Displaying 1581-1590 of 1739 results.
Bake Sale - Parents Council
Created : 13 Mar 2019, 4:43 PM
Archived : 13 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Parents council will hold their annual bake sale on Sunday 24th March in Ballycane Church. We are looking for help from parents to bake cakes / breads for this event. Please drop baking into the church anytime after 9.00am. Your help is greatly appreciated.
Parents Council
TY Mini-Company Marketing Winners
Created : 13 Mar 2019, 4:10 PM
Archived : 13 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Daniel Connolly, Ethan O'Halloran, Eoin Keogh, Andrew O'Grady and Conor Devereux (Transition Year) who won a prize for Marketing in Killashee House Hotel on Friday evening for their mini-company project. The students company 'Cube Inc.' won the prize for their creation of a gaming app called 'Cube Drop'. Well done again to these students.
Comórtas na bpostaer
Created : 13 Mar 2019, 3:49 PM
Archived : 13 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Seo daoibh cúpla de na buaiteoirí den chomórtas na bpostaer.
Dylan Daly, Paul Colclough and Andrew Cowley (2ú bliain)
Seachtain na Gaeilge
Created : 12 Mar 2019, 2:26 PM
Archived : 12 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Cluichí boird ag am lóin !
Na buaiteoirí : Jack Fleming , Alex McGeever ,Jack Hamill agus Liam Broderick
Careers Event Tuesday 12th March
Created : 11 Mar 2019, 12:18 PM
Archived : 11 May 2019, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all 4th, 5th & 6th Year students attending the careers event tomorrow (Tuesday 12th March from 4.30 - 7.00pm), please ensure that you have checked the rooms and talks you have chosen to attend. A list of this information is available in the assembly area.
Many thanks
EVENING + NIGHT STUDY: Tuesday March 12th
Created : 11 Mar 2019, 11:32 AM
Archived : 11 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Study goes ahead tomorrow-- however due to the Careers Evening it will be optional for senior students and confined to 4 rooms on the top floor. Juniors students should attend as per usual. ROOMS- 4.3 (3rd years as normal) 4.4 (students from the 2nd floor) 4.5 (students from the 3rd floor) 4.6 (3rd years as normal). NIGHT STUDY continues with the usual 3 rooms from 7.30 - 9.30.
Upcoming 'Transition to 3rd Level' Talk
Created : 11 Mar 2019, 9:41 AM
Archived : 11 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Seachtain na Gaeilge - 11ú - 15ú Márta 2019
Created : 08 Mar 2019, 12:21 PM
Archived : 08 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Seachtain na Gaeilge will take place from 11ú - 15ú Márta 2019
Please see attached a list of events & useful phrases for parents 'Úsáideacha do Thuismitheoirí' for Seachtain na Gaeilge.
Meánscoil Iognáid Rís looks forward to enjoying and embracing lots of events 'as gaeilge' during next week.
We encourage all parents and students to use 'cupla focal' throughout the week.
Le gach dea ghuí
Pdf-1 Pdf-2
Reminder - Careers Event
Created : 08 Mar 2019, 8:16 AM
Archived : 08 May 2019, 12:00 AM
Our school is delighted to host a careers night on Tuesday the 12th of March after school for our senior cycle student's in 4th, 5th and 6th year. Run time from 4.30 -7.00pm. This event is only held every 2 years so it is important students participate.
Guest speakers from many different areas of industry will host a question and answers session. There will also be a college awareness session for our 6th year's. Please encourage attendance as this is a fantastic opportunity for future career goals and interests.
Many thanks
Parent's Council
Ash Wednesday & Lenten Mass
Created : 04 Mar 2019, 5:24 PM
Archived : 04 May 2019, 12:00 AM
To celebrate Ash Wednesday (March 6th) ashes will be available for staff & students in school.
Starting this Friday and continuing on Fridays during Lent, Mass will be offered at 8.30am in the library. All are welcome.