Displaying 511-520 of 1746 results.
Barretstown Residential TY Programme
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 2:55 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Our TY year group is delighted to be partnering with Barretstown and their TY Residential Programme. We have a small group of students who have put their name forward to partake in the programme and help fundraise money over the course of the year.
Barretstown’s Residential TY Programme is an exciting residential experience which takes place on the beautiful 500-acre Barretstown campus.
Next May our group of our TY students will stay in the campus for one week. It will give them the opportunity to spend time away in a fun, safe and educational environment, learn new skills and also gives students an insight into the work undertaken by Barretstown to support children and families affected by serious illness.
This morning we travelled to Barretstown for a tour of the campus, a presentation from the staff and a workshop on fundraising. A huge thanks to Ann, Lauren and Irene for facilitating us.
Each student has a target of raising €500 and we will be organising several events over the course of the year.
A donation link will be set up in the coming weeks and any contributions or support will be greatly appreciated!
2E Action Project: Litter Picking
Created : 06 Oct 2022, 2:42 PM
Archived : 06 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
A big thank you to our 2nd Year students (2E) who enthusiastically took part in an Action Project that involved litter picking around Lakelands this week. These students played a positive role in keeping our community sustainable and waste free.
Ms. Drewes
The CIVICS Department
Guest Speaker John Lonergan
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 1:52 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
5th and 6th Year students enjoyed a motivational talk by John Lonergan, ex-governor of Mountjoy Prison. He spoke about looking after the four pillars of wellbeing- physical, mental, emotional and spiritual and he shared inspirational stories to highlight the importance of good decision-making and taking personal responsibility.
Many thanks to John Lonergan for taking the time to visit Naas CBS and speak to our senior students. Thanks also to the Wellbeing Committee for organising such a worthwhile talk as part of Wellbeing Week.
Senior Volleyball
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 1:24 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Naas CBS hosted St. Patrick's Cathedral Grammar School and Synge Street CBS for a series of pool games in Round 1 of Senior Volleyball yesterday. All three matches proved to be exciting and competitive. Despite losing the first set, Naas CBS found their rhythm to beat St. Patrick's 2 sets to 1 in the opening game. Synge Street proved too strong for St. Patrick's in Match 2 which set up a deciding final match with Naas. The final match went to a deciding third set with a spirited Naas side losing out 15-13 in an exciting contest. It was a great achievement to once again compete in schools' volleyball having not lined out in almost 20 years. The team will now prepare for Round 2 of the pool games which includes a local derby with Pipers Hill Community College. Special thanks to Ms. Fleming for her time with the team.
Mr. Stephens
TY Camping Adventure Trip
Created : 05 Oct 2022, 12:56 PM
Archived : 05 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Our TY students braved the elements over the past two nights camping on the edge of the Blessington Lakes.
They spent the day doing various outdoor activities before making their way across the lake to the campsite where we had dinner, a campfire and some fun and games!
The lads were excellent and a credit to themselves and the school.
Some very tired and damp heads going home this morning!
A huge thanks to the teachers who travelled with us and minded the lads - Ms. C.O'Brien, Ms. Ward, Mr. O'Neill, Ms. Phibbs, Mr. Whelan and Ms. Prenderville.
See attached images.
French and German Breakfast
Created : 04 Oct 2022, 11:58 AM
Archived : 04 Dec 2022, 12:00 AM
1st Year French and German students had the opportunity to sample some French and German food and drinks to start off Wellbeing Week on a high. On offer were Croissants, Kinderschokolade and Apfelschorle. For translation please ask your sons!
MFL Department
Art Students Design a Mural for Naas Tidy Towns Committee
Created : 28 Sep 2022, 2:54 PM
Archived : 28 Nov 2022, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our 3rd Year Art Students from last year (now TY & 5th year students) who worked on a mural for the Naas Tidy Towns Committee. The students were commissioned to work on the piece during their last term. The brief required that the mural was to have a sustainable theme and be made entirely from bottle caps. Working with a design by Conn Cronin, they completed the project and the lovely artwork has now been erected at Naas Harbour (adjacent to the library) for the whole community to enjoy. Well done to all involved.
Photo 1: (L-R) Caylum Murray, Conor Smyth, Mark Sargent, Maherab Rashid, Maksym Pavlenko, Stephen Sambrano and Mrs. Vourneen Hennessy, Secretary of Naas Tidy Towns Committee.
Photo 2: (L-R) Caylum Murray, Conor Smyth, Mark Sargent, Maherab Rashid, Maksym Pavlenko, Stephen Sambrano and Ms. Masterson, Art Teacher.
(Missing from the photos are Conn Cronin, James Tierney, Filip Adamczyk, Andrew McDonnell, Jack Versova and Micheál Parker.)
Ms. Masterson
Well done to class 4G - TY Community Week
Created : 27 Sep 2022, 12:32 PM
Archived : 27 Nov 2022, 12:00 AM
Transition Year
Well done to our TY students in class 4G who are the first group to complete their community week as part of our TY programme.
The lads spent last week volunteering with a range of people and organisations in our local community.
Some fantastic and much appreciated work was done.
Please see attached some photos of our students working with McCauley Place, The Men's Shed and Naas Tidy Towns.
Well done again to all.
T.Y. Mountain Biking and Hiking
Created : 21 Sep 2022, 5:40 PM
Archived : 22 Nov 2022, 12:00 AM
T.Y. students really enjoyed mounting biking and hiking in the Slieve Bloom Mountains this week. Well done to the lads who travelled and embraced the challenge. They had a great attitude throughout the activity. Thanks to Mr. Noone, Ms. Houlihan, Ms. Murphy and Mr. Fitzgibbon who accompanied the students on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Gaisce Awards for Last Year's T.Y. Students
Created : 20 Sep 2022, 3:11 PM
Archived : 20 Nov 2022, 12:00 AM
Can all Gaisce participants from last year's T.Y. group please make sure that you have your online diary entries fully updated. You will then qualify for your Gaisce Award and be presented with the award at assembly. You may back date your entries to before June 2022.
If you have any issues with passwords or other technical difficulties please email ger@gaisce.ie.
Mr. Noone, Ms. Murphy, Mr. Brecknell