Displaying 41-50 of 2456 results.
Under 14 Hurling
Created : 02 Apr 2024, 3:31 PM
Archived : 02 Jun 2024, 12:00 AM
Reminder of match tomorrow in school throw in is at 11.15 so if you can please be in dressing rooms for 10.45 please. 
Easter Midterm
Created : 22 Mar 2024, 6:11 PM
Archived : 22 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter Hols . We also wish the very best to our Leaving Cert students who are starting the Oral Language part of their exams tomorrow.
Happy Easter
Created : 22 Mar 2024, 4:38 PM
Archived : 22 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Happy Easter to all Staff, Students, Parents & Guardians of BCS. We wish all our LC students well with their Oral Examinations over the next few Days !
Easter Newsletter
Created : 22 Mar 2024, 3:49 PM
Archived : 22 May 2024, 12:00 AM

Our newsletter is now ready to read on our school tab by clicking Newsletter

Badminton All Ireland
Created : 21 Mar 2024, 7:34 PM
Archived : 21 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Well done to the boys and girls teams for representing our school in Gormanstown on Wednesday. They were competitive in all games and we are all proud of them. 
Leaving Cert Oral Exams
Created : 21 Mar 2024, 7:14 PM
Archived : 21 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Can all 6th Year students who are completing their Leaving Cert language orals over the Easter break please check Teams or consult with your Irish and MFL teachers tomorrow (Friday) regarding the confirmed schedule for oral exams over the coming week.
Congratulations to our TY Drama All Ireland Champions
Created : 19 Mar 2024, 8:49 PM
Archived : 19 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Congratulations to our TY All Ireland Drama Champions. We won most entertaining performance and Tim, Prince charming won best actor in a supporting role. Well done to Fiona and Brendan from the Music Department. 
All Ireland Badminton Finals
Created : 19 Mar 2024, 2:13 PM
Archived : 19 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Best of luck to our Boys and Girls competing in the All Ireland Badminton Finals in Gormanstown tomorrow. 
Garage Band
Created : 19 Mar 2024, 7:18 AM
Archived : 19 May 2024, 12:00 AM
There will be no Garage Band session on Tuesday. I’ll be in Cork with the Briery Gap all day. 
All Ireland Drama Finals
Created : 18 Mar 2024, 8:25 PM
Archived : 18 May 2024, 12:00 AM
Best wishes to our TY Students who are competing tomorrow in the All Ireland Schools’ Drama finals in Cork Opera House !!