Displaying 1061-1070 of 2406 results.
Subject choices 5th year 2022/2023
Created : 18 May 2022, 5:31 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Good evening everybody, Subject Choices for students going into 5th year were given out in school today and no doubt have arrived to your homes this evening. If your child was not in school today for any reason they can call to me tomorrow afternoon to collect their subjects. Every effort was made to ensure that as many students as possible received their choices. The vast majority of students received their first 3 choices and well over 90% of students received their first 2 choices. Where this did not happen it is either because two subjects a student wanted to do ended up being on at the same time (this is determined by student preferences for subjects) and/or that the preferred subject was oversubscribed or so undersubscribed that it is not possible to run it. Below are the subject codes that show the option blocks for 5th year next year. So you can see that if a student wanted to study Construction Studies and for example Physics, this would not be possible as they will be on at the same time. These option blocks are created based on the preferences of the students and accommodate the maximum possible preferred subject combinations. Languages appear on the lines but have always been compulsory in CPC (with the exception of those exempt). Option Block 1 Biol, Con St, Phys, Art, Fre, Ger,. Option Block 2 Geog, Hom Ec, Comp Sci, Mus, Fre, Ger Option Block 3 Ag Sci, Acc, Geog, Biol, Tech, His Option Block 4 Biol, Bus, DCG, Chem, Ag Sci, Fre What can seem like a very simple request of a change often is not straightforward at all as classes may be full or require a change from a subject you are happy with. However, where a change is possible it will be looked at. Please email (parent or guardian) me at joeleonard@cpckilcullen.com by Monday 23rd May with details and I will see what is possible. J Leonard
Jack Lawler - 4th in Leinster Schools Athletics Championships
Created : 18 May 2022, 5:05 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Jack Lawler ran in the Leinster Schools Athletics Championships in Santry today after qualifying in the South Leinster . He ran brilliantly and came an impressive fourth . Well done Jack , we’re so proud of you.
Sports Day
Created : 18 May 2022, 4:51 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
As you all know, Sports Day is taking place tomorrow from 1pm - 4pm. The schedule for the day is as follows: Periods 1 & 2 - Class as normal (9:00 - 11:10) Break (11:10 - 11:25) Period 3 - Class as normal (11:25 - 12:25) Lunch (12:25 - 13:00) Sports Day (13:00 - 16:00) 1st, 2nd and 3rd Year soccer is taking place from 1pm - 2pm, followed by 4th, 5th and 6th Year soccer from 2pm - 3pm. There will be a large amount of activities available on the day, there will be something for everyone! The Teachers vs 6th Years soccer match will kick off at 15:10. All 6th Year boys taking part must have their wellies to play! Wear your PE uniform to school on the day, and bring your books! The weather is supposed to be good but in the event it is not, classes will take place as normal. See you all there! The PE Department.
Transition to College Webinar
Created : 18 May 2022, 4:19 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
The Guidance Department will host a Transition to College Webinar next Monday 23rd May from 7-8pm. Our panelists include past students who have transitioned to Higher Education, Apprenticeships, and Post Leaving Cert courses. Topics which our past students will talk about include: - Moving away from home and sourcing accommodation - The difference between school work and college assignments - College expenses/Finance - Phases of apprenticeships - Advantages of completing PLCs. Registration for the webinar is required and a registration link will be posted later in the week. Questions from current 6th year students to our past students will be welcome during the webinar. Kind regards, Elaine McDonnell 6th Year Guidance Counsellor
Reminder: Deadline for LCVP Applications is Thursday 19th May at 4pm. Please give your form to either Ms O'Malley or Mr Gallagher
Created : 18 May 2022, 4:16 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
CPC Camogie comes to an end!
Created : 18 May 2022, 3:13 PM
Archived : 18 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Hard luck to our camogie team who lost out to Clane in the North Leinster semi final today. Clane were eventual winners of the competition so our girls can be very proud of their hard work throughout the year and hold their heads high. A special thanks to all TY and 5th year girls who helped out during the year. Bring on next year!!
Review of Online Parent Teacher Meetings
Created : 17 May 2022, 3:53 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
A massive THANK YOU, to the 185 of you who have responded to the recent survey regarding this years PTM's which took place online due to public health advice. Your feedback will help us plan for next year and deliver a model that strives to meets the needs of as many parents as possible. There is still time to have your say by clicking the link below and answering a few short questions. forms.gle/jNS5d6RPHDycTS7k9 Thank you.
Created : 17 May 2022, 2:56 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Exams can be stressful for all age groups. Taking a moment to do mindfulness techniques is a great way to lower anxiety and stress. Please find attached a document with some techniques that will help your well-being during the exam period. These methods can also be very useful for clearing your mind before study, enabling your brain to be more productive. If you have any other questions on mindfulness techniques, Ms. Carthy will be happy to help.

Student ID Card
Created : 17 May 2022, 12:03 PM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Irish Second Level Students’ Union (ISSU) were in the school this morning registering students for student ID cards. If a student, for whatever reason, did not get an opportunity to register, they can do so by following the link below; ie-online.aliveplatform.com/ordering/personal-data? Thank you. The Student Council 2021-22
Hotel and Catering Cookery Exam Success
Created : 17 May 2022, 9:46 AM
Archived : 17 Jul 2022, 12:00 AM
Well done to our 6th year LCA students on successfully completing their Cookery Exam yesterday. Students prepared and served a number of delicious dishes as part of their exam. Well done to Ms O Malley for preparing each student for this exam. Great work done by all!