Displaying 301-310 of 2456 results.
Exam Timetables
Created : 27 May 2023, 6:10 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Reminder that the State Exam Timetables JC, LCA and LC and our 1st, 2nd and 5th Year exam timetables are available to view in the Examination TAB under SCHOOL

BCS Creative Writing Exhibition
Created : 27 May 2023, 5:55 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

The BCS Creative Writing exhibition is extended out to collaborate with Immrama Writing festival.

It would lovely to encourage staff, students and parents to pop in and support our creative writers.


See the exhibition at the following Link


Leaving Certificate Update
Created : 27 May 2023, 2:36 PM
Archived : 27 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM
From: State Examinations Commission To: info Subject: Intended Date for issue of Leaving Certificate Dear Principal The purpose of this email at this time is to let you know that the State Examinations Commission has today, announced its intention to issue the 2023 Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied examination results to candidates on Friday 25 August. The intended Leaving Certificate results day of Friday 25 August is a full week earlier than the 2022 results date. This follows extensive work by the SEC to improve the timeline to the greatest possible degree taking account of all of the factors which feed into the process and ensuring adequate time for extensive checks and balances. Details of the Press Release issued by the SEC today is available on our website and is accessible here We appreciate your assistance in alerting candidates, parents/guardians of the intended date of results. Further information will issue to all candidates in the Candidate Information Guide, which will issue in the coming days directly to candidate email addresses. Regards Richard Dolan Director of Operations
Macbeth in Lismore Castle
Created : 25 May 2023, 6:01 PM
Archived : 25 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM
The 21 students attending the performance of the opera Macbeth in Lismore Castle on Monday 29th please meet Ms Tobin and Ms O Regan at the carpark at 7.30pm sharp. Parents can collect at 11pm from the carpark. As it is an outdoor performance, it can get cold so please wear something warm. No food can be consumed during the performance but you may eat at the interval if you wish. Please contact Ms Tobin on Teams if you are not attending.
Important Information for LC and JC students from the State Exams Commission
Created : 24 May 2023, 2:14 PM
Archived : 24 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Dear Principal

Thank you for your continued support with the preparations for the 2023 examinations.

As we get closer to the written examinations, we continue to require your assistance in communicating some very important messages to Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Candidates.

As you are aware, we have migrated to online marking of candidates’ examination answers on a phased basis over the last number of years.   We have found this to be a very positive experience for all, including for examiners in the marking of scripts and for Leaving Certificate candidates when it comes to the viewing of scripts. 

We have prepared a short video which sets out some very important information to candidates in relation to the completion of their examinations and we require your assistance in ensuring that the video is brought to the attention of candidates.   The video contains key messages for candidates including:

·    how they should provide key information on the front cover of their answer books that is essential to ensure their scripts are processed accurately and effectively;

·    and the correct writing instruments that they should use in the examinations to ensure examiners can read their complete scripts. 

This video can be found under the heading “Information for Candidates” at https://www.examinations.ie/?l=en&mc=ex&sc=e23

We would greatly appreciate if you would bring this to the attention of Leaving Certificate and Junior Cycle candidates in your school as follows:

·     by playing the video in the classroom;

·     by sharing it on your  social media platforms;

·     by including it in email communications or in any way that you regularly contact your Junior Cycle and Leaving Certificate Candidates.

Colour Run Prizegiving
Created : 23 May 2023, 7:11 PM
Archived : 23 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Congratulations to all our winners of this years Colour Run!! There is still some money and charity nominations coming in and donations will be sent to these next week.

BCS TY Creative Writing Workshop.
Created : 23 May 2023, 11:29 AM
Archived : 23 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM


Students prepare for their involvement in the BCS Creative Writing Community links project being held in Lismore Library on the 16_24th May.

All BCS students are welcome to enter their creative writing pieces.

Please contact Ms.Howard/Mr.O'Brien for further information.

Chess Tournament Winners!!
Created : 19 May 2023, 2:00 PM
Archived : 23 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

A very well done to everyone who participated in the chess club. The results are as follows First place: Illia Bandov Second place: Fiennes McCormac Third place: Robert Riordan Fourth place: Conor OBrien

End of Year Notification
Created : 19 May 2023, 5:08 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM
Dear Parents/Guardians As our 6th year students prepare to leave BCS we are looking forward to celebrating their years with us by holding a Graduation Day and Mass next Wednesday May 24th. We are endeavouring to make it a special and innovative day. It will involve a Coffee Morning with Staff and Students having an opportunity to catch up on casual conversations regarding their life at BCS and the handing out of Yearbooks. This will be followed by a variety of novelty combined activities for Staff and Students to share and enjoy together. We truly hope this will be a landmark event at BCS and will provide enduring memories of their final day at our school. All other year groups will be asked to stay at home on Wednesday 24th , this will provide the opportunity to study and prepare for their Summer exams. 1st & 2nd year students will comence their exams on Tuesday May 30th and 5th year students on Friday May 26th . 3rd years will remain in class until Friday May 26th . We wish to remind parents/ guardians that all students are required to wear their full black/grey school uniform in exam centres for both state and house exams,( PE is not allowed) we greatly appreciate your co-operation in this matter. Kind Regards, Denis , Maurice & Maria
Mindful May Poster Competition
Created : 19 May 2023, 12:00 PM
Archived : 19 Jul 2023, 12:00 AM

Well done to everyone who participated in this week's competition and congratulations to our winners. 1st - Ksenija Belych 6th year 2nd - Chloe Power 1st year 3rd - Ava Reddy 2nd year