Displaying 2421-2430 of 2456 results.
School Opens
Created : 08 Jan 2017, 7:09 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
School re opens tomorrow January 9th at 8.55am after the Christmas break.
Study reminder
Created : 02 Jan 2017, 3:18 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
A reminder that study is on in the school hall from 9 am to 1 pm from tomorrow Tues 3 rd to Fri. 6 th Jan. Students must have a note if leaving early
Christmas Newsletter 2016
Created : 20 Dec 2016, 11:41 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
Christmas Newsletter is now available on the school app under the heading School and then the sub heading Newsletter Please take the time to read same Thank you Happy Christmas
Christmas Get together
Created : 11 Dec 2016, 2:44 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
on Monday night December 12th first year students are holding a get-together to include a nativity play in the school hall at 7 pm. all first year students and their parents/ guardians are invited to attend. looking forward to seeing you there
Mentor/ CAO Night
Created : 06 Dec 2016, 9:10 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
On Wed 7 th Dec a number of guidance counsellors will be in the school to meet with students and their parents to discuss CAO options . Ms King our guidance counsellor has already done a huge amount of work with students regarding their 3 rd level options and the idea behind this evening is to give a further opportunity for students to discuss their options with their parents and guidance counsellors. The individual meetings will be preceded by a very important information session on the move to 3rd level which is a huge change for students. At this session parents will be given financial advice on the cost of 3 red level and ways to fund it , advice on how to stay healthy and ideas on cooking etc and practical advice from a 4 th year 3 rd level student on Accomodation , college services and pitfalls for students to avoid This session starts at 6 pm. All 6 th yrs have been given forms to fill to arrange appointments. Looking forward to seeing you there .
Ladies Football
Created : 06 Dec 2016, 8:47 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
best of luck to the Junior Ladies Football team that play against Ardscoil today in Ballinameela
Created : 06 Dec 2016, 12:22 AM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
Transition Year students are going ice-skating to Cork on Wednesday the 7th December. Departure is at 9am and students will be back by 3.30 pm, in time for buses. Transport and the ice-skating are covered by the TY fee but students should bring money for lunch. Wear PE uniform but bring a change of clothes in case the uniform gets wet. A hat and gloves are advised for the ice rink.
Christmas Exams
Created : 29 Nov 2016, 7:42 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
the exam timetables are now available to view in the examinations section of the app
Senior Camogie
Created : 28 Nov 2016, 3:06 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
Senior Camogie Match tomorrow, leaving at 9am, back for buses. Panel on door of room 16. Please let Ms. Maher or Mr. Fennessy know if you are unable to attend.
Remembrance Service
Created : 23 Nov 2016, 5:40 PM
Archived : 08 Sep 2017, 5:56 AM
Thanks to all who organised and participated in our annual November Remembrance Service this afternoon. As a school community we know. the importance of supporting each other during difficult times and feel comforted by care of all. Thanks especially to our chaplain Caroline for organising the service and to Dean Paul Draper for being with us today.