Displaying 921-930 of 1963 results.
Anti Bullying
Created : 31 May 2022, 3:33 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
The Department of Education is currently reviewing the Action Plan on Bullying and the Anti-bullying Procedures for Primary and Post-primary Schools. As part of this work the Department is seeking your views about what should be done to prevent and tackle bullying in our schools.
The Department is inviting you to make written submissions and to complete a short questionnaire as part of the public consultation process. The consultation can be accessed on www.gov.ie/schools-anti-bullying-plan-review/ . The closing date for receipt of submissions is Tuesday 21 June 2022
Leaving Cert Graduation
Created : 16 May 2022, 5:03 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
It was a pleasure to celebrate the first Leaving Cert Graduation since 2019 last Friday with the #Classof2022. It was a challenging journey at times for this year group but they celebrated in style with beaming smiles on Friday. Congratulations to you all!
Mental Health & Wellbeing Information
Created : 26 Nov 2021, 12:05 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
Please find attached a document from The HSE on Mental Health & Wellbeing.
Food Safety Authority Ireland
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 12:17 PM
Archived : 30 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland has asked the Department to assist in sending out a message through school communities to parents. Please see below its warning about the danger associated with eating edible products, such as jelly sweets, containing cannabis components.
Secondly, in conjunction with the network of drug and alcohol taskforces throughout the country, the attached information leaflet has been prepared specifically for schools. It provides information on the range of supports that drug and alcohol taskforces can provide.
As well as the contact details for each of the drug and alcohol task forces, it provides information on a range of valuable resources for schools and parents relating to drug and alcohol us
Warning regarding jelly sweets containing cannabis (THC)
The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) is urging parents and guardians to be extremely vigilant to the dangers of their children getting access to and eating confectionary, particularly jelly sweets, containing significant amounts of the psychoactive cannabis component called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This warning comes amid the ongoing seizures of these illegal food products by the Gardaí and Customs services, and a number of serious medical incidents whereby these THC-containing jelly sweets resulted in teenagers and young children suffering serious adverse health effects requiring hospitalisation. These jelly sweets are packaged to look like popular brands of jellies and have been found to contain toxic amounts of THC (up to 50mg/jelly). Depending on the concentration of THC, eating one of these jellies can mean an equivalent intake of THC that is 5-10 times higher than that inhaled from a single cannabis cigarette. Also, unlike the almost immediate effects of inhaling THC (smoking or vaping), ingesting THC through these jellies can take up to 30 minutes for any effects to be felt. However, while waiting for those effects, those who have eaten these products may overdose in the mistaken belief that they need to eat more sweets in order to feel the effects. Of particular concern to the FSAI is the inadvertent consumption of these jelly sweets by small children who may somehow gain access to what looks and possibly tastes like ordinary sweets. Unfortunately, given access to a bag of these jellies, children will rarely eat just one and therefore, overdosing is a very likely outcome as witnessed by the hospitalisation of a number of seriously ill young children in the early part of 2021.
The FSAI has become aware of reports about the availability of THC-containing jelly sweets in schools in Ireland and therefore, parents and guardians are asked to speak with their teenagers alerting them to the dangers if they eat them or if their younger siblings get access to them and subsequently suffer the serious consequences of consuming a toxic substance.
South Kerry u-14s and u-15s
Created : 13 Jun 2022, 10:00 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
Well done to all the ISK boys involved with the Kerry South u-14s and u-15s who played in Kildare and Cork at the weekend #futureisbright
Kennedy Cup Soccer
Created : 13 Jun 2022, 9:28 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
Best of luck to 2nd year U15 goalkeeper Deaglan Rietveld as he represents Kerry in the Kennedy cup this week in Limerick @sfaireland
1st Year Boys Football
Created : 29 Apr 2022, 6:40 PM
Archived : 29 Jun 2022, 12:00 AM
Hard luck to our 1st Year boys who fought bravely but lost to St. Brendan's in the Kerry College's Semi-Final today.
1st year barbecue
Created : 02 Jun 2022, 5:42 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
A super last day for 1st years as they celebrated the end of the school year with fun sports and a barbecue. Well done to all of you for navigating your way through your first year in the school. Thanks to all the parents that came along for the barbecue, the teachers for organising the fun activities and the brilliant 1st years who made the day a very enjoyable one. Happy holidays everyone!
School Uniform
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 4:15 PM
Archived : 28 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM
The school changing rooms are back in use and all students must wear their regular uniform from Monday 25th April.
Cruinniú na nÓg
Created : 09 Jun 2022, 11:54 AM
Archived : 23 Jun 2022, 1:00 AM