Displaying 1121-1130 of 1963 results.
Created : 09 Nov 2021, 12:27 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
There is a free webinar taking place this Thursday the 11th of November at 7pm called The importance of sleep for our teenagers. The main speaker is Lucy Wolfe and she will be giving some information and guidance around this topic. Lucy is best known for the books she has written on sleep for young children, but she has prepared some very useful material specifically for this webinar and the parents of teenagers. You can register for this free webinar using this link: event.webinarjam.com/channel/PlanetYouthTeenSleep, or through the www.planetyouth.ie website news section. Parents can also submit questions on the night through chat or in advance by email to events@planetyouth.ie.
Close Contact
Created : 05 Nov 2021, 8:45 AM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please find below information from the HSE on what to do if you are a close contact. www2.hse.ie/conditions/covid19/contact-tracing/close-contact/
Understanding Self Harm.
Created : 01 Nov 2021, 2:29 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Research has shown an increase in mental health difficulties over the course of the pandemic such as self-harm. A research team from University College Dublin and Pieta are on a project funded by the Irish National Office of Suicide Prevention and are hosting a series of free webinars for anyone interested in learning more about self-harm in adolescents including parents, and here is the link to the Eventbrite page to book a place: www.eventbrite.com/e/talks-for-parents-understanding-self-harm-in-adolescents-tickets-188405053587 Monday November 1st 7pm: ‘Understanding Self-Harm in Adolescents’, a talk from Sinead Raftery and Leigh Kenny (Pieta Therapists) Monday November 8th 7pm: ‘What is self-harm, why is my child doing it, and what can I do about it?, a talk from Madeline Connolly (Senior Psychiatric Social Worker and Systemic Family Psychotherapist- Lucena Clinic, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) and Katie Murphy (Social Worker and Systemic Practitioner, Lucena Clinic) Tuesday November 16th 7pm: ‘Understanding Self-Harm Through the Medium of Metaphor’, a talk from Dr Colman Noctor (Child and Adolescent Psychotherapist, Author, Broadcaster and Podcaster) This project is developing resources for the parents and guardians of young people (ages 10-19) who have engaged in self-harm. Parents and guardians who attend and who have experience supporting an adolescent will also be invited to take part in a survey. The findings of this survey will help organisations to provide useful information for parents in a way that is easy for parents to access. (ucdpsychology.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3PgtwSsy7se0HCm).
Internet Safety
Created : 21 Oct 2021, 9:26 AM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Jason O'Mahony from Children of the Digital Age recently spoke to students on Internet Safety. He has also written a useful guide for parents. It is available on childrenofthedigitalage.org/courses/parents-school-presentation/. The code for downloading for the E-Book is IntermediateSchool childrenofthedigitalage.org/downloads/everything-you-need-to-know-about-parental-controls
School Show
Created : 23 Sep 2021, 5:49 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
There was great excitement today with the announcement that there will be a school show this year. We encourage students to take part and to sign up for auditions taking place next week. No matter if you have been onstage before or if this is your first time all are welcome!
Created : 23 Sep 2021, 10:59 AM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
The latest advice on Covid may be applicable to some 1st Year students. See below Update from HSE for Early Learning and Care (ELC) and School Age Childcare (SAC) managers and school principals on the changes to COVID 19 testing and contact tracing for children, 3months to under 13 years (and inclusive of all children attending primary school)  In line with recommendations from the National Public Health Emergency Team, it has been agreed that from September 27th 2021, automatic contact tracing of asymptomatic close contacts in children aged over 3 months and less than 13 years, in ELC and SAC facilities, primary education and social and sporting groups is no longer recommended.  This means that children aged between 3 months and 13 years who are identified as a close contact in ELC / SAC or education settings, social and sporting groups, or other non-household settings and who are asymptomatic will no longer be routinely required to restrict their movements.  Automatic COVID 19 testing of asymptomatic close contacts identified in ELC / SAC or education settings, social and sporting groups will no longer take place; instead testing will focus on clinically relevant symptomatic disease. There will be transition to testing for public health action and surveillance as indicated on public health or clinical grounds.  Cases and outbreaks in special educational needs settings, and respite care will still have a public health risk assessment, which may still require children to be identified as close contacts, be referred for testing and have their movements restricted. However they will generally be requested only to restrict their movements for five days, and be referred for one COVID 19 test.  Children aged between 3 months and 13 years who are identified, as household close contacts and are not fully vaccinated or have had a confirmed Covid-19 diagnoses in the last 9 months (even if they have no symptoms) will still need to restrict their movements and get a COVID 19 test. A child is a household contact if they were present over-night, in the household of a COVID 19 case while the case was infectious. This may be in their own home or someone else’s home for example children who may have been on sleepovers with family or friends.  