Displaying 781-790 of 2462 results.
Non Uniform Day/Walk in my Shoes
Created : 09 Dec 2021, 8:42 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder that tomorrow is a non-uniform day and Walk in my Shoes Day for charity. Please bring just €2 to support St Patrick’s and Pieta House. Wear the brightest shoes and clothes that you have to lighten up the school.
History Week 2021
Created : 09 Dec 2021, 5:42 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
December 9th Christmas Card day in 1843 Sir Henry Cole created the first commercial Christmas card. And the tradition has continued ever since! Our 6th years visited Dublin today. They went to the GPO and Glasnevin Cemetery. 2nd years went on a walking tour of Lismore.
Wellbeing Week Update
Created : 09 Dec 2021, 5:16 PM
Archived : 09 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Today was a busy day in school for Wellbeing Week. Third year Geography students watched ‘The Social Dilemma’ documentary on Netflix. Our Diversity Lounge groups met at lunchtime and we had a whole school drop and colour in the morning. Thank you to Ms O’Keffee and her 2nd year Home Economics class for providing delicious smoothie samples. They produced over 500 in total!! The day finished on a nice note when we had a whole school Kahoot quiz organised by Ms Horgan and Ms Cronin. Congratulations to our Joke of the Day winner Niamh Ryan of 3rd year-“Why are penguins so good at motor racing? Because they're always in pole position!” Finally a huge thank you to our LCA class who took responsibility for our Wellbeing Board this year. There was a lot of work went into organising this and credit must also go to Mr Fennessy, Ms McGrath and Ms Prendergast.
Don’t forget your colours!!
Created : 08 Dec 2021, 6:31 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
A reminder to all students to bring your colours for tomorrow. We will be doing a whole school ‘Drop and Colour’ in conjunction with the History department. The Diversity Lounge will meet during their respective lunchtimes. There will be a Junior meeting at 11:59 in Room 2 and a Senior meeting at 12:57 in Room 21. There will also be free smoothie samples served at lunchtime in designated year groups areas. First come, first served so get there early.
Joke of the Day
Created : 08 Dec 2021, 6:20 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Todays winner is Lily Ahern from 6th year. Well done Lily. ‘What do you call a big pile of cats? A meowntain’ Entries are way up on last year, so keep them coming in. Two more chances to win!
History Week 2021
Created : 08 Dec 2021, 5:18 PM
Archived : 08 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
On this day December 8th: 1941 United States enters WW2 the day after it was invaded by Japan. 1980 John Lennon of the Beatles was murdered in New York by Mark Chapman. 1987 first ever treaty signed between the USSR and the USA, Gorbachev and Reagan, to reduce the number of ground based nuclear weapons. Some of our planned activities have been moved to next week due to school closure. Pictured are the 1D class displaying their posters and more first years trying to wear a toga!
Wellbeing Week Update
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 8:17 PM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
We hope that all in our school community are keeping safe and well. Just a quick update on a few rescheduled items. The TY hike that was due to take place tomorrow, will be rescheduled for a time in the near future. ‘Walk in my Shoes’ will now take place on Friday and will coincide with our non-uniform day and the 1000km in a day challenge. The whole school Kahoot quiz will now take place last class on Thursday.. Keep sending the jokes to Mr Murray to be in with a chance of winning a prize and practice those random acts of kindness by helping you a bit more at home. Hope to see you all on Thursday and continue with Wellbeing Week.
Joke of the Day
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 7:11 PM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Storm Barra isn’t impacting on the quality of jokes being sent to Mr Murray for our Joke of the Day competition. The 3rd year girls are on fire so far. Congratulations to Reagan O’Brien who is todays winner ‘What do you call a rich elf? Welfy’
School Closure
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 6:21 PM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
Hi All, I hope everyone is keeping safe and well. As instructed by the DES, we will be closed as well tomorrow ( Wednesday). Where possible teachers will provide work on Teams for their classes. Kind Regards, Denis
FAO All TYs-Hike Cancelled
Created : 07 Dec 2021, 3:07 PM
Archived : 07 Feb 2022, 12:00 AM
I hope you are all keeping safe and staying in from the bad weather. Unfortunately we are going to have to reschedule our Hike tomorrow as there is a Yellow Weather Warning in place tomorrow until 6 p.m. Therefore you will be in school tomorrow following your normal timetable but remember to have a look at the School App for the timetable of events that are taking place tomorrow as part of Wellbeing Week.