Displaying 1171-1180 of 2406 results.
Upcoming Clothes & Book Collection: Save the Date
Created : 11 Mar 2022, 1:48 PM
Archived : 14 May 2022, 12:00 AM
After the success of last terms clothes collection the parents association have organised to help you with your annual spring clean! If you find yourself needing to clear wardrobes and shelves we would be delighted to accept donations of clothes and books. The PA will be at the school taking in donations on Saturday April 30th so you have plenty of time to do that clear out you've been promising yourself to do!! We will send reminders closer to the time but just wanted you to have the date for your calendar. Thank you.
Information in relation to the Leaving Certificate LCVP and Construction Studies 2022
Created : 11 Mar 2022, 9:48 AM
Archived : 11 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Please see this message from the SEC - teachers have been informed and will inform students as required. FOR THE ATTENTION OF THE SCHOOL AUTHORITIES AND TEACHERS OF THE FOLLOWING LEAVING CERTIFICATE LCVP AND CONSTRUCTION STUDIES The documents below are now available on our website www.examinations.ie under Examination Information and then under Project and Practical Coursework. You can access both documents www.examinations.ie/?l=en&mc=ex&sc=he#CSEN. Leaving Certificate LCVP 2022 – Case Study Leaving Certificate Construction Studies 2022 – Cutting List Please bring this notice to the attention of the teachers and candidates concerned.
Leaving Certificate (Established) Examinations 2022; Oral Examinations in Irish and the Modern Foreign Languages, and the Music Examination
Created : 04 Mar 2022, 3:59 PM
Archived : 04 May 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, Please see attached Circular S15/22 which contains important information in relation to the Leaving Certificate Oral examinations and Music examination 2022. It contains some relevant information around the arrangements for the examinations. Kind regards J Leonard

First Year Activity Day May 12th
Created : 27 Apr 2022, 10:01 AM
Archived : 30 Apr 2022, 1:00 AM
The school shop on the app is scheduled to close tomorrow Thursday 28th April. I would like to reiterate to all parents of First year students that neither the cost of the day nor access to the school app should be considered a reason for any First Year student not attending. If either reason is currently presenting a challenge do please email me denisdennehy@cpckilcullen.com and we can work on a resolution of these challenges, I am confident that we will be able to resolve any issue. this message has been communicated to all class groups as recently as yesterday. So if it applies to your student do get in touch.
Important Information in relation to adjustments to the written examinations and Online Marking 2022 - message from SEC
Created : 28 Feb 2022, 10:16 AM
Archived : 28 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
To the Management Authorities of Post-primary Schools and other Entities recognised by the SEC to hold examinations: We have posted on our website updated versions (English and Irish) of the document “Further adjustments to the written examinations – Leaving Certificate, 2022”. In the English version, the only substantive change is that the amended copy clarifies the nature of the choice involved in the “written production” section of Ordinary level French. There are also some adjustments to the formatting of the instructions that will appear on the examination papers in some subjects, to bring the formatting in this document into closer alignment with the formatting that will be used on the examination papers themselves. In the Irish version, in addition to the above change, a number of issues that had arisen in the translation process across a range of subjects have been addressed in the amended version. Details of the substantive changes to the English and Irish versions are set out on page 5 of each document. Please see for your attention some important information from the State Examinations Commission in relation to Online Marking, Examination Paper Design and Stationery Design 2022 which is available www.examinations.ie/misc-doc/EN-EX-2696639.pdf. Queries related to this circular should be directed by email to onlinemark@examinations.ie or by phone to 090 6442768. State Examinations Commission February 2022
Updated Covid-19 Guidance to Schools following the mid-term break 2022
Created : 27 Feb 2022, 8:24 PM
Archived : 27 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
As you may have heard, the DE has issued an update following new public health advice with effect from 28th February. Updated Covid-19 Guidance to Schools following the mid-term break 2022 On 21st of January 2022, the Government announced the easing of a number of public health measures. The infection prevention control measures and restrictions in school settings were to remain in place until 28th February 2022, so that all children of school going age would have the opportunity to avail of the Covid-19 vaccines. On 17th February 2022, NPHET reviewed the remaining public health measures including the infection prevention control measures and restrictions in school settings. Having closely considered relevant epidemiological data and other matters as set out in their letter of 17 February 2022, the Government has accepted the recommendations of the NPHET to remove remaining restrictions relating to mask-wearing and physical distancing in schools. If members of staff or students wish to continue wearing face masks or coverings, they may do so. Continued use of good infection prevention and control measures such as hand washing, respiratory hygiene, and ventilation is advised. Critical components of the collective response in relation to COVID-19 continue to apply including self-isolation if symptomatic (even if fully vaccinated/boosted) or if having a positive COVID-19 test. Staying at home if you have symptoms The requirement to stay at home if you have symptoms remains – for students and staff alike. One of the key messages to manage the risks of COVID-19 is to do everything practical to avoid the introduction of COVID-19 into the school. If infection is not introduced it cannot be spread. Hand Hygiene Schools should continue to promote good hygiene. Hand hygiene can be achieved by hand washing or use of a hand sanitiser (when hands look clean). Face coverings/mask wearing It is no longer a requirement for staff or pupils/students to wear a face covering/mask in school. Staff and student/pupils can continue to wear a face covering/mask if they wish to do so on a personal basis. School transport and Face coverings/mask wearing With effect from Monday 28 February the wearing of face coverings/masks on school transport will no longer be mandatory but will continue to be advised. All other measures relating to hygiene (including the provision of hand sanitiser and additional cleaning of services) and pre-assigned seating will remain in place subject to further review. Visitors to schools There is no longer a requirement to restrict visitors to schools and schools should revert to the normal arrangements for visitors.
Schedule of Examination dates 2022
Created : 23 Feb 2022, 12:07 PM
Archived : 23 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Please find attached an important circular in relation to the Schedule of dates for the 2022 Certificate examinations.

