Students from 5th & 6th yr Art Classes and 6th year history class, travelled to Dublin on Tuesday last, arriving for a tour of the National Gallery of Ireland at 11.30 am. This Gallery houses a rich collection of over 12,300 artworks. Spanning the history of western European art from around 13,00 to the present day. Our students viewed highlights from the collection including Irish & European 19th and 20th century key works. Also showing was the AIB Portrait Competition Exhibition which is an annual competition for Portrait artists, with an under 18s category. From here we visited the National Museum, the Archaeology Section, where we were emersed in the beautiful artefacts from Pre Christian and Christian Ireland, as well as Mediaeval and Egyptian artefacts. Exposure to this wonderful national collection first hand will be of great benefit to our students and enhance their understanding and appreciation of our artistic historical legacy. A great day was had by all. Check out the pics, the architecture shots are courtesy of Max Ford 6th yr.
Congratulations to Sam Dennehy (1B) and Gabriel Amado (1A) have won the PBC Science Photography Competition!
This year's theme, Science in Focus, challenged students to capture the essence of science through their lenses. Sam and Gabriel's photographs perfectly capture this theme and showcased their incredible talent and creativity.
Well done to both students!
Congratulations to past pupils from the Leaving Cert. class of 2024, who were recently awarded Quercus Entrance Scholarships.
Photo shows (L – R) Rex O’Sullivan, Giacomo Cammoranesi, Jack Barrett, Harry Wixted & Ben Wrixon
Separate photo shows Mr. Barry with Dylan Swihart who also received an Entrance Scholarship.
All in Pres are very proud of the boys achievements and we wish them well with their studies.
Congratulations to our two past pupils Gene O’Leary Kareem and Ethan Twomey, who were recently awarded sporting Quercus Talented Scholarships in U.C.C.
Gene continues to impress with Munster rugby while Ethan goes from strength to strength with the Cork hurlers.
Photo shows Mr. Barry with Gene O’Leary Kareem at the recent awards ceremony. Ethan is pictured at a hurling promotion as he missed the awards ceremony in U.C.C. as he had a prior commitment with the Cork hurlers.
Well done to all our 1st Yr. students who took part in the annual Preslink walk on Friday 22nd November.
Our 1st Yr. students set off from the school, heading up along the Mardyke Walk, in through Fitzgerald's Park and continued along the back of the Kingsley Hotel to the end of the Lee Fields before returning back the same route.
Thanks to our T.Y. students on the Preslink committee who stewarded the entire route, ensuring our 1st Yr. students were safe throughout the walk. Special mention to all the staff who helped with the smooth running of this event.
This annual event, in addition to all other Preslink fundraising events during the year, raises much needed funds for the Presentation Brothers projects in West Africa.
Thanks to all in the school community, students, parents and staff for their continued support of Preslink.
Dr Richard Hogan delivered an entertaining and well-spoken talk to all years in PBC, discussing how positive thoughts can improve our wellbeing, to be aware of toxic masculinity and to appreciate our lives.
He gave a reminder that it is important to be kind to one another, and that there will always be people who can support you in need.
With the Christmas exams coming up, his comments on how smartphones can impact study quality should be kept in mind by all students.
A big thank you to Dr Horgan for his time and words.
Ivo Kok 6th Yr. student
A brand new crew, a brand new podcasting season, PBC returns to the airwaves next week with the boys currently busy editing and recording voiceovers for episodes 1 and 2.
Cork footballing legend, captain of the immortal 1990 double winning football team and GAA Hall of Fame inductee, Larry Tompkins, joined the boys in studio for a deep dive into his life and career. Sami Flannery of 5th Year plays Rachmaninov and TY student, Robbie Labowicz, native of Chicago, plays a seasonal winterlude.
Also coming up we have a wonderful interview with Dr Richard Hogan, psychotherapist and regular contributor to the RTE Brendan O Connor show; he talks about the stresses facing young men, online influencers, phone addiction and even has some advice for our 1st Years before their Christmas exams!
Ben Wrixon who scored first in the HPAT exam nationally in 2024, returns to Pres to talk about his passion for medicine, empathy and has great advice for any student thinking about medicine as a career.
We also have an exclusive, with Michael Scott of 5th year showcasing his talent with an original song.
Further down the line, we go behind the scenes at the Paris Olympics with current teacher and former Rowing Ireland coach Fran Keane, we hear about life in an all boys high school in St Louis, Missouri and have lots more music and radio drama.
All streaming very soon on PBC Podcast!!!
4th and 5th year French students of Ms. O' Driscoll and Ms. Brodericks classes attended the Cork International Film festival in the Arc Cinema last week for the screening of the new French film 'Les Trois Fantastiques'. Quelle belle journée !