Displaying 391-400 of 1741 results.
Raising Awareness of Fast Fashion
Created : 31 Mar 2023, 11:25 AM
Archived : 31 May 2023, 12:00 AM
 A big thank you to our 2nd Year students (2E) who researched the negative impact of the production and consumption of fast fashion. It is polluting our planet, exploits workers and is harming animals.
Our Motto is: 
Buy less - choose well - make it last!
Thank you.
The Civics Department
'CLASS ACT' School's Drama Competition
Created : 30 Mar 2023, 10:22 AM
Archived : 30 May 2023, 12:00 AM
Naas CBS took part in the 'CLASS ACT' school's drama competition yesterday in the Moat Theatre. The competition had five schools and a nationally renowned adjudicator and adjudication process.
Naas CBS won best actor award with Conor Morgan (1st Year), Piotr Fillipek (5th Year) was also a nominee in this category.
Naas CBS won the award for 'Best Original Play' with their entry 'There's been and accident'
In the big award 'Best Overall Play'  we were so unlucky to finish runner up! 
In total we had eight students on stage as actors and a stage crew and light and sound crew of three students.
Well done to all and we are already planning on our entry for next year's competition.


Mr. Noone

Meitheal Applications for 2023-2024 due by Friday 31st
Created : 29 Mar 2023, 3:02 PM
Archived : 29 May 2023, 12:00 AM

A reminder to any 5th Year student applying for Meitheal that completed applications and signed consent forms need to be handed to Ms. Murphy by Friday 31st March. 


The date for interviews has been rescheduled to Wednesday 3rd May.


Ms. Murphy

1st Year Rugby Win
Created : 29 Mar 2023, 11:38 AM
Archived : 29 May 2023, 12:00 AM

First Year Rugby finished last Thursday with a Finals Day in Athy RFC, where we were able to enter two full teams. Naas CBS was the only school able to enter two teams. 


The first team won the final against Newbridge PBS on a scoreline of 24 to 0. It would be impossible to mention the names of all the players who have contributed to a very successful season this year. I was very impressed with the skills and the discipline that this group possessed. We had players from 3 different clubs and they gelled very well as a group.


The future is very bright for this group; new players started rugby this year and have gone to join clubs now. We have great strength in depth as we were able to run two teams. It was an absolute pleasure to coach these young men. A huge thank you to the T.Y. students who helped out coaching: Jack Dempsey, Charlie Morrissey, Harry Dunne and Zach Kennedy. It was great to see the leadership they showed. A big thank you to Miss Houlihan who looked after the teams for the Finals Day and to Mick Cahill who organised pitches and referees for all games.



Ms. Joyce

1st Years Participate in WWGS Annual Student Conference
Created : 29 Mar 2023, 11:25 AM
Archived : 29 May 2023, 12:00 AM

All 1st Year classes participated in the WWGS Annual Student Conference on Monday. Students learned about having a more critical thinking approach to how they interact with the media.


Mr. Stephens

Reminder to 5th Years: Information on Meitheal Applications Today at 1.10
Created : 27 Mar 2023, 10:21 AM
Archived : 27 May 2023, 12:00 AM

Any 5th Year student who is interested in applying to be part of the Meitheal Team for 2023-2024, please meet in 2/20 at 1.10 today to sign up to the application process and hear information on the Meitheal training programme.


M. Murphy

Daffodil Day 2023
Created : 24 Mar 2023, 2:07 PM
Archived : 24 May 2023, 12:00 AM

Many thanks to Ms Barry for organising our  collection for Daffodil Day in the school today . 

Due to the huge generosity of our staff , students and parents,  we are very pleased to announce that we have collected  €3,090 for The Irish cancer Society . 

Hard luck to our 2nd Year Basketball Team
Created : 24 Mar 2023, 1:41 PM
Archived : 24 May 2023, 12:00 AM

Heartfelt commiserations to our 2nd Year basketball team who missed out on taking home the cup in the Midlands League Final against St. Joseph's, Rochfortbridge. Unfortunately, it wasn’t their day and it came down to the wire, the final score being 24-21. The boys were humble in defeat and made a great contest of it. Hard luck, we are all super proud of you!


Miss Conroy


Application and Interviews for Meitheal 2023-2024
Created : 23 Mar 2023, 4:11 PM
Archived : 23 May 2023, 12:00 AM

Any 5th Year student who is interested in applying to be part of the Meitheal Team for 2023-2024, please meet in 2/20 at 1.10 on Monday 27th to sign up to the application process and hear information on the Meitheal training programme.


Meitheal is a Youth Leadership Programme organised through the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. Interviews are conducted and the Meitheal Team is selected by external Meitheal Co-ordinator Robert Norton. Each year, the Meitheal Leaders offer invaluable support to our 1st Year students, helping them settle in to secondary school and we would encourage any aspiring leaders in 5th Year to apply to the Meitheal Programme. This is a fabulous opportunity for the Meitheal Leaders themselves to develop personally and work as part of a team while contributing to school life.


There is always great interest from 5th Years in applying for Meitheal and while there will be many suitable candidates who would make wonderful Meitheal Leaders, there are only ten places on the team. Unfortunately, there will be more people disappointed than successful in the application process. Robert Norton selects the Meitheal Leaders and he is looking to put together a well-balanced team with various personalities. Our advice to students is to give the application your best shot. If it doesn’t work out, keep in mind that the five-minute interview is only a snapshot of your potential and there are other leadership opportunities available to you in school.


I would like to take this opportunity to thank our current Meitheal Leaders and praise them for their great work in organising activities during the year and their positive attitude in mentoring the 1st Years.


Many thanks,

Ms. M. Murphy

(Co-operating Teacher for Meitheal)

Clothes Swap Shop Postponed
Created : 22 Mar 2023, 12:47 PM
Archived : 22 May 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Parents / Guardians ,

Due to unforeseen circumstamces , the Clothes Swap which was due to take place tomorrow is postponed until next week . 

Kind regards,

The Management Team