Displaying 2161-2170 of 2456 results.
East Munster XCountry
Created : 06 Feb 2018, 7:57 AM
Archived : 06 Apr 2018, 12:00 AM
Bus will leave on Thursday after second class at 10.05. Please bring €3 for bus. Weather is forecast to be wet and cold so please bring change of clothes and boots. List of students going will be on door of room 13 today.
Second Year ART
Created : 04 Feb 2018, 7:39 PM
Archived : 04 Apr 2018, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all the 2nd year Art students who took part in Articulation during the week. For the past couple of months Ms Leahy's 2nd year Art class have been diligently preparing for their presentation. Each student picked a piece of art that they are passionate about, researched it and the artist and created a presentation. This was all done with the assistance of Ms Leahy during class time and two lunchtime workshops on presentation skills with Ms Mullane. Each student received a Certificate of Participation and prizes were awarded to 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. 1st place: Mairead Ahern & Jean Curley 2nd place: Viktoria Belych 3rd place: Lilly Ahern A special thank you to Ms O' Brien, Ms Roche and Ms Hegarty who had the difficult job of judging the competition.
French Exchange
Created : 01 Feb 2018, 3:42 PM
Archived : 01 Apr 2018, 12:00 AM
Our French Exchgange students arrived yesterday and today go to make St Brigids Crosses
First Years make Bridgid's Crosses
Created : 31 Jan 2018, 4:09 PM
Archived : 31 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Our First Year students made St Bridgid's Crosses this week with the help of Transition Year students
Under 14 Hurling
Created : 31 Jan 2018, 11:33 AM
Archived : 31 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Training tomorrow lunchtime for all under 14 hurlers. Training match after school on Monday 5th February. Waterford Colleges game on Thursday 8th.
Created : 30 Jan 2018, 6:18 PM
Archived : 30 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Junior and 1st year camogie training will take place Thursday after school
East Munster Schools XCountry
Created : 29 Jan 2018, 5:50 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
All students wishing to attend this event must give their name to Ms Lineen and attend training after school on Thursday - meeting at the school hall. DATE : Thursday February 8th 2018 VENUE W.I.T. Sports Campus, Carriganore TIME 12.30 SHARP EVENTS Minor under 14 on 1st July ‘18Girls 1500m, Boys 2000m Junior under 15 on 1st July ’18 Girls 2000m, Boys 3000m Inter under 17 on 1st July ’18 Girls 3000m, Boys 4500m Senior under 19 on 1st Jan ’18 Girls 2500m, Boys 5000m
French Exchange
Created : 29 Jan 2018, 4:48 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
French exchange meeting tomorrow Room 5 @ 1.25. Please bring in any outstanding Garda Vetting forms, approx 3. Thanks Miss Cashman
Under 14 Hurling Training
Created : 29 Jan 2018, 2:34 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
Training tomorrow after school
Created : 28 Jan 2018, 9:43 PM
Archived : 28 Mar 2018, 12:00 AM
There will be no badminton for the next 2 weeks due to the pre examinations which are being held in the hall. Players can attend local club training: Cappoquin Wednesday nights from 8/9, Lismore Monday nights 1st to 3rd yr 6.30/7.30, TY up from 8 and Ballyduff Tuesday nights from 7,30. School badminton will resume after mid term.