Dear Parents/ Guardians,
As per our school calendar the school will be closed on Friday ( 22nd September) and Monday (25th September)
Kind regards,
The Management Team
Well done to our senior rugby team who beat Templeogue College in their first match of the season. Our next match v Kings Hospital is in Naas RFC on Wednesday 27th of September at 2.30. Support for the team would be greatly appreciated.
Ms. Houlihan
The first of four Career Workshops begins today for our TY classes. Please see attached screenshot of the calendar & schedule.
A link to the TY Calendar is also available here.
In these workshops, students will develop a professional CV & cover letter. They will also practice interview and presentation techniques.
Attendance at all of these workshops is important. Any student who may miss one for any reason can opt to join another class at a different time.
All work must be completed for these workshops.
We also have the first of our Mountain Biking & Hillwalking trips planned for classes 4B & 4G this Wednesday to the Slieve Bloom Mountains. More information to follow.
Class 4G are also our first group out on community week next week. More information & forms will be given to the lads this week.
Community week information can be accessed here.
Dear TY Parents/Guardians and Students,
We look forward to welcoming you back this Thursday 31st August!
Please see attached PDF document outlining some key information for our Transition Year students returning to school.
It can also be viewed online through this link
TY students will return to school in a staggered format by class group. All information is contained within the document. The document also outlines some key information around other aspects planned for the year including Work Experience and our Camping Adventure Trip. Please take the time to read through this carefully.
Please also note that class groups and timetables are still being finalised. VSware will be updated tomorrow to show students actual TY class groups.
Keep an eye on the App for updates. More information will follow.
Many thanks and looking forward to seeing you soon,
Stephen Coy TY Coordinator & Year Head
Huge congratulations to eight of our students who received over 625 points in the Leaving Certificate. Four students achieved seven H1s: Andrew Cowley, Matthew Davis, Eoin Gallagher and Fionn McCarthy. Four other students received 625 points: Austin Brennan, Samuel Dixon, Hugh Doyle and David Smyth.
This is a remarkable achievement! We are very proud of these young men and all our students who received excellent results across the board.
Link to Leinster Leader article:
Huge congratulations to the Leaving Cert. Class of 2023 who received excellent results this morning. The staff were delighted to get an opportunity to meet some of our students who called into the school. We are very proud of you all and the hard work you have put in over the last two years. We look forward to meeting you in the near future to acknowledge these achievements. A special mention to four of our students who received seven H1s: Andrew Cowley, Matthew Davis, Eoin Gallagher and Fionn McCarthy. Congratulations on a truly remarkable achievement gentlemen!
Click on 'view gallery' to see all photos.
A warm welcome to our new 1st Year students starting in Naas CBS. This morning at assembly, 1st Years met Mr. Travers, the Deputy Principals and their Year Head Ms. Brosnan. They were introduced to their Form Teachers & Meitheal Leaders who are working with them as part of the Transfer Programme.
Dear 6th Year Students,
A gentle reminder to collect your Graduation Pack ( school cufflinks and Year Book ) from the Enquiries Office if you have not already done so.
Kind regards,
The Management Team.