students and their parents / guardians. The webinar takes place at 7pm this evening, 11th Jan. 2022. Please register in advance using the link below. www.ecsligocourses.com/cpd-courses/post-primary-courses/1716-supporting-leaving-cert-students-to-make-effective-career-decisions.html
Happy Christmas Everyone!
Created : 20 Dec 2021, 1:22 PM
Archived : 24 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Dominican College wishes you and your families a very Happy Christmas. We hope that you have a safe and peaceful holiday and wonderful year ahead.
Festive feeling fundraisers at Taylor's!
Created : 20 Dec 2021, 1:11 PM
Archived : 20 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to our students who took part in a Christmas jumper fundraiser for Down Syndrome Ireland. Almost 500 euros was raised for this worthy cause and our year group winners are photographed above. Well done also goes to our Student Council and to the 5th Year Prefects who organised a Christmas hamper collection for St. Vincent de Paul. Several hampers have now been delivered to SVP. Thank you to everyone who donated.
Home Economics Course Work!
Created : 17 Dec 2021, 4:53 PM
Archived : 17 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to Mrs. Gallagher's second year home economics class who finished their CBA1 today and submitted their two part project. Their work looks excellent and is ready just in time for Christmas! They are justifiably proud of their work.
Internet Safety Webinar for Parents / Guardians
Created : 13 Dec 2021, 4:19 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
This Wednesday evening-the 15th December, all parents, guardians and students can access a free webinar on internet safety delivered by Jeremy Pagden. Jeremy will be delivering workshops earlier in the day to our 1st & 2nd year students and this is an excellent opportunity for us all to learn more on the topic. You must register in advance using the link below, after which, you will receive the link to the webinar. The webinar starts at 7pm on Wednesday but it is suggests that you log in 10 minutes before hand to check your audio settings etc. us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAodu2upz4rHtIkUd2zMbBR95Vyq1c35Qef Below is the related Internet Safety website for more interesting information. internetsafety.eu/
Why do girls stop playing sport? - RTE
Created : 10 Dec 2021, 9:35 AM
Archived : 10 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
The RTE website has some interesting videos and content on the topic of girls in sports and activities. Follow the link below which highlights the importance and advantages of activity for people of all levels and abilities. www.rte.ie/brainstorm/2021/0812/1240373-why-teenage-girls-quit-sport/
School Closed Wednesday 8th December - Storm Barra
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 7:19 PM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Due to advice from the DES and Met Éireann, schools in red and orange areas have been instructed to close tomorrow, Wednesday 8th December. Arrangements for the Christmas tests scheduled for the days of closure, have been emailed to every student. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing the students on Thursday. Dominican College.
School Closed Tuesday 7th December - Storm Barra
Created : 06 Dec 2021, 7:10 PM
Archived : 06 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Due to advice from the DES and from Met Éireann, schools in red and orange areas have been instructed to close tomorrow, Tuesday 7th December. Arrangements for the Christmas Tests scheduled for tomorrow will be shared with students in due course. All students have also been sent an email this evening. Stay safe and we look forward to seeing the students on Wednesday. Dominican College.