Displaying 1351-1360 of 1741 results.
Science Week 2019
Created : 11 Nov 2019, 9:12 AM
Archived : 11 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Throughout November Naas CBS will be celebrating Science
Some activities include:
Senior Classes: Astronomy Workshop, Forensics Workshop
Junior Classes: Local Biodiversity tours, Scrabble Challenge
We hope everyone gets stuck in. Enjoy!
Science Department
6th Year Parent Teacher Meeting
Created : 04 Nov 2019, 4:42 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
As per our school calendar the 6th Year Parent Teacher meeting will take place Wednesday 13th November from 4.15 - 6.45pm. School will finish at 3.45pm. Please be advised that there will be NO after school study except for 6th Years. Night study will go ahead as usual for 6th Years.
Your son is going home this evening with a letter for parents. Please ensure you have this letter with your sons list of teachers on Wednesday.
Kind regards,
Ben Travers
Reasonable Accommodations at Junior Cycle 2020
Created : 25 Sep 2019, 4:00 PM
Archived : 11 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
IMPORTANT: For all current 3rd Yr students: Any student who might qualify for Reasonable Accommodation in the Junior Cycle 2020 (Dyslexia/learning difficulties etc) please contact Ms. K. Phibbs if you have not already been in touch with her at kp@naascbs.ie
Many thanks,
Ms Power
Credit Union Art Competition
Created : 08 Nov 2019, 12:46 PM
Archived : 08 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Mark Sargent and James Tierney, first year art students, who recently won awards In the Life Credit Union Art Competition.
Mark achieved 2nd place and James achieved 3rd place both in the 11-13 age category. Please click 'view gallery' to view all photographs.
Well done to both students.
Notification - Case of Mumps
Created : 08 Nov 2019, 12:15 PM
Archived : 08 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Please see notice below from HSE regarding a case of mumps that has been reported in our School.
Information in relation to any concerns you may have are detailed below.
Any further queries please contact the School.
Kind regards Rory Purcell.
School Ski Trips
Created : 08 Nov 2019, 10:30 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Hi All.. Some parents have been enquiring about the clothing that the boys will need on the Ski Tour. The following may be helpful:
Your son should bring with him, the required clothing as outlined below. The temperatures can vary year to year but have been as low as –20C (But he will be in the hotel) at night and -5C to -10C by day, so it is important that he should have enough clothing to account for these temperatures. Remember that a number of layers of thin clothing are much more effective than thick heavy items. Also please ensure ample change of socks / underwear, etc.
re .. Clothing / Footwear and Ski wear to be organised / bought / borrowed etc?
• Ski Jacket / Good waterproof jacket with tight fitting cuffs and Ski Pants (Salopettes)..
• Base layers examples.. Body warmer / Micro fleece / Sweatshirts / T-shirts. (Many thin layers are more effective than thick bulky layer.)
• Ski socks / Ski Gloves / Hat.
(Helmets are compulsory in Italy but they are provided as part of the Ski Pack included in Price)
• Goggles / Sunglasses. (Goggles are necessary if the weather is snowey otherwise Sunglasses are fine)
• Sun block (very important) and lip salve / balm.
• Strepsils / Blister plasters / Volterol rub. Any other basic medication that he might need.
• Shoes / runners / for wearing, around the hotel when not skiing. (He will not need snow boots / boots in this resort as it is doorstep skiing hotel)
Any other Queries then please email nr@naascbs.ie or mm@naascbs.ie
Niall Rennick
Rotary Youth Leadership Development Competition
Created : 08 Nov 2019, 8:47 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to Eoin Keogh in 5th Year who was successful in the Rotary interviews held yesterday evening here in our school.
Eoin will now go forward and take part in the Club Final which will be held in Naas next week.
The very best of luck to Eoin as he progresses through this competition.
Mock Interviews 2019
Created : 07 Nov 2019, 8:07 AM
Archived : 08 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Any Sixth Year student who has yet to submit their CV would they kindly do so immediately by email to mcy@naascbs.ie
Thank You
Maura Conneely
Mock Interview Co-Ordinator
Work Experience Documentation
Created : 07 Nov 2019, 10:17 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
All our Transition Year students will begin their School Work Experience programme on Monday 11th November. This is a fabulous opportunity for them and I hope it will be both positive and beneficial. I wish them well. Completed Parent Consent forms are due back to the school tomorrow.
By now, all students should have picked up the necessary documentation for their Employer / Supervisor and their Daily Diary sheets for completion while on Work Experience. If for whatever reason they haven't done so, then they need to see me first thing in the morning.
If you need clarification or further information please email nr@naascbs.ie
Kind Regards
Niall Rennick
Transition Year Manchester Trips
Created : 07 Nov 2019, 9:56 PM
Archived : 07 Jan 2020, 12:00 AM
Please note the following with respect to the end of year Transition Year Trips to Manchester. The cost of the trips is as follows. For the Manchester City trip the total cost is €249 pp and for the Manchester Utd / Chill factor trip the cost is €259. Payments can now be made online by logging onto www.topflightforschools.ie
then "make a payment",
Booking ref. 12778: 25th April trip - Manchester United
Booking ref. 12779 17th May trip - Manchester City password: cbsnaas
scroll down to find name, and complete payment.
Another€50 is due now and full payment is due by end of February 2020. You can continue to make payments as you wish.
If you have any problems with making a payment please email me nr@naascbs.ie
Niall Rennick