Parents' Association clothing collection 30th April 2022
Created : 23 Feb 2022, 11:53 AM
Archived : 23 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear Parent/Guardian Cross and Passion College Parents' Association are running another clothing collection in conjunction with Bag2School. The collection will be on 30th April 2022 but we wanted to give notice in case you were planning a clear out anytime soon. By getting involved in our Bag2School collection you have an opportunity to sort through your cupboards and wardrobes and donate any unwanted textiles. In addition, it will raise awareness amongst the children of the benefits of recycling and reuse. We can accept adult and children’s clothes, shoes (tied together please), hats, belts, handbags, scarves & belts, soft toys Please NO Duvets, Pillows, Curtains, Blankets, Towels, Charity shop items or items not fit for re-use. The clothes have to be of good quality for reuse in Africa, Asia and Eastern Europe. The LauraLynn House will also receive an additional 10% from Bag2School. The LauraLynn House is the only Children’s Hospice in Ireland. Their mission is “The LauraLynn House cares for children with life limiting conditions, and their families, by providing high quality transitional care, home support, respite, crisis and end-of-life care. Our services are available to children with high medical and nursing needs from birth to 18.” Please try to fill as many bags as you can, don’t forget to ask grandparents, friends and neighbours to have a sort out too! You can return clothes in any kind of bag. Bag2School will be collecting on 30/04/22 . Please return your bag (or bags!) to us and help us have a really good collection! Many thanks indeed for helping us with this unique fundraising opportunity. Thank you!

2nd Year Boys South Leinster Final
Created : 07 Apr 2022, 4:58 PM
Archived : 10 Apr 2022, 1:00 AM
The very best of luck to the 2nd Year Boys GAA team who take on Portlaoise CBS in the South Leinster Final tomorrow. The game throws in at 11am in the Heath GAA. All support is greatly appreciated as this is the first final the boys team have reached in a number of years. The very best of luck to all involved.
Leaving Certificate Examination 2022 Adjustments to Papers and Timetables Publication
Created : 09 Feb 2022, 12:11 PM
Archived : 09 Apr 2022, 12:00 AM
Dear students, parents and guardians, Please find attached an important circular outlining detail of the timetables for the certificate examinations and the further adjustments document for the Leaving Certificate 2022 issued by the SEC last night. Kind regards J Leonard