Public Health advice remains the same for any child between 3 months and 13 years of age with symptoms consistent with COVID-19 - they should immediately self-isolate, should not attend childcare or school or socialise and follow current public health advice. Please see here for further information. Ongoing Public Health advice If you are eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine, you are recommended to get a vaccine, further information on Covid-19 vaccines available at www.hse.ie All infection, prevention, control and mitigation measures, as currently recommended for ELC / SAC, schools and sporting / social groups remain in place. The focus of families and ELC / SAC, educational, sporting and social facilities should remain on identifying children with new symptoms, which could be consistent with COVID 19 and keeping such children isolated until the need for a test or assessment of their clinical needs can be made by their GP. What does this mean for my facility / school? If you are an ELC / SAC or primary school facility this means that if you become aware of a case of COVID 19 who has recently attended your facility or school, you do not need to contact the HSE, and you will not be routinely contacted by the HSE. A child who was previously identified as a close contact of a case of COVID 19 (other than a household close contact) and who does not have symptoms, will not be routinely recommended or required to restrict their movements and be tested from your facility/school. Close observation of children for symptoms which are consistent with COVID 19 is recommended at all times. All infection prevention and control measures, including pods and other mitigation measures should remain in place. Any child who was previously identified as a close contact of a case from outside of the house or special educational needs / respite care setting and is currently out restricting their movements, can return to ELC / SAC facilities, schools, clubs etc provided that they have no symptoms of Covid-19 from Monday 27th September. They do not need to present for COVID 19 testing before returning. Children identified as close contacts within a special educational need school, special class or respite care, should remain restricting their movements until 5 days of restricted movements are complete. Children identified as close contacts through a household case of infection for example a parent who has COVID 19, must remain restricting their movements. Why are these changes being made? This advice is being provided because effective vaccines against COVID 19 are now available and a robust vaccination programme is underway in Ireland for children aged 12 years and older. Although precautions to prevent introduction and spread of the virus are still required, vaccines have proven to reduce the spread of COVID 19 and reduce the risk of severe disease and or hospitalisation in our communities. Does this apply to for example special educational needs schools, or special educational needs classes within primary schools, or respite care? No. For these facilities and classes, the Public Health team will continue to contact you when they are notified of a confirmed case of COVID 19 who was infectious within your setting. A PHRA will be undertaken, which may still require children to be identified as close contacts, be referred for testing and have their movements restricted. However they will generally be requested only to restrict their movements for five days, and be referred for one COVID 19 test. This is to balance the observation period required for children for signs of infection, with testing at the most relevant time, whilst not prolonging restricted movements and the harms to children from these restrictions. Children and COVID 19 Since the start of the COVID 19 pandemic, we have learned that1 :  Children seem more likely than adults to have no symptoms or to have mild disease. Please see here for information on symptoms  Investigation of cases identified in ELC/SAC and school settings suggest that child to child transmission in ELC/SAC settings and schools is uncommon and not the primary cause of Sars-CoV-2 infection in children, particularly in ELC/SAC settings and primary schools  Children are rarely identified as the route of transmission of infection in to the household setting  Children are not more likely than adults to spread infection to others
Thomas Healy
Created : 20 Sep 2021, 5:03 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
There will be a mass tomorrow Tuesday 21st September for Thomas Healy at 11am. This mass can be viewed by following the links on www.dioceseofkerry.ie/parish/killorglin/#welcome and it will also be recorded
Return to School
Created : 27 Aug 2021, 3:05 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Reminder: Return to School Dates as follows: 6th Years - Monday 30th August 3rd Years - Tuesday 31st August 2nd Years - Wednesday 1st September 5th Years & TYs - Thursday 2nd September Students to gather on the Hockey Pitch (if the weather is ok , otherwise they will be directed to their classrooms) On the first day students are to bring: €40 (cheques or notes) to cover photocopying , insurance etc Covid 19 Students are reminded to bring: their masks- unless exempt- anti bacterial wipes. . Also practice physical distancing, use the hand sanitisers & practice good respiratory hygiene Please look at the hse website and the video below for the latest Covid 19 Guidelines www.gov.ie/en/publication/a04fc-advice-for-students-and-their-families/#
Parents Presentation - Incoming 1st Years
Created : 25 Aug 2021, 1:49 PM
Archived : 31 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Please click on the PDF document for the presentation for parents and families of Incoming 1st Years.

Christmas Exams
Created : 12 Dec 2021, 5:34 PM
Archived : 30 Dec 2021, 12:00 AM
Christmas exams begin for all students on Tuesday 14th December.  Students should make sure to have the necessary equipment with them for their exams each day as well as sterilising wipes.  Students will have a brief study period before each exam and so should bring the relevant books or copies.  Wishing all of our students the best of luck in the exams.