Displaying 2181-2190 of 2456 results.
Created : 24 Jan 2018, 5:28 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to the teams playing in UL tomorrow in the Munster school finals. Reminder that the bus leaves at 8.45.
Junk Kouture 2018
Created : 23 Jan 2018, 9:12 PM
Archived : 24 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
The Transition Years have been extremely busy getting their costumes ready for this years Junk Kouture competition. they are holding a Fashion show in st. Carthages Hall this Friday 26th of Jan from 1pm to 3pm to showcase their work. Exhibition is open on Sat 27th of Jan from 10am to 5pm by kind permission of Lismore Castle Arts.
Created : 23 Jan 2018, 9:49 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
A brief meeting will be held in room 20 at 11 tomorrow in relation to the Munster school finals. All teams traveling must attend.
Transition Year Business
Created : 23 Jan 2018, 7:13 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
TY Business Studies students took park in an internal competition. They had to create a company and present it. Each student took on different roles of the company and created a juice drink. Congratulations to the winners- Jessica Burke(Chief Executive Officer), Fiona Kenny(Financial Director) and Martha Trapote (Marketing Director). They are seen here receiving their prize of cinema vouchers. Well done to all involved.
2nd Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Created : 23 Jan 2018, 7:07 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
The Parent Teacher Meeting for 2nd Years students will now take place on Monday February 26th at 4pm. Please note change of date
Credit Union Art
Created : 23 Jan 2018, 7:03 PM
Archived : 23 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all students who were successful at this years Lismore & Cappoquin Credit Union Art competition. The winners were presented with their prizes by Andrea Jameson at a ceremony last Friday evening
Ladies Football
Created : 22 Jan 2018, 9:50 PM
Archived : 22 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Best wishes to our Junior ladies footballers in their semi-final vs Kilrush CS tomorrow at 2pm in UL. Bus leaving at 11am. Bring spare gear & dry clothes in case of bad weather!
Under 14 Hurling Training
Created : 22 Jan 2018, 9:38 AM
Archived : 22 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
There will be training for all under 14s tomorrow after school. Collection at 5pm.
Created : 21 Jan 2018, 6:08 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
There will be no badminton on Monday due to parent teacher meeting, badminton will be on Tuesday 4 until 5. This is the last session before the Munster school finals in UL on Thursday.
Certified Irish Angus Beef Competition
Created : 21 Jan 2018, 5:01 PM
Archived : 21 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Certified Irish Angus Beef Schools Competition (report by Fiona Kenny & Lucy Massey) The Certified Irish Angus Beef Schools Competition is a competition for Transition Year students is aimed at promoting Agricultural Science amongst young people and raising awareness of the benefits of the Aberdeen Angus breed of cattle. The first stage of the competition involved submitting a three minute video about ourselves and how we would promote the certified Irish Angus Beef brand. We were delighted to receive the news over the Christmas holidays that we have progressed to the next stage of the competition. This will involve a twenty interview where we will expand on our plans in front of a panel of judges. This will take place on Tuesday January 23rd. The ultimate prize at the end of the competition is five Aberdeen Angus calves which will be presented to the five winning schools at the National Ploughing Championships in September. Best of Luck to Lucy and Fiona.