Displaying 1-10 of 378 results.
UCC Law and Business Lecture
Created : 29 Jan 2025, 7:24 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Ian Wallace from UCC paid a visit to the senior cycle students in PBC this week. 


He gave a 1 hour presentation about the Law and Business degree programmes at UCC. These courses offer excellent opportunities for students interested in careers in law, finance, commerce and accountancy.  Students can explore pathways that combine legal expertise with business acumen, opening doors to a wide range of professions. For more details, visit www.ucc.ie  for further information.

UCC BIS Career Talk
Created : 29 Jan 2025, 7:15 PM
Archived : 29 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

We were delighted to welcome two of our past pupils back to the school this week for an informative lecture.


Dr Andrew Pope, now a senior college lecturer in BIS at UCC, was joined by Ruben Skuse, second-year BIS student to share their experiences and insights into the course and career opportunities in Business Information Systems.  The session was highly engaging, and the boys showed great interest, asking thoughtful questions and learning a lot about the potential pathways in this field.  It was an inspiring visit that highlighted the success and achievements of our former students.

UCC Arts and Humanities Guest Speaker
Created : 25 Jan 2025, 11:49 AM
Archived : 25 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM


We would like to extend our gratitude to Helene O'Keeffe from UCC for visiting our 4th year students to speak about the Arts and Humanities 3 year degree course. The session was both informative and inspiring, giving our students valuable insights into the opportunities and pathways this programme offers:

  • Why study Arts and Humanities?
  • Student life and the ‘Connected Curriculum’ at UCC
  • UCC’s Arts Degree (CK101/CK108): Choices and Possibilities
  • Career paths/employability for arts graduates
  • UCC’s other arts and humanities programmes


Quercus Talented Students Programme
Created : 25 Jan 2025, 11:36 AM
Archived : 25 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

We were delighted to welcome Michelle Power from UCC Quercus Talented Students Programme to our school last week to discuss its prestigious scholarship programme. The session provided students with invaluable insights into the range of scholarships available, the application process, and the incredible opportunities these awards offer for academic, sport and personal growth. Students had the chance to ask questions and learn how they can take steps toward earning a scholarship. It was an inspiring and informative visit, highlighting the pathways to success through hard work and dedication.  

We would also like to thank Sean Condon, past pupil of PBC and current Quercus scholar, and Tomas O'Leary, Head of UCC rugby for accompanying Michelle on her visit to PBC.


ISTA Science Photography Winner!
Created : 09 Jan 2025, 12:10 PM
Archived : 09 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM
We are thrilled to share that Sam Dennehy in 1B has achieved Junior 2nd place in the Irish Science Teachers Association photography competition.
Sam's photo entry of the plant cell which he captured in science class through the lens of his microscope fits the themed of this year's competition captured how scientific discoveries have transformed our lives, demonstrating a keen eye for both science and the art of photography.
Sam's photo entry was up against junior students across Ireland so well done on this fantastic achievement! 
Pres. student writes top Irish essay in the country!
Created : 06 Jan 2025, 3:23 PM
Archived : 06 Mar 2025, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to 4th Yr. student, Dario Cammoranesi, who achieved joint 1st place for his Irish essay in the Junior Cycle in June. 

Dario was presented with a certificate from the Department of Education in acknowledgement of his achievement. 

Congratulations also to Dario’s Junior Cycle Irish teacher, Mr. Jones. 


Photo shows Dario with Mr. Jones, Irish teacher and Mr. Barry, Principal

Thank You from Preslink!
Created : 19 Dec 2024, 10:43 AM
Archived : 20 Feb 2025, 12:00 AM

Preslink was founded in October 2005 with the purpose of raising awareness about, and forging links with Presentation Brothers schools around the world. In addition to this, Preslink works to help financially support Pres. schools in Africa.

Since September of this school year, through the various fundraising activities, Preslink has raised €19,432.78 This is phenomenal sum of money and we are very appreciative of the kindness and generosity of the parents of our students and the many local businesses that support Preslink.

Preslink is kept alive in our school through activities such as the sponsored walk for our 1st Yr. students, bag-packing in Dunnes Stores for our 2nd and 3rd Yrs., Christmas Raffle and the Christmas Carol Concert.

The total funds raised by Preslink to date, since its founding in 2005, is approx. €400,000. While this is a significant sum of money, it is as important to us that Preslink helps us all to remember the Presentation Brothers and the link between ‘The Brothers’ and us.

Preslink always welcomes new sponsors and we are happy to put people or businesses in contact with the Presentation Brothers if they wish to get involved in directly sponsoring projects in West Africa.

The image shows our sponsors to date!!!

Thank you.

Annual Carol Concert for PRESLINK
Created : 16 Dec 2024, 2:35 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2025, 12:00 AM

The annual Preslink Christmas Carol Concert was another huge success again this year! 

It was a lovely evening in the College Theatre decorated to fit the occasion. There was so much talent on show with performances from students, staff and special guests this year were the 'Cork Prison Officers Male Voice Choir'.

The concert, in addition to the raffle at the interval, helped raise vital funds for Presentation Brothers Projects in West Africa. 

This event could not have been possible without so much help, good will and sponsors - thank you all!!

This is a great night not to be missed!


S.H.A.R.E. Launch 2024
Created : 16 Dec 2024, 2:01 PM
Archived : 16 Feb 2025, 12:00 AM

Good luck to all the 5th Yr. students in Presentation Brothers College and the other city schools, who are currently collecting for S.H.A.R.E. 

This annual S.H.A..R.E. collection raises vital funds for the running of S.H.A.R.E. for the year ahead. 

Photos show the launch of S.H.A.R.E. 2024 attended by the Lord Mayor of Cork, Cllr. Dan Boyle, Bishop of Cork and Ross, Bishop Fintan Gavin and Church of Ireland Bishop of Cork, Cloyne and Ross, Paul Colton.

1st Year History Christmas Quiz
Created : 13 Dec 2024, 1:15 PM
Archived : 13 Feb 2025, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to all the participants in the First Year History Quiz which took place at the end of November. 
A presentation was made today to the many winners. 

In first place came Sam Quirke, Eli Lee, Harry O’Callaghan and Charlie Ryan from 1/B.
In joint second place, we had Mark Kelly, Billy Powell, Deane Aherne and Eamon Bang- Lyons from 1/B and Eanna Hogan, Teddy Gallagher, Micheal Mullins and Eoghan Looney from 1/A.

Such was the level of excellence we had 4 teams in joint third place! 
From 1/A we had Adam Hegarty, Thaddeus Mooney Flanagan, Jakub Wierzbicki and David Calvin.
From 1/C we had two teams - Matthew O’Neill, Liam O’Keeffe, Tom Philip, Joe Thomas and from the second team in 1/C Eanna Ronan, Tim O’Herlihy, Conor Graham and Adam Fitzgerald.
Last but not least we had from 1/D Richard Barry, Daithi Lane, Henry Ryan and James Barrett. 

Many thanks to all our colleagues who helped on the day and to Michael Jordan for his help with setting the gym up for the Quiz. Many thanks too to John Connaughton for providing prizes. A very big thank you must be extended to all pupils in 3/D who were so helpful. They did an excellent job as correctors, collectors, setters up, and general back up personnel.
And as always thanks so much to Management for their support. It’s very much appreciated.

Congratulations again to all the budding historians and have a lovely Christmas.